New Release! Getaway Girl By Lisabet Sarai (@lisabetsarai) #Instalove #EroticRomance #Yorkshire #DubCon #Abduction #Bondage #Burglary #EroticFantasy #Hostage #VikingHoard


Be careful what you wish for

All Peg wants is a break, a bit of adventure, a relief from her mundane existence in the bucolic but boring Yorkshire hamlet of Kirkby Malzeard. When dashing, sophisticated journalist Lionel Hayes saunters into the pub where she’s tending bar, Peg suspects that he was just the sort of man to fulfill her fantasies of escape.

The seductive Lionel, however, is not what he seems. Before she knows it, Peg is a hostage, roped and gagged, speeding away from the scene of a daring crime. Lionel is armed and dangerous, but somehow Peg still wants him – regardless of the consequences.

Note: This book was originally published in 2015 by Totally Bound. This second edition has been substantially revised and has a new ending.

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Getaway GirlExcerpt:

Lionel pulled her blouse out of her skirt and pushed it up around her armpits. Underneath, she wore her best bra, apricot lace with a plunging cleavage. Her captor flicked a finger across her swollen nipple, which poked up insolently through the lace. A bolt of electricity shot through her loins. Her hips jerked upwards. He half-smiled.

“Did you wear this for me, Margaret?” Peg’s furious blush was enough of an answer. “How very thoughtful of you.”  He peeled the cups away, exposing her breasts. When he moved closer, she felt his hot breath on her bare skin.

He cupped the full globes in his hands, his thumbs making lazy circles around the aching tips. “Lovely. Truly exquisite.”  He bent and circled the crinkled flesh near her right nipple with his tongue, while his thumb continued to circumnavigate the left. Peg moaned, dying for him to suckle her. When he finally took the taut bud into his mouth, though, Peg was not prepared for the sensations.

Some chain of nerves led directly from her nipple to her clit. The pull of his lips on her nipple was transferred immediately to that other, equally swollen bead of flesh at the heart of her sex. Without thinking she pulled her thighs together, struggling to apply the pressure that she craved. The twine wrapping her ankles bit into her skin.


“You’ve got to relax, Margaret, or you’ll get hurt. Let me take care of you. Let me give you pleasure.”  Lionel ran his fingers through her tangled hair, smoothing it away from her face. He looked into her eyes. Peg thought she saw a hint of genuine concern there, maybe even affection. However, his flushed face and parted lips suggested that his primary emotion was lust.


“What do you want? Tell me.”

Embarrassment and desire warred within her. She could not bring herself to speak.

“Do you want me to untie you?”

No! she wanted to cry out, but it was as though she had been gagged again.

Lionel ran his hand up her bare thigh, under her hiked up skirt. He stroked the soaked satin of her knickers, stretched across her pubis. Peg trembled, ready to explode.

“You know, I don’t think that you want me to untie you. You’re much too wet.” He slipped one finger under the elastic and into her cleft, swirling it in her juicy depths for a moment before pulling out. He held his glistening finger in front of her face and she smelled the ocean scent of her own arousal. New blood rushed to her cheeks, as well as to her nipples and clit. “See how soaked you are.” He rubbed his fingertip over her lips, smearing her with her own secretions, then bent to kiss her briefly. “Delicious. I really need to go to the source.”

His face disappeared. She felt his weight on the mattress, between her splayed thighs, and his hands fumbling with her undergarments, pulling them down around her hips. “Damn!” he said with a chuckle, “I should have thought of this before I bound you. Oh well. Don’t move, now.”

Peg heard a click as he opened his knife once more, then the tearing of fabric. “Sorry to spoil your lovely undies, but it’s for a good cause.” For an instant, Peg felt the cool autumn air playing on her naked sex. Then she felt the incredible, glorious heat of his mouth.

Lionel did not tease her. He moulded his mouth to her pussy and sucked steadily. His tongue lapped at her clit, each stroke winding her tighter into an intricate knot of sensation. Just when she was certain she could not bear another touch, he would ease away briefly, lapping the dew from her folds, probing her depths, giving her a moment to breathe before he returned to build up her pleasure to new highs.


About Lisabet

Lisabet Sarai became addicted to words at an early age. She began reading when she was four. She wrote her first story at five years old and her first poem at seven. Since then, she has written plays, tutorials, scholarly articles, marketing brochures, software specifications, self-help books, press releases, a five-hundred page dissertation, and lots of erotica and erotic romance – over one hundred titles, and counting, in nearly every sub-genre—paranormal, scifi, ménage, BDSM, LGBTQ, and more. Regardless of the genre, every one of her stories illustrates her motto: Imagination is the ultimate aphrodisiac.

You’ll find information and excerpts from all Lisabet’s books on her website (, along with more than fifty free stories and lots more. At her blog Beyond Romance (, she shares her philosophy and her news and hosts lots of other great authors. She’s also on Goodreads, BookBub and Twitter. Join her VIP email list here:

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