Tag Archives: steamy romance

Cover Reveal: When Christmas is Cancelled #steamyromance #comingsoon #christmasbook

Hi lovelies,

I am delighted to show you the cover for my upcoming M/F erotic romance, When Christmas is Cancelled. I’m still in the early chapters, and I don’t yet have a blurb or a pre-order, but I was too excited to wait any longer! I plan to release this on the 3rd December. Watch this space for updates and pre-order links.

In the meantime…

Happy Reading!
Lucy x

Not That Kind of Witch is Just 99c/p For a Limited Time! #steamyromance #romancereads #99c


“An uplifting, steamy and romantic read” – 5 stars

Not That Kind of Witch is a steamy M/F contemporary with lashings of humour and has great reviews!

Get your copy here: https://books2read.com/ntkow


Can Willow let go of her fears and begin living her life again, or will her issues get the better of her?

Willow Green is having a hard time of it. Losing her job at the beginning of the pandemic and her elderly grandmother’s ‘clinically vulnerable’ status have resulted in her becoming housebound. While her entrepreneurial, hard-working spirit and the knowledge passed down through generations of green witches in her family mean she has solved her employment problem, her fear of going out, of allowing the dreaded virus into the house she shares with her grandmother, is far from resolved. In fact, it seems worse than ever.

That is, until Joe Lane comes along. The handsome care worker turned delivery driver does Willow a favour, gaining her attention and reluctant admiration. He’s got plenty of baggage of his own, but he also has the skills and temperament to help her with her problem—and he really seems to care.

The question is, will she let him get close enough to try?

Superb New Bookish Promotions for June! #bookfunnel #storyorigin #steamyreads

Hi lovelies!

Sorry this is a bit late – I’m just back from a week and a bit’s amazing vacation in San Francisco. I just got back yesterday and have been back at my desk today, very sleepy and trying to get caught up with a ton of emails across multiple inboxes. So if you’re waiting to hear from me, bear with me, I will get there!

Anyway, without further ado, here are June’s promos. Just click the relevant banners to check them out, and get reading!

Happy Reading!
Lucy x

Some Sizzling Romance for Kobo Plus Members! #kobo #koboplus #romance #steamyromance

Hi everyone,

Just dropping by quickly to let you know about this latest Bookfunnel promotion – ideal for those with Kobo Plus membership, or those thinking of signing up. Just click the banner below to check it out.

Happy Reading!
Lucy x

City Nights Books Now Available in Kindle Unlimited! #ku #kindleunlimited #citynights #eroticromance

Hi all,

Great news for Kindle Unlimited subscribers – two of my books have now gone into the programme! City Nights: One Night in Paris and City Nights: One Night in Budapest can now be read for free in KU. They’re part of the City Nights series from Tirgearr Publishing, which are standalone erotic romance novellas, each set over twenty-four hours in a certain city. It’s a fantastic series (even if I do say so myself, since I wrote two of them, and edited the others!).

Anyway, here’s the skinny on my two books, and you can check out the entire series here.

One Night in Paris

Jacob is nearly forty, and has recently come to the sudden realisation that he’s not doing much with his life. Sure, he’s got his own successful business, but what’s the point in earning lots of money and not doing anything or going anywhere to spend it?

He’s in serious danger of being all work and no play, so he starts to rectify this by organising a twenty four hour layover in Paris en route to a meeting in Dubai. Whilst there, he goes on a bus tour of the city, and there meets Annabelle, a fellow Brit who’s studying in Paris. There’s clearly an attraction between the two of them, so when the gorgeous Annabelle makes an indecent proposal to help Jacob fill his time in Paris, who is he to refuse?

Read it here: https://books2read.com/oniparis

One Night in Budapest

Hermione’s in Budapest on a romantic weekend break. Or at least it should have been romantic—an unexpected break-up means she’s visiting the Hungarian capital alone. Determined to make the most of it, she goes on a night-time river cruise, the perfect opportunity to see some of the city’s beautiful sights after dark.

On the boat, cute Budapest native Emil serves her cocktails. They chat a little on the journey, engage in some banter, and when Emil asks Hermione out for dinner, she’s seriously tempted. But she’s a long way from home, by herself—is dinner with a complete stranger a good idea? Hermione decides to take a chance, and what follows is an unforgettable night which will transform her life forever.

Read it here: https://books2read.com/onibudapest

Happy Reading!
Lucy x

Mid-Month Bookish Promos for You! #Books #RomanceBooks #SpicyBooks

Hi you lovely lot,

Exciting news – I have some more delectable bookish promos for you! You know the drill, just click on the banners of the collections you like the look of and get checking out some fabulous reads:

Happy Reading!
Lucy x