Tag Archives: morgan king

Love’s Rescue from Morgan King (@EroticWritings)

I’m delighted to welcome Morgan King, a fellow contributor to the Alpha’s Claim: Manlove Edition anthology. She’s here to dish a little dirt on her story, Love’s Rescue.


Love’s Rescue Blurb: One night while attending a party hosted by Jon Liselle, newly appointed second in command of the Human Alliance Party, Jakob hears a song that no one else can. With stealth and cunning Jakob makes his way into the hidden depths of Jon’s home, only to discover a creature being kept captive. She is a mermaid and he is her song mate. Together they must both utilise their shifter powers to escape, but will Nerissa stay with him or will she want to go home once she is free? Jakob wants to claim Nerissa forever but fears rescuing her from one cage only to trap her with his love. Nerissa must choose between complete freedom and going home, or love and the destiny of having a mate.

It all began with a piece of flash fiction, the word was opulent, the word limit two hundred and this flew straight into my head:

The tank was disgustingly opulent. It consumed one wall, floor to ceiling and was decorated with swirling images of shells, coral and sea life all gilded in pearl. The vast array of shimmering colors distracted his eyes momentarily, but nothing could disguise the purpose of the chamber, it was a cage and its captive swam towards the reinforced glass wall, her eyes open wide reciprocating his stare. Her tail swished angrily back and forth, the color of those moving scales so obviously matching the delicate pigment staining the glass barrier.

One word originating from somewhere outside of himself burst through his head “Help!”

He was looking at a mermaid and he could hear her voice as if she had spoken to him.

It resonated right to the depths of his heart. 

Grab your copy of Alpha’s Claim: Manlove Edition here: https://lucyfelthouse.co.uk/published-works/alphas-claim-manlove-edition/

Other Info about me:

Well I like to see myself as an infinitely patient single mother and charity manager by day and reader and writer of erotic romance by night. I love all genres of romance, but have a special tendre for historical stories having been seduced by Jane Austen and Georgette Heyer at a young age. I even named my dog Darcy.

My son is a very imaginative five year old, so when the characters aren’t having conversations in my head I’m voicing the character of a witch, dragon, pirate or possibly knight. Yes, I always get to be the bad guy for some reason! We live in the rural East of England not far from the forest so there are always plenty of opportunities for adventure.

Where to find me:




Twitter:  Morgan King @EroticWritings