Tag Archives: stately pleasures

Stately Pleasures is Now Available in French! #translations #french #francais #romancebooks

Hi everyone,

I’m delighted to announce that Stately Pleasures is now available in French – titled Le Manoir des plaisirs.

Here’s the blurb:

Alice Brown vient de décrocher l’emploi de ses rêves en tant que gestionnaire de biens immobiliers au Manoir de Davenport, un domaine britannique. Il ne s’agit que d’un contrat de neuf mois pour couvrir un congé de maternité, mais il lui apportera l’expérience vitale dont elle a besoin pour progresser dans la carrière qu’elle a choisie.

Cependant, le travail de ses rêves menace de se transformer en cauchemar lorsqu’elle découvre son patron, Jeremy Davenport, dans une position compromettante. Son choc est exacerbé lorsque Jeremy, loin d’être embarrassé ou de s’excuser de ce qui s’est passé, manipule la situation jusqu’à ce que, d’une manière ou d’une autre, ce soit elle qui soit en tort. Lui et son meilleur ami Ethan Hayes, le chef de la sécurité du manoir Davenport, lui posent un ultimatum. Face à la possibilité de perdre son emploi et de compromettre ses perspectives d’avenir, Alice accepte à contrecœur leur proposition indécente.

Lorsque la tension retombe, Alice en vient à la conclusion que jouer à leurs jeux pervers n’est pas une si mauvaise chose, après tout. Mais que se passe-t-il lorsqu’elle pense tomber amoureuse des deux hommes ?

You can get your copy here: https://books2read.com/lemanoirdesplaisirs

As always, if you lovelies know of any French readers who might like to check it out, please let them know. It’s super tricky for me to reach them, so any help is massively appreciated.

Happy Reading!
Lucy x

New French and Danish Translations Coming Soon! #translations #french #francais #danish #dansk #romancebooks

Hi everyone,

I hope you have a fabulous weekend planned. I’m hoping to get up to the Peak District to see some of the heather in bloom on the moors.

I have exciting news – albeit for French and Danish readers. September is due to bring not one, but two translations! On 7th September, the fabulous folks at Juno Publishing are releasing Stately Pleasures in French – titled Le Manoir des plaisirs.

Here’s the blurb:

Alice Brown vient de décrocher l’emploi de ses rêves en tant que gestionnaire de biens immobiliers au Manoir de Davenport, un domaine britannique. Il ne s’agit que d’un contrat de neuf mois pour couvrir un congé de maternité, mais il lui apportera l’expérience vitale dont elle a besoin pour progresser dans la carrière qu’elle a choisie.

Cependant, le travail de ses rêves menace de se transformer en cauchemar lorsqu’elle découvre son patron, Jeremy Davenport, dans une position compromettante. Son choc est exacerbé lorsque Jeremy, loin d’être embarrassé ou de s’excuser de ce qui s’est passé, manipule la situation jusqu’à ce que, d’une manière ou d’une autre, ce soit elle qui soit en tort. Lui et son meilleur ami Ethan Hayes, le chef de la sécurité du manoir Davenport, lui posent un ultimatum. Face à la possibilité de perdre son emploi et de compromettre ses perspectives d’avenir, Alice accepte à contrecœur leur proposition indécente.

Lorsque la tension retombe, Alice en vient à la conclusion que jouer à leurs jeux pervers n’est pas une si mauvaise chose, après tout. Mais que se passe-t-il lorsqu’elle pense tomber amoureuse des deux hommes ?

You can pre-order it here: https://books2read.com/lemanoirdesplaisirs

And on 30th September, the wonderful people of Baadsgaards Books bring my novella, Off the Shelf, to the Danish market, titled Pebermø.

Here’s the blurb:

Den 35-årige rejseskribent Annalise er træt af kommentarer om sin status som pebermø. Egentlig vil hun gerne have en mand, men hun har for travlt med karrieren. Annalise finder sin fysiske tilfredsstillelse via forbigående bekendtskaber, men hun ønsker sig en mand, som kan være der for hende på flere planer.

Heldet ser ud til at være med hende, da en ny medarbejder starter i lufthavnens boghandel. Damien opfylder tilsyneladende alle krav: Han er flot, sjov og intelligent, og han deler Annalises kærlighed til bøger og rejser. Problemet er, at Damien er genert, og Annalise er skrækslagen for at blive afvist.

Kan Annalise overvinde frygten, eller er hendes skæbne at være pebermø for tid og evighed?

Pebermø er en hed kortroman af prisvindende Lucy Felthouse, hvor det at have en hemmelig beundrer sætter stærke følelser i spil.

No pre-order information yet, but when I have it I will post an update. In the meantime, Danish readers can check out my two previous Danish titles here.

As always, if you lovelies know of any French or Danish readers who might like to check out these books, please let them know. It’s super tricky for me to reach them, so any help is massively appreciated.

Happy Reading!
Lucy x

Moonstone and Stately Pleasures are on Sale! #sale #books #bookbargains #romance #menage #rh #reverseharem #whychoose #rhromance

Hi folks,

I know we’ve just come out of the Black Friday/Cyber Monday sales (for once, my credit card actually got a battering – but mostly because I was waiting to buy stuff in the hope it’d be reduced, rather than buying stuff I didn’t want/need), but I have some amazing bookish bargains for you.

If you’re now looking to get in the Christmas mood, then you’ll be delighted to know the eBook of my Christmas-themed steamy reverse harem romance, Moonstone, is reduced to just 99c/p until 9th December at all the usual retailers! This should also mean Audible users will be able to Whispersync and get the amazing audiobook at a bargain price, too.

Secondly, this is one for Barnes & Noble/Nook shoppers. My BDSM menage, Stately Pleasures, is just $1.99 until the 12th December.

So, what are you waiting for? Get clicking and add these books to your eReaders today!

Happy Reading!

Lucy x

Stately Pleasures is Now Available in Audiobook Format! #audio #audiobook #audible #bdsm #menage

Hi folks,

I’m ridiculously excited to announce that Stately Pleasures, the first full-length book I ever wrote, is now available in audiobook format! Superb narration by Frankie Holland has truly bought this kinky book to life.

Here’s what it’s all about:

There are worse things a girl can do to get a boost up the career ladder.

Alice Brown has just landed her dream job as property manager at Davenport Manor, a British stately home. It’s only a nine-month contract to cover maternity leave, but it will provide her with the vital experience she needs to progress in her chosen career.

However, her dream job soon threatens to become a nightmare when she discovers her boss, Jeremy Davenport, in a compromising position. Her shock is exacerbated when Jeremy, far from being embarrassed or apologetic about what happened, manipulates the situation until somehow, she’s the one in the wrong. He and his best friend, Ethan Hayes, the head of security at Davenport Manor, give her an ultimatum. Faced with the possibility of losing her job and endangering her future prospects, Alice reluctantly agrees to their indecent proposal.

When the dust settles, Alice comes to the conclusion that playing their kinky games isn’t such a bad thing, after all. But what happens when she thinks she’s falling for both men?

Listen here (iTunes links coming soon):
Amazon UK
Amazon US
Audible UK
Audible US

Happy Listening!
Lucy x

Mid Week Tease: She frowned. A caller looking for her? #erorom #romance #steamy

mid-week-tease-buttonHi everyone,

Welcome back to Mid Week Tease! This week I’m sharing another snippet from The Other Brother, a M/F steamy erotic romance novella which is a perfect quick read in between holiday tasks. It follows on directly from last week’s. I hope you enjoy it!

The Other BrotherShe pressed the button. “Hello?”

“Hi,” a male voice said. “Are you Melodie? Melodie Carr?”

“I am.” She frowned. A caller looking for her? Had she ordered something and forgotten about it? “Who’s calling?”

“It’s Patrick,” came the reply. “Patrick Brogan.”

“Patrick…” Gaping, she laid a hand on the wall to steady herself as the bottom dropped out of her world. Evidently, running to New York City—albeit under the pretence of a good career move—hadn’t been enough. Her past still followed her, trying to flood her with reminders of what she’d lost.


Christ, the man’s persistent. She never should have admitted her identity before asking his. She could have told him he’d got the wrong address and sent him away.

Not that it would have worked. There was only one place he could have got her details—her parents. Plus, she was one of the few residents who had a name next to her button on the panel outside.

“Are you there?”

Damn her parents. Damn her late fiancé’s brother. Why couldn’t they just leave her alone?

A moment ago she’d been craving a familiar face, and now there was one outside, waiting to get in. She should let him come up—it wasn’t his fault his brother had died, after all. He’d been as devastated as her.

She buzzed him in. “Come on up.”

Grab your copy now: https://lucyfelthouse.co.uk/published-works/the-other-brother/

Don’t forget to check out all the other blogs taking part!

Mid Week Tease: …there’s no such thing as too much eye candy. #erorom #romance #steamy

mid-week-tease-buttonHi everyone,

Welcome back to Mid Week Tease! This week I’m switching to another book – The Other Brother, a M/F steamy erotic romance novella which is a perfect quick read in between holiday tasks. I hope you enjoy it!

The Other BrotherMelodie Carr clicked delete on the email with a disappointed sigh. She couldn’t contribute to the charity calendar, despite the cause being very close to her heart, as she didn’t know anyone suitable to photograph. Although her photography work varied; from children to pets, landscapes to portraits, the call for calendar models sought hunky guys who would make women swoon. Unfortunately, she didn’t work with professional models and therefore had to give up on the idea. A cute dog, something she had plenty of images of, simply wouldn’t cut it.

A thought occurred to her. She may not be able to contribute, but she could find out when the calendar would be available and do her bit to help by buying a few copies. Some eye candy on her wall would definitely not go amiss, and her friends Poppy, Lola, and Charis, and her grandmother, Joyce, would no doubt appreciate it. She grinned. Joyce, always good fun, said, there’s no such thing as too much eye candy. The saucy old broad.

Her smile faded. She missed her, having not been back to Boston to see her friends and family for a while. She should ask Joyce to come and visit her in New York—she hadn’t traveled much, and would love the hustle and bustle, the endless opportunities to people watch. Maybe Melodie and the rest of the family could club together and buy her a ticket for her birthday. It sure would be nice to see a familiar face. Skype was great, but it wasn’t the same as being with someone in person.

The buzzer to her apartment went off. Melodie groaned. With so many numbers on the panel outside that didn’t have names on them due to a high rotation of occupants, visitors often rang her place to see who lived where. She’d lost count of the number of times she had to direct visitors and delivery men to the right part of the building.

She took her time getting to the intercom, hoping whoever it was would go away. No such luck—the buzzer squawked again. She inhaled deeply, trying to rein in her annoyance and avoid being rude or abrupt.

Grab your copy now: https://lucyfelthouse.co.uk/published-works/the-other-brother/

Don’t forget to check out all the other blogs taking part!