My Sexy Saturday #34 – Do You Think I’m Sexy? #MySexySaturday

My Sexy Saturday

Welcome back to My Sexy Saturday. This is where writers post either 7 words, 7 sentences or 7 paragraphs from their published work or work in progress, sticking to the week’s theme. This week’s theme is do you think I’m sexy? I’m sharing an excerpt from my brand new paranormal erotic romance novel, Pack of Lies, which released yesterday!

“Yes,” he said, picking up his glass and downing the amber liquid in one. “Yes I do.”

“Christ,” she said, eyeing the empty glass, “I don’t know whether to be flattered or offended by the speed you just gulped down that drink.”

“Flattered.” He grinned. “Most definitely flattered.”

“Hmm, okay then. But you’ll have to wait more than two seconds for me to finish mine. I’ve barely started it yet!”

“Not a problem. Take your time.”

Sally narrowed her eyes, seemingly not quite believing him. Then she picked up her drink and sipped at it. Slowly, delicately.

The wench—she was fucking teasing him! What’s more, he realized as more blood thundered to his dick, he liked it.

You can buy Pack of Lies here.

Please use the list below to head on over to the other blogs participating in My Sexy Saturday, and don’t forget to leave us all comments, we love ’em!

Happy Reading,

Lucy x

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