Saturday Spankings #2 – #SatSpanks

Saturday Spankings-467x200I’m excited to be taking part in Saturday Spankings again! This is basically a hop where authors post eight-ish sentences from a spanking book and link back to the other authors taking part. So, here goes, here’s my spanking snippet, taken from my fem-dom short story anthology, Punish Me Good:

Avery decided to go the whole nine yards on this particular occasion and she picked up the most brutal tool in her possession. Carrying the switch over to where Malachi stood prone, Avery positioned herself behind him purposely so he couldn’t see what she was holding. Then she caressed her empty hand over his soft, yet muscular cheeks. She’d soon put some colour into that pale flesh. She drew her hand back and gave his bottom a hearty slap. The sound ricocheted around the room, but as always, not even the slightest sound emanated from Malachi’s lips. Bringing her arm back, Avery slapped the other side of his rump, enjoying the heat in her hand and the angry handprint which was temporarily etched onto Malachi’s skin.

I hope you enjoyed that snippet! You can grab the book here. And then see the below list to hop to the other authors taking part…

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