The Art of Oral Sex – Alicia and Ian Denchasy
Well this book certainly looks impressive on the bookshelf! The Art of Oral Sex is a guide to, yes, you’ve guessed it, oral sex, and it’s packed full of photographs. They’re not graphic photos, more ‘arty’ than anything. But the information is fantastic. It literally tells you everything you could ever need to know about you know what. Having read dozens of books and magazines on similar subjects, I wouldn’t say it had any information that I didn’t already know, but the way it’s presented is great. Everything is tastefully done and puts a lot of emphasis on pleasure in general, as well as just the acts of fellatio and cunnilingus.
For anyone who thinks they could benefit from more information on this very topic, then I’d definitely recommend this book. And if you’re looking to drop hints to your partner, put your order in right away, they’ll get the hint in no time.
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