Character Interview with Isaac from Pack of Lies (@cw1985) #werewolf #paranormal #erotic #romance

Today, I’m interviewing Isaac Adams, and letting him share a little more about himself with you.


packoflies01Tell us a little bit about your background.

Yeah, okay. I’m Isaac Adams, and I’m a doctor. I’m from Eyam, in Derbyshire, where I’ve lived all my life. Which is how long, you say? *pauses* oh, okay, you know, do you? Well then, I was born in 1605, so I’ll let you do the maths. I also change into a huge wolf once a month. Besides that, I’m a pretty simple guy.


If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be?

That I’m so trusting. Not that trusting people is a bad thing, necessarily, but a lot of things have happened just lately that made me realise that although you think you know a person well enough to trust them, it’s not necessarily true. I’m learning to be more cautious, more guarded.


What first attracted you to your love interest?

His eyes. The most amazing green I’ve ever seen. *awkward silence* I have nothing more to say on this subject.


What’s the best bit about the book your author wrote about you?

All the parts where I was having a wonderful time.


What’s the worst bit about the book your author wrote about you?

All the parts where I wasn’t having a wonderful time.


Where do you see yourself in five years’ time?

Right here, exactly where you left me. Oh, you want more detail? Can’t a guy have his privacy? Apparently not. Well, I’d like to see myself happy. I don’t think that’s too much to ask.


Pack of LiesBlurb:

Werewolf brothers Matthew and Isaac have lived in the peaceful village of Eyam all their lives. The villagers know what happens every full moon, and are happy to keep their secret. But their privacy comes at a cost—neither brother has taken a lover in almost four hundred years.

Then at the full moon, a sheep is slaughtered on Eyam Moor, by what could only be an animal. A large, vicious animal. Even the brothers’ staunchest supporters begin to have their doubts. Meanwhile Isaac is smitten by a handsome newcomer to the village, while a vivacious visitor is happy to offer Matthew her all.

As they indulge their lust, they must clear their names and convince their neighbours that they aren’t also letting their baser instincts out to play.

Inside Scoop:  This book contains sizzling scenes of both M/M and M/F sex.

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Happy Reading,

Lucy x

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