Tag Archives: christmas books

Steamy Holiday Romances at Bookfunnel #steamyholidayromances

Hey lovelies,

Me again! Just a super quick post to let you know about a Bookfunnel promo that launched today. So if you love steamy holiday romances, get clicking on that banner…

Happy Reading!
Lucy x

Tantalising Holiday Reads and Titles for Hoopla Fans! #holidaybooks #hoopla

Hi lovelies,

I’m just dropping in to let you know about a couple of new bookish promos which have launched. Just click the banners below to check them out:

Happy Reading/Listening!
Lucy x

Love Books Christmas Festival! #christmasbooks #christmas #books #giveaway

Hi folks,

Check out this amazing fair featuring a bunch of fabulous Christmas books. Plus, enter the superb giveaway!

**Christmas Giveaway Landing Page**

Happy Reading!

Lucy x