If You Could Choose… by Cheryl Dragon

Rough LandingWomen are resilient. Throughout history, we’ve adapted to whatever crazy ideas/laws men have laid down (like killing ‘witches’).

We out live men…raise kids solo when the men don’t stick around. Women stick together and help each other out. Think Golden Girls…it’s not about sex. (If you haven’t seen the Golden Girls…go watch some of that show! Betty White was retired way before she was Hot in Cleveland). Women, the right women, understand each other and get through things together—as friends.

Three of the Golden Girls were widowed…Dorothy was divorced but even with a jerk for an ex, she still liked men. We can’t choose, we’re wired how we’re wired…blue eyes, brown hair, tall or not—gay or straight.

If you could change it, would you? I know plenty of women with evil ex-husbands who might prefer to fall in love with their best friend…no risk of pregnancy. Double the wardrobe…

Don’t think about the sex part…just think if you’d been dealt the opposite orientation. Probably isn’t comfortable. Then again, some people are bisexual…in the middle of that sexy spectrum. That can be harder still. People like labels and categories. It gives us the illusion of control. But in the end, it doesn’t matter (unless you want to date that person in question…then their sexual orientation does matter).

The bottom line is…We can’t change who we are. But we can support equality for all. Two men together is hot! Two women together is hot! Reading either types of stories doesn’t change who you are. We can like all sorts of stories…

Being June and Pride month…I hope everyone comes out in favor of marriage equality! And, like the Golden Girls often did…try something new. It’ll give you something to talk about with your friends over cheesecake!



Kate Pacinelli has been infatuated with fellow flight attendant Stephanie Carlson for months. While Kate is out, Steph’s preferences are a mystery. The former cheerleader has a complicated, bisexual past.

It’s a smooth ride for both women until a rough landing shakes them up and changes their relationship.

Hot sex in private doesn’t translate to the public relationship Kate is looking for. She’s fallen for women afraid to come out before and won’t have her heart toyed with again. When Steph avoids conversations and labels with expert seduction, Kate refuses to play closet games. Steph will have to come out or risk losing Kate for good.

A Romantica® lesbian erotic romance from Ellora’s Cave

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