Tag Archives: writing

Christmas, New Year and Updates

4th January 2010 – Firstly, Happy New Year to you all! Hope you celebrated it how you wanted, whether it be with family, friends or by yourself. I personally had a quiet one in with the other half and midnight passed without much ado.

Christmas was a more traumatic affair, with lots of eating, seeing people and driving about. However, I got some cool presents, and some howlers. Amongst the coolest:

  • Spa vouchers
  • Books, including Ant & Dec’s autobiography, the True Blood box set and some more vampy ones
  • DVDs, including series one and two of Supernatural, which I’m now completely hooked on. I’ve since been out and grabbed series three on the cheap and am on the lookout for series four
  • Pyjamas and slippers, which for a comfort-lover like me, is heaven
  • Chocolate – ’nuff said

I can’t remember everything, and I’m sure I’ve missed something, but you get the idea. There were also smellies, socks, etc, etc. Supernatural has to be the most surprising present. Although it was on my list and therefore not a complete surprise, my reaction to it has been. I was pretty confident I’d like it, given recommendations I’d had – but I am soooo hooked! Of course, the lovely Jensen Ackles certainly helps – he’s very easy on the eye. And, if you agree, you might want to stop by tomorrow, there may be a little something here you’ll enjoy 😉

Over the weekend I had a huge clearout, with a lot of help from the other half. I have completely decluttered my study room, which was six bags of rubbish, and my bedroom, which was a further six. If you include the two bags of shredded paper… well, it doesn’t take a genius. I knew it was bad, but even I was surprised how much I got rid of. I’d hoarded stuff like my old uni work. I don’t need hard copies as it’s all saved – not that I even really need that, I’m unlikely to ever read it again! There was all kinds of other crap; and in my bedroom, tons of clothes that didn’t fit. I even got rid of a few books. So I’ve been down the tip recycling and charity shops too. So my clearout has decluttered my living space and also donated to charity – double dose of the feelgood factor!

And on that note, onto my New Year’s Resolutions:

  • Do not let my bedroom and study get that full of crap again
  • Lose weight – once all the Christmas snacks have been devoured, I’m cutting the crap. And when the weather gets a bit warmer, I’ll be doing more walking
  • No buying books. Having scoured the study top to bottom, I realised just how many books I have, and it’s a lot. Though they’re no longer teetering piles all over the place, I still know they’re there. I must get reading
  • More writing. Excuses do not a published writer make. I have tons of submissions I want to make, so I’m going to try harder. And blogging doesn’t count

Sex, Love and Valentines

Last, and certainly not least, this lovely book is available soon. Sex, Love and Valentines, containing my story E620 is out this month. According to Amazon, it’ll be available from the 11th. However, you can pre-order your copy now, by clicking here. I also know that the book contains stories from the wonderful Charlotte Stein and Justine Elyot, and I’m delighted to be nestling between the covers with them! Charlotte’s story is entitled Dirty Boy, and Justine’s The Heart-Shaped Box. Both sound delicious, I can’t wait to get my hands on a copy!

Don’t forget to check in tomorrow for some hot totty!

An Exciting Announcement

26th October 2009 – Guys and girls… I have exciting news. As some of you may know, I’ve had stories featured in a couple of issues of Bunnie, with another one coming up. Well, just to put the icing on the cake, I’m now going to be editing an issue! The summer 2010 edition, which is to be entitled Girls & Cars will be my project! At this stage, I believe it’s going to be an e-book, but this could possibly change.

Published by independent publisher Red Rabbit Books, Bunnie retails at £5 an issue – visit the [intlink id=”953″ type=”page”]Published Works[/intlink] page to get your hands on previous issues.

I’ll be putting out calls for submission closer to the time – so watch this space to make sure you’re a part of this exciting project!