Saturday Spankings #13 – #SatSpanks

Saturday Spankings-467x200I’m excited to be taking part in Saturday Spankings again! This is basically a hop where authors post eight-ish sentences from a spanking book and link back to the other authors taking part. So, here goes, here’s my spanking snippet, which is from Grand Slam, a novel I co-authored with Lily Harlem, which is out now:

I was just about to lift my hand and land the first blow when I remembered something. I leaned down to one side to murmur into her ear, “Hey, Marie. You may want to scream and shout and tell me to stop. But you might not really mean it, and I may not know the difference. So if you really and truly want me to stop, then you have to use your safe word. It can be ‘shower’, okay?”

She nodded and I wondered if she realized the significance of the word I’d chosen. It was the place where we’d first seen each other. She might already be too in the moment to get it and I wasn’t going to ruin that now by mentioning it.

I hope you enjoyed that snippet! You can grab the book here. And then see the below list to hop to the other authors taking part…

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