Tag Archives: a werewolf state of mind

Buy One Get One Free On Paranormal Reads at Kobo! (@kobodeals @kobo) #kobo #kobodeals #pnr

Hi lovelies,

Me again! As you know, it’s spooky season, and the fabulous folks at Kobo are getting in on the action by running this fantastic promotion to buy one, get one free on a bunch of amazing paranormal reads from now until 31st October. I was lucky enough to have three titles selected!

Access them directly here (just change the flag to your local store at the top, if you need to. The promo is running in Canada, United States of America, United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand):

A Werewolf State of Mind (M/F werewolf romance)

The Persecution of the Wolves (M/M and M/F werewolf thriller)

The Long Night (paranormal reverse harem)

And check out the entire offering here:

Kobo AU

Kobo CA

Kobo NZ

Kobo UK

Kobo US

Happy Reading!
Lucy x

A Werewolf State of Mind Just 99c for Kobo Shoppers in the US and Canada (@kobo @kobodeals @kobowritinglife) #kobo #deal #sale #amreading #pnr

Hi folks,

I’m delighted to announce that between now and 6th August, Kobo shoppers in the US and Canada will be able to get my steamy werewolf novella, A Werewolf State of Mind, for just 99c! Grab your bargain here.

Happy Reading!

Lucy x

A Werewolf State of Mind is Now Available in Audio! #audio #audiobook #audible

Hi folks,

I’m delighted to announce that, thanks to the hard work of my fabulous narrator, Juliette Longwell, A Werewolf State of Mind is now available for your auditory pleasure.

Here’s what this paranormal romance is all about:

Anneke’s typical day at the office is thrown into disarray when she finds her next patient is an unwitting werewolf. And it doesn’t end there.

From the moment Caleb Kitt walks into Doctor Anneke Lund’s office for his psychiatry session, she knows his problem isn’t mental. He’s been experiencing night terrors, having violent and bloodthirsty dreams, and waking up naked in strange places. But he’s not losing his mind, as he suspects. He’s actually a werewolf—he just doesn’t know it yet.

Anneke isn’t just a psychiatrist—she’s also an empath, meaning she can read minds, and influence thoughts and behavior. She rarely uses her powers, but recognizes she may have no other choice as Caleb must be convinced of his supernatural status before the next full moon arrives. When it does, though, she finds herself going way beyond her duty of care to ensure Caleb doesn’t hurt or kill anyone when he transforms. But at what cost?

Listen here:
Amazon UK
Amazon US
Audible UK
Audible US
iTunes UK
iTunes US

Happy Listening!

Lucy x

New Release: A Werewolf State of Mind (@thestudioenp) #PNR #werewolf #shifter

Hi lovelies,

I’m delighted to let you know that my M/F paranormal romance novella, A Werewolf State of Mind, is out today! It was originally released as part of the Coming in Hot: Rescue Me boxed set, so if you read it as part of that, there’s no need to buy it again (unless, you know, you want it because of the totally luscious cover, in which case I’m not complaining!).

Here’s what it’s all about:

Anneke’s typical day at the office is thrown into disarray when she finds her next patient is an unwitting werewolf. And it doesn’t end there.

From the moment Caleb Kitt walks into Doctor Anneke Lund’s office for his psychiatry session, she knows his problem isn’t mental. He’s been experiencing night terrors, having violent and bloodthirsty dreams, and waking up naked in strange places. But he’s not losing his mind, as he suspects. He’s actually a werewolf—he just doesn’t know it yet.

Anneke isn’t just a psychiatrist—she’s also an empath, meaning she can read minds, and influence thoughts and behavior. She rarely uses her powers, but recognizes she may have no other choice as Caleb must be convinced of his supernatural status before the next full moon arrives. When it does, though, she finds herself going way beyond her duty of care to ensure Caleb doesn’t hurt or kill anyone when he transforms. But at what cost?

Sound like your kind of thing? Grab your copy here:
Amazon UK
Amazon US
Amazon AU
Amazon CA
Barnes & Noble
Google Books
iBooks UK
iBooks US

Happy Reading!
Lucy x

Mid Week Tease: “It’s not you I’m worried about, Anneke. It’s me.” #ComingInHot2 #CIH2 #CIHcollection

mid-week-tease-buttonHi everyone,

Welcome back to Mid Week Tease! This week I’m continuing to share from my story, A Werewolf State of Mind, which features in the just-released Coming in Hot 2: Rescue Me boxed set. The set is now available exclusively on Amazon, and you can read it for free as part of your Kindle Unlimited subscription.

Coming in Hot 2: Rescue Me“Then thoughts started crowding into my head about what I would do when I caught him. I wanted to sink my teeth into his neck, and rip him to shreds, splash his blood everywhere.” He stopped then, and rubbed the fingertips of his right hand over the center of his forehead, then pressed them so hard into the skin that when he removed them the area remained white for a couple of seconds. “God, this is so messed up. Saying it out loud only makes it sound more bizarre.”

Leaning forward in her chair, Anneke said, “Caleb, it’s all right, honestly. I know this is difficult for you, but I can only help if you tell me everything, no matter how bizarre you think it sounds.” The truth, of course, was that she already knew how to help him, but she couldn’t do it yet. He had to believe, and hopefully her encouraging him to describe his experiences verbally would allow them to sink into his consciousness. Sometimes all it took was a different way of presenting things in order for it to make sense to someone. It was certainly worth a try, anyway.

His gaze fixed on the carpet, he nodded. “I know. It’s just… it was bad enough inside my head, but saying it out loud seems to have made it a hundred times worse. You couldn’t make this stuff up.”

She gave a gentle smile, even though he was still looking at the floor. Hopefully it would shine through in her voice. “I can handle it, Caleb, don’t worry.”

With what looked like a gargantuan amount of effort, he tore his gaze from the carpet and met her eyes. His lips twisted into a wry smile. “It’s not you I’m worried about, Anneke. It’s me.”

Her heart skipped a beat as they maintained eye contact, and she hurriedly shifted her hands to the arms of her chair and squeezed tightly to redirect her energy and focus.

Buy Coming in Hot: Rescue Me now: https://lucyfelthouse.co.uk/published-works/coming-in-hot-rescue-me/

Don’t forget to check out all the other blogs taking part!

Mid Week Tease: A flush of color stained his cheeks. #ComingInHot2 #CIH2 #CIHcollection

mid-week-tease-buttonHi everyone,

Welcome back to Mid Week Tease! This week I’m continuing to share from my story, A Werewolf State of Mind, which features in the just-released Coming in Hot 2: Rescue Me boxed set. It will now only be 99c for a short while longer, so if you want to bag a bargain, I’d recommend buying now.

Coming in Hot 2: Rescue Me“I was…” He cleared his throat again, met her gaze for a second, then looked away. A flush of color stained his cheeks. “Naked. Totally starkers. It was nighttime, and I was running through some woods. Didn’t recognize the place. I could see amazingly well in the dark, though, and I was chasing someone. Don’t know who, other than it was a bloke. Couldn’t see his face, since he was running away from me. Could hear his heartbeat, though, and his breathing. Fast, labored. I started gaining on him. He glanced over his shoulder, then swore when he realized I was getting closer to him. Then he tripped, went down hard. I was on him within a couple of seconds… and that’s when I woke up.”

“All right,” she said quietly, fighting to keep her tone and expression neutral, “that’s very good, well done. So that was the first… unusual thing that happened, yes? Can you describe what’s happened since?”

Caleb blew out a heavy breath and nodded. “Yes, of course. Just…” He pointed to his glass of water, then picked it up and downed half of it in a couple of gulps, his Adam’s apple bobbing wildly. “That’s better. Yeah, so that was weird, but although I remembered it all the following morning, I didn’t think too much of it. I mean, loads of people have weird dreams, don’t they? It was when it happened again that I started to get concerned about it.”

“The following night?” she asked.

He shook his head. “No, a few weeks later… maybe three or four? I’d almost forgotten about it. The first part was the same—no drinking, went to bed, woke up with heart racing and bathed in sweat. But the dream itself was even weirder. I didn’t think it was possible to be weirder, but it was. I was naked again, chasing a guy again—I don’t know if it was the same one—but everything was much more vivid. I couldn’t just see and hear what was happening; it was like I was truly there. I could feel the leaves crunching under my feet and the soil giving way beneath my weight, the occasional rock digging into my sole, smell the plants and the man’s sweat, taste the saliva pooling in my mouth. I think the salivating was the most bizarre part of all, really—why the hell was I drooling over chasing a bloke? I’m straight.

Buy Coming in Hot: Rescue Me now: https://lucyfelthouse.co.uk/published-works/coming-in-hot-rescue-me/

Don’t forget to check out all the other blogs taking part!