Tag Archives: erotica writers

Are You Going To Eroticon 2013?

Eroticon 2013Did you know? I’ll be helping sex bloggers and erotica writers write sex right at Eroticon 2013

I’ll be speaking at Eroticon 2013, the UK’s only sex blogger and erotica writer’s conference.  The conference, on 2nd and 3rd March at London’s Southbank will bring together the best in the UK erotica and sex blogging scene to learn, discuss and network.

I’m on a panel discussing anthologies, alongside Victoria Blisse, Rachel Kramer Bussel and Maxim Jakubowski. I’m looking forward to that – and the rest of the conference of course – very much.

Ruby Kiddell, founder of Eroticon explained more about the conference:

“The success of Eroticon 2012 was amazing and so when the delegates told me they wanted a bigger event I couldn’t say no.  For 2013 there is more of everything; more creative workshops, discussion sessions, sex education and activism sessions.  Eroticon 2013 will be amazing!”

Eroticon 2012 was the first event of its kind and at least three unpublished writers walked away with publishing contracts from the event which makes Eroticon 2013’s the must attend event for aspiring and experienced erotica writers and sex bloggers.

To find out more about Eroticon 2013 or to book tickets please visit http://www.writesexright.com

Eroticon 2013, the UK’s only sex blogger and erotica writers’ conference is on 2nd and 3rd of March, Coin Street Neighbourhood Centre, Coin Street, Southbank, London.

Eroticon 2013 Speakers include:

  • Meg Barker
  • Victoria Blisse
  • Dr. Petra Boynton
  • Brook charity
  • Les Browne
  • Ruth Browne
  • Matt Christie
  • Hazel Cushion
  • Cressida Downing
  • Emily Dubberly
  • Marissa Elliott
  • Lucy Felthouse
  • Cindy Gallop
  • Remittance Girl
  • Ruby Goodnight
  • K D Grace
  • Justin Hancock
  • High Tea Cast
  • Maxim Jakubowski
  • Ruby Kiddell
  • Michael Knight
  • Rachel Kramer Bussel
  • Ashley Lister
  • Kristina Lloyd
  • Zoe Margolis
  • Molly Moore
  • Indigo Moore
  • Nymphomaniac Ness
  • Vena Ramphal
  • Violet Rose
  • Maureen Scott
  • Lori Smith
  • John Tisbury
  • Indigo Moore

Hopefully I’ll see you there! 🙂