Tag Archives: off the grid

New Release: The Billionaire and the Wild Man

Hi everyone,

I’m sooo excited to announce the release of this book – The Billionaire and the Wild Man! It’s a full-length novel, which I wrote with my good buddy and fellow northern bird, Victoria Blisse. Admittedly, it’s been a long time coming, since we started writing it a couple of years ago, and life intervened on a regular basis. We’re busy ladies, you know! Anyway, being the stubborn women we are, we battled on through and finished the book, and were delighted when it was accepted by Evernight Publishing.

And to think it all started when we bunked off work and had a day out together in Buxton… *happy sigh*

So, here’s what it’s all about:

Flynn Gifford is enjoying a simple existence in a rural Derbyshire village when Caroline Rogers crashes into his life, barefoot and panicked.

Their lives could hardly be more different—she owns a successful luxury hotel chain, and he’s a penniless nomad who’s off the grid—yet neither can deny the attraction which burns between them.

As Caroline reluctantly starts to open up to him, Flynn finds himself divulging some secrets of his own, secrets he thought he’d take to his grave.

But can a billionaire and a wild man ever make a relationship work?

I will be adding all the buy links here when they become available, and there’s also an excerpt available: https://lucyfelthouse.co.uk/published-works/the-billionaire-and-the-wild-man/

I hope you’ll check out our fun and sexy book!

Happy Reading,

Lucy x