Pleasure that destroys all thought. Love that shatters all barriers.
Marked for extermination, Lukan has miraculously escaped E4’s Pleasure Palace. There, sex slaves satisfy the cravings of E2’s rulers for voyeurism, bondage, dominance, submission, punishment, and more. However, his freedom is not enough.
He left behind Arez, who once saved his life and captured his heart. Within her fragrant, heated caress, he knew everything denied him…rapture born from yearning, contentment fueled by tenderness and love. Determined to deliver Arez from certain death and have her for his own, Lukan embarks on a rescue he may not survive.
Arez has known only carnal submission and loneliness before Lukan. She aches for his strong arms, his fevered kisses. Upon his return, he offers danger and hope for a future. How can she resist? Never fully tamed, she wants Lukan more than life. But to flee from this twilight dimension to another, to find freedom and their destiny, they must first outwit this plane’s human predators and its monsters.
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Her image haunted Lukan. The hologram was all he had left of her.
In the darkened room, he circled her nearly life-size likeness. She turned, seeming to follow his movements…and to want him, her violet eyes hooded, her silky black hair swaying above her waist, arousal flushing her naked flesh.
He ached to touch her tawny skin, but grasped air instead. Reality precluded contact, as did the distance separating them. Unable to stop his grinding need, he trembled. “Arez.”
The name he’d given her. She’d had none on E4. There, she was no more than a pleasure slave, created to offer her body and obedience to the men in power, no different from him. He’d promised never to abandon her or to leave her lonely again and wanting, but he had, and soon she’d die unless he intervened.
White hot frustration then a chill rushed through him. He longed to run back to her, or at least move closer to her image, but he couldn’t manage a step. Her face tempted, holding him in place. Each breath became a struggle. Powerful memories returned, bringing back her scent: musk and a sweet fragrance used to excite males. He hadn’t needed any enticement. From the start, her caress had undone him, given not only in pleasure but with tenderness.
His chest ached. He snatched what breath he could.
Their masters never knew about their bond.
In the hologram, his image padded to her.
Her cheeks and throat darkened, acknowledging his presence. She could do little more to prove her passion for him. Rules prohibited slaves from speaking to each other. Their gazes were never to meet for more than a second. Cruel manacles held her arms above her head, the heavy chains secured to a bolt in the ceiling, precluding any embrace or resistance.
E2’s rulers surrounded the candlelit stage. They hailed from the second dimension on Earth, a place so unlike its fourth realm E4. On E2, emotions and desire weren’t allowed. All men resembled each other in coloring and facial features, their varying ages the sole thing that differentiated them. The same held true for E2’s women, no female being distinct from another. Such a sterile existence hadn’t been enough for the ruling males. They created E4’s palace and its slaves for their pleasure.
A few leaders smiled lewdly, anticipating the coming performance. Others conversed in tones too low to overhear or understand.
When he’d been on the stage, he had no idea if they discussed trivial matters or more ominous ones that would mean his death. Nor had he cared.
Being close to Arez was all that mattered. For her, he would die. For her, he wanted to live. His image did what he could not. Naked, he stood before her, cupping her full breasts with a right the rulers had given him. If he performed well, it would mean more food. Although he was always hungry, giving her pleasure soon became his most pressing task. The moments they had together belonged to her and him, no one else.
He stroked her nipples. The long tips hardened at his attention, and the areolas grew tight. He drew closer. Their thighs touched; his cock nestled against her moist cunt.
He recalled the delight that followed, heat pooling in his groin, thickening his shaft painfully, overwhelming him with an urge to take her. Even so, his desire to speak to her was greater. He’d pressed his cheek to hers, as if to bury his face in her hair. However, his mouth snuggled against her ear.
At the time, she’d whispered before he could. “Take me as though you mean it. I know you do.”
As always, her assurance had surprised him. So did the playful tone beneath her smoky voice.
“You know?” He’d spoken as quietly as she had and ran his hands down her lush hips to her buttocks. After cupping the cheeks, he pulled her against him, proving his strength, demanding she yield. “How? You’re able to read thoughts?”
“I can read what you do.” She ground her mound into his cock and bit his shoulder lightly.
He pushed to his toes.
She licked his shoulder.
The sensuous play was no match for her suckling his throat. Tingles shot down his back and to his head.
She nestled as close as her bonds would allow. “You can’t hide your hunger for me. You stare as though I’m your food ration.”
He’d smiled at her comment, a gift stronger than the tastiest morsel or life-giving water, and was eager to tease in return. “Tonight, you are my meal.”
He dropped to his knees and wordlessly directed her to part her legs. She complied. Not because she was a slave expected to entertain her captors, but because she demanded what he did—a connection between them that enriched the sex and surpassed it, nourishing the soul. He pressed his face to her dark curls, so earthy like everything else about her, smelling from lust and life.
He licked her cleft.
She moaned.
Deliberately, he avoided her clit, determined to draw out her anticipation and longing for him. To affirm it in the only way he knew.
Too many times, he’d ached to give up his daily food ration for the thrill in searching her face as she searched his. To be privileged enough to gaze into her eyes in order to see what was in her heart. That he mattered. He was important to her. He had a name. They had hope. A future.
About Tina:
Tina’s an Amazon and international bestselling novelist who writes passionate romance for every taste – ‘heat with heart’ – for traditional publishers and indie. Booklist, Publisher’s Weekly, Romantic Times and numerous online sites have praised her work. She’s won Readers’ Choice Awards, was named a finalist in the EPIC competition, received a Book of the Year award, The Golden Nib Award, awards of merit in the RWA Holt Medallion competitions, and second place in the NEC RWA contests. She’s featured in the Novel & Short Story Writer’s Market. Before penning romances, she worked at a major Hollywood production company in Story Direction.
On a less serious note: she’s an admitted and unrepentant chocoholic, brakes for Mexican restaurants, and has been known to moan like Meg Ryan in When Harry Met Sally while wolfing down tostadas. She’s flown a single-engine airplane (freaking scary), rewired an old house using an ‘electricity for dummies’ book, and is horribly shy despite the hot romances she writes.
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Sweet ‘n Sexy Divas: https://sweetnsexydivas.blogspot.com/
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