Mid Week Tease: “It’s gorgeous. I love it already.” #reverseharem #whychoose

mid-week-tease-buttonHi everyone,

Welcome back to Mid Week Tease! This week I’m sharing more from Mia’s Wedding, the second book in The Heiress’s Harem series, which just released and is now available to read in Kindle Unlimited. It’s also available in paperback and audiobook formats.

Mia's Wedding“Wow,” Mia said as they boarded the boat, catching sight of the interior. “This is stunning. It’s like a limousine on water.”

“That’s exactly what it is, ma’am,” the man she assumed was the captain said with a smile. “There’s everything you need in here—champagne, of course, minibar, climate control, music system and even WiFi. You just head on inside, then sit back and enjoy the journey.”

Elias shook the man’s hand. “We intend to, thank you so much.”

They passed through the door, and Mia walked carefully along the aisle as she grew used to the movement of the vessel on the water, taking in the seats—probably Italian leather—the plush carpet, the polished-wood surfaces, the ambient lighting courtesy of spotlights set in the ceiling, the beautiful display of flowers next to the ice bucket which held their champagne… He’s gone to a hell of a lot of effort, here. But then I suppose we are technically on our first date. I’m not sure the Aventador weekend counts, does it?

She smiled fondly as she remembered the weekend she, Elias, and Alex had enjoyed in Kent, as she’d sped around a track in a ludicrously expensive sports car. Elias had won the experience for her at a charity auction—the auction at which the three of them had first met—and Alex, who wasn’t short of money himself, had embellished it by renting out the race track for her so she could really put the car through its paces.

There was a gentle thud, and she turned to find Elias had closed the door, sealing them in to the cabin, mercifully keeping out the cold. She felt a little sorry for the captain, but he’d looked to be well wrapped up. At least it wasn’t raining.

“What do you think?” Elias asked, taking off his jacket and laying it carefully, almost like it was a new-born baby, down on one of the seats. He gave it a little pat before straightening up.

“It’s gorgeous. I love it already.”

The boat’s engine fired, and they didn’t try to talk for a moment until the machine settled into its rhythm and the captain steered it away from the pier. “I’m glad. Shall we sit?”

They settled onto the luxurious cream leather seats at the back of the boat, meaning they could look left and right to admire the various views and landmarks of the city, rather than having their backs to anything.

“Would you like some champagne? Or something to eat?” He indicated a platter of snacks, including grapes, cheese, and vol-au-vents.
“Not just yet. Are you going to tell me where we’re going?”

Buy Mia’s Wedding or read in Kindle Unlimited: https://lucyfelthouse.co.uk/published-works/mias-wedding/

Don’t forget to check out all the other blogs taking part!

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