Tag Archives: scarlett jackson

New #Audiobook Release and a #Giveaway!

Hi folks,

I’m delighted to announce that my sexy BDSM tale, The Beauty and the Badass, is now available in audiobook format! Narrated by the fabulous Scarlett Jackson, you can now listen to this fun tale on the go.

Here’s what it’s all about:

From the moment Alexei Miles sets eyes on the kickboxing instructor at his new gym, he’s enthralled. She’s strong and sexy, and he senses something in her that speaks to his deepest desires. Bored of meaningless one-night stands, Alexei vows to find out more about the beautiful badass. He hopes his senses are correct—that her desires will match his own, and that his period of unsatisfying sexual encounters is over.

Zoe Harrison notices the new guy as soon as he walks into the gym—difficult not to, really, given he’s a six-feet-plus gorgeous Viking. As well as being attractive, he awakens something deep inside that she’d almost forgotten about. Men that can handle Zoe’s busy lifestyle are few and far between. Add to that her very specific sexual appetites and it’s little wonder she’s been single for so long. Is the Viking about to change all that?

If this appeals to you, check it out at your preferred retailer below:

Audible UK
Audible US
Amazon UK
Amazon US
iTunes UK
iTunes US

Also, if you’re a member of Goodreads, you can enter to win a paperback copy of my M/M/F BDSM novel, Eyes Wide Open. Enter here: https://www.goodreads.com/giveaway/show/249685 – and please do share with all your friends so they can enter, too.

Happy Reading!
Lucy x