Saturday Spankings #67 – She let out an anguished yell and flung her head back… #SatSpanks

Saturday Spankings-467x200Hi everyone,

It’s time for another Saturday Spankings, which is where authors post eight-ish sentences of a spanking on their blogs. Here’s another excerpt from Stately Pleasures. Enjoy!

It was only when Ethan stepped away from her again that she knew it was time. The handle of the tool he was employing on this occasion was so long that if he stood right behind her and administered it, he’d smack her head and probably Jeremy’s too. And that would never do. She heard a couple more swoops through the air, a pause, then the next swing landed on her naked skin. The surface of the unknown implement was so large it reached both her buttocks at the same time, and the rattan material of which it was made left one hell of a sting in its wake, though it took a second or two to register.

She let out an anguished yell and flung her head back, narrowly missing head-butting Jeremy as she moved.
He cupped her face in his hands and gave her a reassuring smile. ‘Come on, Alice, you can do this, you know you can. I’ve long thought there was a much better use for a carpet beater than its intended one, and you’re helping to prove my theory correct.’

I hope you enjoyed that snippet! You can grab the book here. And then see the below list to hop to the other authors taking part…

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