Tag Archives: superhero

Mid Week Tease: What the hell could he do or buy to blow her away? #MWTease

MWTease15Hi everyone,

Welcome to the first Mid Week Tease of 2015! This new season is going to be fantastic – and there’s even a delicious new graphic. Me likey 🙂

This week, I’m sharing a tease from my brand new M/F erotic romance novella, A Different Kind of Cosplay, which releases today. It’ll appeal to the Marvel geeks amongst you. Enjoy 😉

A Different Kind of CosplayTrying to put himself in Reese’s shoes, Zach looked at the male characters. Okay, when it came to this film, straight women clearly had more eye-candy than they knew what to do with. He vaguely remembered a bunch of crazy stuff going around on the Internet about Loki—even the villain of the piece had sex appeal, for heaven’s sake! So much so that it had spilled over into even Zach’s limited social media presence. He barely used Facebook, and he’d never gotten the hang of Twitter. And yet he knew about the rabid fangirls. That was another score for The Avengers, then—truly mass-market appeal. If only there were mass-market gift-buying options.

Sighing, he tried to empty his mind and concentrate on the film. The more he tried to force an idea to present itself, the less likely it would be to happen. He’d just enjoy the entertainment and keep his fingers crossed that his subconscious provided something useful.

Once he’d made the decision, it wasn’t difficult to get sucked back into the narrative. It was engaging, easy-going and fun. Zach surprised himself by thoroughly enjoying the entire thing. Reese would be pleased when the next film came out at the cinema and he offered to go along with her.

He’d keep his new found admiration quiet for now, though. He didn’t want to arouse her suspicions, although she was bound to know he was planning something for her milestone birthday.

The question remained—what the hell could he do or buy to blow her away?

You can grab your copy of A Different Kind of Cosplay here: https://lucyfelthouse.co.uk/published-works/a-different-kind-of-cosplay/

And add it to your Goodreads shelves here: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/23688835-a-different-kind-of-cosplay

Don’t forget to check out all the other blogs taking part!