Tag Archives: secret cravings publishing

Guest Blogger: Holly J Gill

Firstly I would like to thank Lucy for allowing me to be a guest!!

My topic is about writing erotic/erotica romantic fiction and enjoy what you write.

Writing erotic/erotica fiction gets an audience, whether its “OMG that’s disgusting,” or “Wow, you really write that stuff, that’s naughty,” giggles. It comes with mixed reactions whether you’re shocked or intrigued. Sex, lovemaking is natural, a majority of us do it and actually like it, unlike the ones who like to be washing their hair! Whether you see Erotica as porn, hardcore, explicit disgrace, or shy away whenever the subject comes up, we are all entitled to opinions. However, on the other side, its lovemaking, passion, erotic, sexual intimacy and has its unique ways of having exciting fun, between consenting adults!

Erotica is a genre on its own, and not all about explicit sex, but if the story is structured well, with a good plot, setting and characters, it leads of into its own little word. The build up, the tension, passion and excitement and without the sex the story cannot be told, and would be missing the main highlights, it would be made boring, the sex is there to feel the appreciation and intimacy. But remembering to keep the story flowing and not just have it about the sex, add fantasises whether its dressing up or BDSM keeping the reader focused and enjoying the scenes, it’s the drive from the characters that make it special.

“Romantica” is used in romance and erotic, making it a huge category, but in these its not just holding hands these boundaries are removed, no limits, take it further and make the passion hotter than ever. They also like adding fantasy, mystery, science fiction or paranormal, keeping the story on its toes, just like any other fictions out there.

Erotica is unlike pure romances and looses the poetic euphemisms, making sure the story built up of the language and sexual imagery and these are used to drive the sexual tension.

After the recent success of Fifty Shades Of Grey it has finally opened the erotic/erotica world up. Finally able to go in a bookstore and see a novel of the genre on the shelves, and bookstands was exciting, yet again their was arguments and the book should only been seen on the top shelf, yet again the sex stigma. Young children can see it, yes they can, but they can also see thrillers with explicit murders being given step by step!

Now sitting down and actually writing an erotic/erotica, romantic novel with a good plot and characters can be challenging in itself. Personally keep writing as a hobby, write it for the pleasure, enthral the characters, plot and setting and love the journey. Submit to publishers with an open mind, become aware that if you get that contact it’s a bonus. It is hard no matter how many rejections you get and how disheartening it can be and you have low and high points, keep writing, keep sharing your imagination with your laptop, pen and paper. However, keep writing, hang in there! It is daunting the hours, time, and the research you put into the fiction but do it for the sake of your pleasure. I after years of writing secretly, I finally told my best friend about four years ago. Yes shocked, but she read my work and loved it. I never expected to be where I am today and thanks to Secret Cravings Publishers my first novel with Nikki Blaise is out there.

Getting everyone to agree to read erotic/erotica is a matter of opinions and it will always get the stigma. If you enjoy writing it, keep going, whether you write under a pen name or your own, keep going. Remember write for pleasure as the story unfolds within your heart. If it don’t fit, take it out, if it’s out of character get rid. You create these characters you know what they like and dislike, make them exciting and do crazy things it makes it more compelling, but keep the drive and enjoy what you write.

Happy writing and reading no matter what your genre!

DesiresDesires blurb

Desires—a place where fantasies are made flesh and dreams become real. From BDSM to being a dog, Desires can provide it with bells on, if that’s your kink.

Stacie Clifford’s only desire is to regain her sexual confidence after her recent escape from an abusive marriage. She joins Desires looking for re-education in the joys of her body. There is only one condition; her contract states emotional attraction between tutor and student is forbidden. Stacie is fine with that; her heart is so battered she has no desire to give it to anyone else.

Then she meets her instructor, Dan. Instantly attracted, at first Stacie thinks it will help to make her sexually comfortable with him. But when she realises she is falling in love, she can’t tear herself away, contract or no. Stacie knows that, no matter how kind and caring Dan appears, he’s just doing his job. Can Stacie overcome her own Desires and walk away?

Desires Excerpt

Dan moved closer to her and knelt at the side of the bath. He gazed deep into her eyes and then deliberately looked down at where her breasts were hidden under the cover of bubbles. His mouth was inches from hers. She could just lean forward and kiss him.

“How would you feel about playing with yourself in the bath? You could use your shower gel to soap up your breasts to start.”

Stacie looked at him, stunned, and glanced at the bottle of shower gel.

Well that wasn’t quite what I had in mind.

Stacie looked back at him. Was he waiting for her to begin? “With you watching?” she said, just to clarify.

“Yes, of course. I need to keep an eye on you. I have a feeling if I don’t keep watching, as soon as my back’s turned you’ll forget why you’re here.” His tone was teasing.

The idea was intriguing. What the heck? Why not? She raised her upper body up and slowly brushed off the bubbles so her breasts were on show to him. They gleamed from the water, and steamed slightly as they came out into the open air. Her smooth pink nipples crinkled and shrank in protest.

She watched Dan watching her breasts. His eyes flicked up and he gave her a smile, not abashed in the slightest. This close up, she could see details in his face she hadn’t noticed before. His lips were perfect and kissable, his cheekbones high and well-shaped. There was a slight scar, thin and about an inch long, on his right cheek. Stacie wondered how he had got it. His nose was elegant and his eyes looked like pools of chocolate framed by the kind of thick, dark eyelashes girls paid far too much money for. His gelled hair was styled in rough spikes and his stubble just cried out to have fingers rubbed over it. He was delicious.

She closed her eyes and dunked her head under the water, coming back up with her hair shiny and slick, plastered to her head. She felt like a mermaid. She ran her hands over her head and gazed at Dan, deliberately catching her lower lip between her teeth as she’d seen other women do. She didn’t want him to just be doing his job. She wanted him to want her.

Dan’s eyes were fixed on her. The candles in the room flickered in the damp atmosphere. Stacie took a bath puff from the side and squeezed a generous amount of shower gel onto it.

She lay back in the bath, bringing out her left leg from the water. Steam evaporated from her leg and she let Dan gaze at it for a second before leisurely applying the bath puff to her gleaming skin. She ran it down her thigh, then bent her knee, bringing her knee up to her chest and smoothing the bath puff down her calf, pointing her toe the whole time.

In her peripheral vision she could see Dan watching her keenly.

Holly J Gill Bio

Wife and mum of three children. I work as a care assistant at a residential home and in my spare time I write erotic/erotica romantic novels. My writing career started when I was a young child having a wild imagination. In my spare time I like visiting my friends, listening to music, watching movies and travelling the English countryside.


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Another Fab Review of Reindeer Games: Cupid

Yay – what a great start to the new year! Reindeer Games: Cupid, my paranormal erotic romance, has been reviewed by Manic Readers, and awarded a score of four and a half out of five!

Here’s what they had to say:

“Cassius Cupid is a mild-mannered postman 364 days a year, and one of Santa’s shifter reindeer one day a year. When the tables turn and sexy Carina delivers a package to Cupid, he is head over heels. But how can he ever explain to his love that he has to disappear for a few days at Christmas every year? While he dithers about explaining, Carina takes things in hand, literally and figuratively, and all is well with a surprising twist at the end, which I never expected. Another cute little story from this group that you will no doubt enjoy.”

Read the full review here.

Get your copy of Reindeer Games: Cupid here.

Reindeer Games: Cupid Review and First Chapter!

It’s a busy old day for that gorgeous reindeer shifter, Cassius Cupid. First, he received a fab review from The Cat’s Meow:

“This is such a cute little Christmas romp. I loved the English accent that came across in this story and the humorous style of writing. I recommend this story to anyone that loves Christmas stories, Reindeer, unusual shifters, and a fun, short romp!” 4 out of 5

Read the entire review here.

And secondly, the entire first chapter of the book is featured at D. Renee Bagby’s First Chapters. Find it here.

Grab this paranormal erotic romance here.

Guest Blogger: Avril Ashton

sexy noel sleeping in a barnExotic dancer Monroe Calliste recognizes the reindeer shifter eyeing her with open curiosity as she performs on stage. She remembers too well the one night they allowed themselves free reign over each other’s bodies. But he doesn’t recall their tryst, or maybe pretends not to. Either way, Monroe sets out to give him a refresher course.

Dasher Petrovic has no memory of the coffee-colored temptress insisting they shared more than their bodies at one time. Monroe’s eyes reflect a mutual burn, but she can’t be right. If he’d spent even a second in her bed, he’d know. His ice melts under Monroe’s fire, but the question remains, what happened to his memory?

Buy Link: http://bit.ly/QW0l4j (Secret Cravings)


Outside in the main area, she pulled the fedora low on her head, covering as much of her face as she could as she looked around for him. He was tall, way taller than her, but no matter how much she strained her neck she couldn’t find him. He’d left or maybe gone back into hiding.


Maybe the bartender, Ioan, remembered something about him. She pushed through the thick crowd and over to the bar. There he sat, beer still in hand, hunched over.

She allowed herself a quick drool over the way the white shirt he wore pulled tight over the muscles in his back, putting them on display. At one time, way back when, she’d had her legs around his neck, her fingers digging into all that muscle as he worked her over.

Hmm. Damn.

She was all wet, and he hadn’t even touched her, not that he would. She sidled up to the bar and hopped on to the stool next to him. Frustrated heat poured off him, intoxicating enough to make her forget place and time.

“Long time no see, shifter.”

His entire body froze.

Monroe smirked and turned her head as Ioan approached with her drink, a Grand Marnier, a splash of lemon juice, and three ice cubes.

To his credit, the shifter waited until Ioan moved away before he looked up at her. There again was the confusion, but he blinked, and it disappeared. Different expressions cycled quickly through his eyes; lust, need, confusion, until he settled on cold distrust. Oh, that one hurt.

“Do I know you?” A blank question before he raised the beer to his lips.

“Yes, you do.”

The blond hair he’d sported back then was shaved off until only a shadow remained on his scalp. His eyebrows and lashes gave him away. Lashes she’d been jealous of, they were so long and curly. His cheekbones were more prominent, the bump on his nose wasn’t there the last time, neither was the scruffy beard. Her shifter had gone through some changes.

“You do know me, shifter,” she said. “But more importantly, I know you.” She leaned forward and spoke into his ear. “The pretense doesn’t become you, reindeer.”

Except for the tightening of his knuckles around the beer bottle, he showed no outward signs of acknowledging her words. Monroe fisted her hands.

“Dasher Petrovic. Your name,” she whispered.

His body started shaking.

“Reindeer shifter.”

The shaking grew worse, and he’d closed his eyes.

“I’ve got more. I know more about you than I think you even know.”

“How?” The word rumbled in his throat. “How?”

Was he for real? Monroe frowned. “Two years ago you spent a weekend in my bed, Dash. I know everything because you told me.”

The beer slipped from his hands and spilled onto the bar top as his eyes stabbed into her. “No.”

Denial. Really? She lifted her head. “This isn’t the place for this conversation. Come with me.”

“Fuck that.” He shook his head. “Not happening.”

She smiled. “You and I both know you will.”


l always wanted to have a sexy bio, one to reflect who I am, but after drawing a blank, l could only come up with: I eat cake and I read books…ooh, and I write ‘em too. No one liked it and after massive peer-pressure and pouting, I managed something more…suitable?

A Caribbean transplant, Avril now lives in Brooklyn, N.Y with a tolerant Spousal Equivalent. Together they raise an eccentric daughter who loves reading and school (not so much school anymore). Avril’s earliest memories of reading revolve around discussing plot points of Nancy Drew and The Hardy Boys with an equally book-minded mother

Always in love with the written word, Avril finally decided to do the writing in August of ’09 and never looked back. Spicy love scenes, delicious heroes, and wicked women burn up the pages of Avril’s stories, but there’ll always be a happy ending; Av remains a believer of love in all its forms.

Visit: http://www.avrilashton.webs.com


Friend Avril on: http://www.facebook.com/writeravrilashton




The Romance Studio: http://www.theromancestudio.com/fm/aashton.htm

iTunes: http://itunes.apple.com/gb/artist/avril-ashton/id446081990?mt=11

Amazon Link:https://www.amazon.com/author/avrilashton

ARe: http://www.allromanceebooks.com/storeSearch.html?searchBy=author&qString=Avril+Ashton

B&N Link: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/s/Avril-Ashton?keyword=Avril+Ashton&store=ebook

KOBO: http://www.kobobooks.com/search/search.html?q=Avril+Ashton&t=none&f=author&p=1&s=averagerating&g=both

Sony eReader: http://ebookstore.sony.com/author/avril-ashton_235888

Powell’s: http://www.powells.com/s?kw=Avril+Ashton&class=ebooks

It’s Blissemaaaaaaas!

Yes, it’s that very special time of year – Blissemas! Where the fab husband and wife team Victoria and Mit put together lots of seasonal goodness for us to enjoy, including cool prizes and brand new books for us to buy. Speaking of which, I have a brand new book out – did you know? It’s Christmas themed, too. Kind of, anyway. It’s set in a very snowy and icy early January, but the main character is one of Santa’s reindeer. For one day of the year, anyway. The other 364 days, he’s a regular guy. And he’s lonely too, which is why this year Santa has done something very special and helped Cassius Cupid to find a woman – how nice is that?!

So if you want to find out how a delivery and some ice can bring a couple together, you should definitely check out my erotic romance, Reindeer Games: Cupid. It’s part of a series, so take a peek at the others, too. Also, you can add it to Goodreads here.

Before you rush off and buy my book, though (:D), make sure to read the paragraph below to find out how you can win this Blissemas.

You could win the Blissemas Kindle Fire! Simply leave a comment on this blog and all the others listed at blissemas.co.uk and for each comment you’ll win an entry into the draw! Please note only one comment per person per blog will be counted. Please check out http://blissemas.co.uk for terms and conditions.

Guest Blogger: Drea Layne

First I want to thank my fellow Wickedly Sexy Writer, Lucy, for having me on her blog today!

Today I am visiting to share with you all my new Christmas book, Rudolf & Dancer, which is part of the Reindeer Games anthology between the Wickedly Sexy Writers. It was a complete pleasure working with these ladies on these stories and I couldn’t be more excited to show you my little piece of this great set of stories!

OMG how annoying is Christmas music. Okay well you might not think so but for me they start playing it way too early and WAY too much. There are a few songs I like to hear at Christmas like Where Are You Christmas by Faith Hill, Baby It’s Cold Out Side by Nick Lachey and Jessica Simpson, and White Christmas by just about anyone. But that doesn’t mean I want to hear them over and over again until my brain goes numb with holiday cheer.

No I am not the Grinch, although I love the movie, I just think they could maybe tone it down a little bit to maybe just playing it the week of Christmas. Like right now I have Rudolf the rednosed reindeer stuck in my head. Now I must say that it is only stuck there because of my story and writing so many blog posts lol.

What do you think? Am I completely nuts or do they play it way too much?

Make sure you check out my story, Rudolf & Dancer, coming December 17, 2012 from Secret Cravings Publishing.

sexy noel sleeping in a barnBlurb:

After years away from home, her brother’s freak accident brings Donna Dancer home to the man who broke her heart. Time hasn’t diminished the lust and love, and emotions can’t be denied. Donna is sick of playing reindeer games with her mate, Paul Rudolf, but there are only so many rejections a girl can take.

It takes a dedicated man to lead the group of reindeer shifters responsible for bringing joy to millions of children, and Paul takes his job very seriously. Women were nothing more than a distraction he doesn’t need, but he now finds himself feeling lonely and hating the job he’s loved for so long. Rejecting Donna was the one decision he regrets more and more with each passing day.

Will this Christmas be as lonely as the rest? Or will Paul and Donna finally find holiday bliss in each others arms.


“You’ve been gone an awfully long time, sweet pea. We honestly didn’t know if you would say yes.”

“I’m sorry, Daddy. I just…”

“I know, honey. Just don’t go away that long ever again. Okay?”

“I promise.”

Donna looked around, searching from one face to another, trying to keep her gaze casual as she scanned the crowd for the only other man she desperately wanted to see.

One face blurred into another as she took the crowd in at a slow pace. After a few minutes of searching, she almost gave up. Then, she locked gazes with the one man who held her heart. The world shifted, causing her to stand uneasy on her feet. An overwhelming need to shift and run took over her body as she dropped her gaze from his eyes and handed her bag to her mother, giving her an ‘I need to get away’ look.

Without another word, she turned her back to the crowd and sprinted toward the woods behind the house. Her deer half wanted to run as much as her human half did, and just like every other time she was in her mate’s presence, she lost complete control and could only give in to what her body and soul needed.

Ditching her dress on a limb just outside the tree line, Donna let the change come over her swiftly. Muscles burned and bones reshaped as Donna went from human to deer. When the transformation was complete and she was standing at the forest’s edge, Donna opened her eyes and took in the cabin and people as they milled around. Kids played with each other at the waters edge while parents watched closely from where they visited, not far away.

Once upon a time, she envisioned herself doing that very thing with children of her very own. Without a mate, that future was impossible and it tore her up inside, knowing she wouldn’t ever have that happiness.

With one last look at the party, she turned and sprinted through the forest. She didn’t know where she was going but anywhere was better than here right now. The pain in her heart was almost too much to bear. But in the end, she loved Paul with her entire being, and if he’d have her, she would gladly forget all the heartbreak and spend forever in his arms.

Buy links:
