Tag Archives: contemporary romance

Out Now! Pretty Average: Finding Love in an Existential Crisis by Arini Vlotman (@AriniVlot @PublishConquest)


Society should agree that growing up was a scam. One giant experiment that failed..

Esha More is celebrating her 35th birthday and her quick fix of hair dye and champagne only leaves her with a hangover and more problems. When she asks for excitement, getting thrown in the deep end of a corporate scandal is not what she meant.

Kane Mittal has been called in as a consultant to manage yet another crisis. Kane has enough women making demands, but after Esha tumbles into his life he can’t stop thinking about her.

On a mission to save Esha’s career and Kane’s family business, together they navigate an inept flock of managers while faced with a mounting deadline, their powerful attraction, and a pandora’s box of secrets.

Join Esha and Kane in their adventurous meet-cute, a workplace romance filled with laughter, and a hefty dose of intrigue.

Available from:

Ingram: https://shop.ingramspark.com/b/084?m85tyNocZB4qMFqcFJvarH8nEUFJByquPCQkx6iwmLJ

Amazon US: https://www.amazon.com/Pretty-Average-Arini-Vlotman/dp/1962739023/

Amazon UK: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Pretty-Average-Arini-Vlotman/dp/1962739023/

TakeAlot: https://www.takealot.com/pretty-average/PLID95437049

Smashwords: https://books2read.com/u/boMEva



The root of all evil was age. There was no way around it. Everyone said you should know what you’re doing, but there’s a little voice in your head, always there, always whispering, ‘Are you sure?’.

Society should agree growing up was a scam. One giant experiment that failed.

That sounded right.

Esha picked up her cell phone and recited the words into her Deathbed app, nodding to herself in satisfaction. The invention was her special project in the making. An app designed to prepare for one’s death; it was genius. One day her family and friends would read those words at her funeral and lament at her wisdom.

That’ll show them.

Of course, she’d be dead and wouldn’t be around to witness that profound moment. But she could remind them it was predicted before her death. She typed out a quick note on her phone, Add deathbed reminders from predeath musings.

The sound of a child’s high-pitched shout outside her car window brought her back to the present. With her phone tucked into her handbag, she took one last look at her fluffy curls in the rear-view mirror. Satisfied, she slid out of her beat-up Toyota and tapped the steering wheel for good luck. She’d read that finding a grounding symbol kept you, well… grounded. So, she tried to find as many symbols as she could.

Out from the stifling heat of the car, her arms and shoulders tingled from the warmth of the summer sun, the scent of freshly cut grass tickling her nose. She needed to add antihistamines to her next pharmacy run, the pollen was heavy enough to taste. The familiar sound of the golfing wannabe’s hitting their balls in the driving range, laughter from a family getting out of their massive SUVs, and the hollers of fans cheering to a rugby match in the bar made her smile. Filled with a reviving energy that added a bounce to her step, a buzz of excitement ran through her, shaking her from her birthday funk.

While meeting her friends at the local drinking dive for celebratory birthday drinks was a steadfast tradition, she had felt less than enthusiastic this year. Death was one year closer, what was there to celebrate? The only reason she looked forward to the day was the thought of spending it with her two best friends. Getting together for a few hours was becoming harder and far between, so she cherished every moment with them.

“Oi! Ash! Stop staring at the paving and get over here.”

Esha saw her friend Amy who hollered over the cars and sounds drifting from the restaurant, making a beeline in that direction.

Amy had a set of lungs to be reckoned with, being a mum of three kids, and Esha always marvelled at her friend’s contradictory nature. A full head shorter than Esha, Amy was petite in a Bernadette from The Big Bang Theory kind of way. Like her favourite character, Amy was also a firecracker. While Esha was all thighs, hips, and bum; Amy was all boobs, chin, and smiles.

Picking up her pace, Esha dove at her friend for a hug.

“Girl, you did it!” Amy tilted Esha’s head left and right while running her fingers through her hair. “Was it worth it?”

“Hell yeah! It was torture. Six hours in that chair was a pain, but I finally got a change, like a real, noticeable change.”

Esha grinned, swinging her head like a shampoo ad model, and giving herself a surge of confidence. The week leading up to her 35th birthday was a whirlwind of activity. All the updating of wills and policies tired her out. A few days of soul-searching combined with lack of sleep gave her the perfect solution: change. A change was as good as a holiday, right? After adding turquoise streaks to her long, normal brown hair and buying a new shade of pink lip gloss that clashed with her brown skin tone, she felt not a single day younger. So, more change next time. Or a different change.

“Short of cutting the whole lot off, this is about as noticeable as it gets.”

Always adventurous with her hair, Amy sported a pixie cut with detailed etching behind her ears.

Esha caught sight of her reflection in Amy’s sunglasses, admiring the sight of the myriad of blue shades that shone back at her. The shiny strands were highlighted by the early afternoon sunlight, creating a pleasing cascade along her shoulders. Not too shabby, not too shabby at all. Too bad her hair was all going to fall out one day. Bad genes.


About the Author:

A romance fanatic, book worm, book hoarder, and writer, Arini Vlotman is a people’s person and a wordy nerd. She finds comfort in almost any space, but there is nothing quite like being with her husband, son, and fur babies. Where writers are her superheroes and readers are her tribe, Johannesburg, South Africa is where Arini calls home.

One of Arini’s favourite hobbies is Fangirling (is that a thing?), musicians, books, movies, and obscure characters. When Arini finds something she loves, she delves into it like Harry Potter dives into the Whomping Willow.

Catch Arini on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Tiktok so you can share your journeys together.​ Arini’s debut novel, Pretty Average, hits shelves March 2024.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/arinialwaysbeyou

Twitter: https://twitter.com/AriniVlot

TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@arini_author

Threads: https://www.threads.net/@arinivlotman

Release blitz organised by Writer Marketing Services.


New Release: Not That Kind of Witch #contemporaryromance #romance #steamyromance

Hi everyone,

I am absolutely delighted to announce the release of Not That Kind of Witch! I had an enormous amount of fun researching and writing this steamy contemporary romance, and I hope you lovelies enjoy it. It’s a real mix of real-life issues, family trauma, mental health crises, fallout from the pandemic and fun and laughter – as well as just a little bit of steam.


Can Willow let go of her fears and begin living her life again, or will her issues get the better of her?

Willow Green is having a hard time of it. Losing her job at the beginning of the pandemic and her elderly grandmother’s ‘clinically vulnerable’ status have resulted in her becoming housebound. While her entrepreneurial, hard-working spirit and the knowledge passed down through generations of green witches in her family mean she has solved her employment problem, her fear of going out, of allowing the dreaded virus into the house she shares with her grandmother, is far from resolved. In fact, it seems worse than ever.

That is, until Joe Lane comes along. The handsome care worker turned delivery driver does Willow a favour, gaining her attention and reluctant admiration. He’s got plenty of baggage of his own, but he also has the skills and temperament to help her with her problem—and he really seems to care.

The question is, will she let him get close enough to try?

Available in eBook and paperback formats: https://books2read.com/ntkow

Add to BookBub: https://www.bookbub.com/books/not-that-kind-of-witch-a-contemporary-steamy-romance-novel-by-lucy-felthouse

Add to Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/203844879-not-that-kind-of-witch



Willow Green had just stepped into the kitchen from the back garden when there came an almighty hammering on the front door. Panic and irritation flared in equal measure and she dumped her loaded wicker basket on the huge farmhouse-style table before hurrying through the house towards the source of the noise.

Another hammering. The irritation started to outweigh the panic. Whoever was there was in danger of waking the dead, never mind disturbing mostly-deaf Grandma Annie, whom Willow had left happily knitting in the conservatory with a cup of tea on the table at her side before she’d headed out to the garden.

Willow cast her gaze to the ceiling and grunted with frustration. The whole point of installing the smart doorbell and having it set to only sound an alert on her phone had been to prevent Grandma being tempted to get out of her chair and make her way to the door, putting her at risk of a trip or fall along the way, or placing her in a vulnerable position with a complete stranger. The added bonus being, Willow could be at the furthest reaches of the garden, and her phone would cleverly let her know someone was at the front door.

Had this person not seen the sign? Smack dab in the middle of the door: Please use doorbell. With an arrow pointing to it. Couldn’t they read?

Then she remembered. The last time this happened, which had been a while ago, prior to getting the doorbell camera in the first place, it had been kids at the door. Kids who, once she’d opened up, backed off down the path and began flinging jibes and questions at her from what they considered a safe distance.

Hey, witch.

Been out flying on your broomstick?

What’s bubbling in your cauldron?

You gonna turn us into toads?

Did your ancestors get burned at the stake?

Where’s your black cat?

Her heart sank. She sighed and prepared herself for more of the same. It was unlikely, after all, they’d have come up with something new or more original—despite the astonishing wealth of information the human race had at its fingertips these days. Perhaps they hadn’t bothered to look, to educate themselves, or simply thought it was fun to torment a forty-year-old woman who’d never harm anything or anyone—not even if it was possible to turn people into toads. Though, admittedly, if she were a lesser woman, she’d be sorely tempted to throw out a few fake incantations to scare them, make them think she’d cursed them.

Maybe she should. Yes, it was stooping to their level, but if it stopped them coming back…

No. I’m not going there. She briefly considered not answering the door at all. She could access the doorbell speaker and tell them to clear off from the safety and comfort of her hallway, but she didn’t want them to think she was weak, or frightened. That’d just enhance the thrill for them, encourage them to harass her more often. Not happening. Not on my watch. I don’t have time for that kind of idiocy.

She shook her head, unlocked the door and yanked it open, her annoyance already spilling forth. Generally speaking, she was an incredibly placid person, and slow to anger. But she didn’t want these kids to think this house was an easy target. She’d kept the previous incident from Grandma, not wanting to worry her, and had hoped the addition of the doorbell camera might deter them from returning. “Have you horrible toerags seriously got nothing better to do? You should be ashamed of yourselves, pestering people like this! I’ve a mind to contact your parents—”

She stopped dead as the door swung wide enough to provide a view of who was on the other side of it. Not kids—horrible or otherwise—but a man. With a large cardboard box at his feet, bearing a familiar logo. Uh-oh.

A glance past him to the gravel lane leading to her house confirmed her fears. A white Transit van sat there.

She cringed and forced her gaze back to the man. A navy-blue T-shirt bearing the delivery company’s logo was stretched over his muscular biceps and chunky abdomen—a dad bod, she supposed it’d be classed as, though she didn’t really agree with the terminology—as well as a pair of tan shorts and some beat-up looking trainers. He was tall, well over six feet, and she had to crane her neck to meet his eyes. “I’m so sorry. The last time someone hammered on my door like that, it was a bunch of kids shouting abuse. I thought you were them. If you’d just rung the doorbell, like the sign…”

The frown that appeared on the man’s face as she spoke made her shift her attention to her right, a sinking feeling taking over. Where there should have been a sign attached to the centre of the door, were now only six evenly-spaced blobs of Blu-Tak.

Heat flared into her cheeks, and she let out a groan and closed her eyes momentarily. “Well, there was a sign. It’s obviously fallen off. I had no idea. Or I wouldn’t have… never mind. I’m really sorry. And now I’m waffling.” She gave a pained smile, her face threatening to burst into flames. “Anyway. You have a parcel for me?” Her voice went so high at the end she was surprised she hadn’t summoned the neighbourhood dogs.

To his credit, the man simply shrugged. “No worries. I’ve been called worse. You’re…” he consulted the screen of the smartphone in his hand, “Willow Green?”

Given the circumstances, she let the slight waver of amusement in his voice at her name slide. “Yes,” she replied resignedly. “That’s me.”

“Great. It’s a tracked parcel, so I need to take a photo to prove I’ve delivered it…”

“Okay. Go ahead.”

He tapped his phone screen a few times, then lifted the device and stepped back, presumably ensuring he got the right angle so his image would contain both the parcel and her feet inside the open doorway. Pressed the button. “Got it. Thanks. Do you want me to bring it in for you? It’s pretty heavy.” He pocketed the phone.

“No,” she said quickly, recoiling as he approached and made to pick up the box. “I mean, no thank you. I’m fine. I need to find the sign before I go indoors, anyway. Don’t want to shout at any more undeserving delivery drivers, do I?” The chuckle she let out sounded forced, even to her own ears.

“Guess not.” He backed off and clasped his chin, then stroked his thick beard, more grey than black—the colour of his thick, plentiful hair, which had only a dusting of grey at the temples. He glanced at the doorbell and wrinkled his nose. “Should’ve spotted that, really. Especially when no one answered after I knocked a few times. The Blu-Tak should have provided a clue that maybe there was a sign there, and I could have put two and two together. I’m sorry. Such an idiot. Won’t make that mistake again though, will I?” Despite the weakness of his smile, it transformed his face enough that Willow’s stomach flipped. Goodness, he’s handsome.

Available in eBook and paperback formats: https://books2read.com/ntkow

Add to BookBub: https://www.bookbub.com/books/not-that-kind-of-witch-a-contemporary-steamy-romance-novel-by-lucy-felthouse

Add to Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/203844879-not-that-kind-of-witch

Happy Reading!
Lucy x

Pre-Order Announcement: Not That Kind of Witch Coming 29th February 2024 #preorder #comingsoon #newrelease

Hi everyone,

I am SO excited to announce my next book, M/F steamy contemporary romance, Not That Kind of Witch, will be available from 29th February 2024!

Pre-order yours here: https://books2read.com/ntkow

Add it to your Goodreads shelves: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/203844879-not-that-kind-of-witch

Add it on BookBub: https://www.bookbub.com/books/not-that-kind-of-witch-a-contemporary-steamy-romance-novel-by-lucy-felthouse


Can Willow let go of her fears and begin living her life again, or will her issues get the better of her?

Willow Green is having a hard time of it. Losing her job at the beginning of the pandemic and her elderly grandmother’s ‘clinically vulnerable’ status have resulted in her becoming housebound. While her entrepreneurial, hard-working spirit and the knowledge passed down through generations of green witches in her family mean she has solved her employment problem, her fear of going out, of allowing the dreaded virus into the house she shares with her grandmother, is far from resolved. In fact, it seems worse than ever.

That is, until Joe Lane comes along. The handsome care worker turned delivery driver does Willow a favour, gaining her attention and reluctant admiration. He’s got plenty of baggage of his own, but he also has the skills and temperament to help her with her problem—and he really seems to care.

The question is, will she let him get close enough to try?


I hope you’ll check it out!
Lucy x

Festive Reads to Get You in the Holiday Mood Courtesy of Kobo! (@kobo @kobodeals) #kobo #kobodeals #festivereads #holidayreads #romancereads

Hi everyone,

Can you believe it’s December already!? I can’t, especially since I spent November with my head very firmly buried in my next book. More on that soon.

Anyway, I know this time of year isn’t everyone’s favourite thing, but for those of you looking to get in the festive, holiday mood, Kobo has got you covered. Just click here to check out their amazing collection of festive reads – many of which are on sale. This includes mine, Moonstone (a contemporary reverse harem romance), which you can click here to go to directly for a whopping 50% off. If you do grab it from Kobo, I’d massively appreciate a review on there, pretty please. I could do with a few more. Thank you!

Please note, this is only valid in the US and Canada (their choice, not mine) and ends 31st December.

Happy Reading!
Lucy x

OUT NOW—Love You Now (Love You, Maine, Book 4) by Julia Kent (@jkentauthor) #romance #romanticcomedy #romcom #contemporaryromance


Ana DaSilva is looking for a palate cleanser. A one night stand. A reboot.

Instead, she got fireworks, sparks, chemistry, and the perfect guy. No one wants to meet Mr. Right when he should just be Mr. Rebound, but Mr. Right is so, so right.

But then he went from Mr. Right to Mr. Never, because when she learns she’s pregnant three days after that wonderful night with Dennis, she realizes her sleazy drug dealing ex not only left her with the legal mess she knew about, he gave her a life-long present.

One that means ignoring Dennis’ texts and phone calls, no matter how much she wants to answer.

Dennis Luview wants to escape his pain. Coming back to his hometown of Luview, Maine – the cheesy tourist trap where every day was Valentine’s Day – means facing a past he left behind twenty-four years ago. Yes, his family is loving, and sure, he has roots that go bone-deep in the small town community where people step up for each other.

But the naive eighteen-year-old who left to serve his country is now a retired Special Ops vet with a heavy entourage of ghosts and PTSD. No woman deserves all the baggage he’s lugging around.

Including Ana, who clearly wants nothing to do with him, no matter how intense their one haunting encounter really was.

Which is why six months after that hot night, he’s stunned to find her in his hometown, at a bridal shower, her ripe, pregnant belly swelling under a gorgeous yellow sundress.

A public confrontation turns into a very private reunion, and as Dennis pursues Ana she opens up, but is he crazy to want her — and what turns out to be another man’s baby — to settle down and find stability and love?

Or is he deluding himself that he’s remotely worth the happiness an instant family could offer, after his terrible past?

If you’re looking for a secret(ish) baby, one-night stand, strangers-to-lovers romance set in a town where every day is Valentine’s Day, with a veteran with PTSD who volunteers at an animal-rescue sanctuary and a therapist who keeps picking the wrong men (until now), then settle in with a cup of coffee to read the final book in the Love You, Maine series that features the Luview family.

One-night stand

Strangers to lovers

Secret(ish) baby

… and a sugar glider named Magic

Buy Links: 

Amazon US:  https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B09XVL9JCZ

Amazon UK:  https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B09XVL9JCZ

Amazon AU:  https://www.amazon.com.au/Love-You-Now-Maine-Book-ebook/dp/B09XVL9JCZ/

Amazon CA:  https://www.amazon.ca/Love-You-Now-Maine-Book-ebook/dp/B09XVL9JCZ/

Apple Books:  https://books.apple.com/us/book/love-you-now/id1616553123

Kobo:  https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/love-you-now-2

Nook:  https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/love-you-now-julia-kent/1142639342?ean=2940186429272

Google Play:  https://play.google.com/store/books/details/Julia_Kent_Love_You_Now?id=KgVsEAAAQBAJ

Print:  https://www.amazon.com/Love-You-Now-Julia-Kent/dp/1638801096/

Website:  https://jkentauthor.com/books/love-you-maine/love-you-now/

BookBub:  https://www.bookbub.com/books/love-you-now-love-you-maine-book-4-by-julia-kent

Goodreads:  https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/59694735-love-you-now



Her scream broke his heart.

And triggered a flashback.

Instantly, the elevator was filled with the whirl of helicopter blades, the piercing Doppler effect of bullets whizzing past his ears so crisp and real. Hot air filled his lungs with a suffocating pull, chest expanding with his sharp inhale. Dust crowded his nose, nostrils burning, as memory obliterated the present.

The hard stop from the elevator’s brake system shocked him back into the moment, Ana sobbing in his arms, shaking as if her tendons were about to snap. None of this was tenable. A cold sweat broke out across his face and chest.

Too much.

It was all too much.

“Your heart–it’s racing so fast!” She pulled her face away from his neck, mascara streaking down her cheeks. His dysregulation seemed to yank her out of her own.

“I’m fine,” he grunted, both of them knowing damn well he was lying.

“What’s wrong?”

“Nothing.” Speech was hard, his tongue moving slower than it should. Ears ringing, he felt like his lungs were out of sync with his mouth, which was working to funnel air into him.


All he could do was frown.

“Tell me. Tell me what happened.”


“What do you see? In your mind’s eye?”

“I’m not your patient.”

“Of course not. But you can tell me. You can share. There’s nothing you can’t say to me.”

“Ana, twenty seconds ago you were shrieking like you were dying. Suddenly, you’re tough?”

“Not tough. Still freaking out. But you need attention, too.”

An acrid gunpowder smell burned in his nose.

“I’m good.”

“Your jaw looks like it’s about to break in half. Your shoulders are blocks of granite.” Her hand was on his arm, rubbing his shoulder cap lightly.

“I work out. Thanks for noticing.”

“Ah. I see. Deflection.”

“Lady, if I didn’t deflect, I’d have died long ago.”

“I’m sure that’s true for parts of you,” she said softly, her doe eyes soft and smart, inviting him to be softer, too. “But it’s not true any longer. You can change. You can let other parts of you step in.”

“What parts are those?”

“The part that’s retired and never has to be in combat again.”

He laughed, his mouth opening so abruptly, it hurt along the jawline. He almost said, You’ve never been in Luview on Valentine’s Day, have you? but the joke would fall flat.

And he didn’t want to get into the whole “You’re a Luview?” b.s. conversation he’d had hundreds of times in his life. Last thing he needed right now was more complication.


Author Bio:

New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Julia Kent writes romantic comedy with an edge. Since 2013, she has sold more than 2 million books, with 4 New York Times bestsellers and more than 21 appearances on the USA Today bestseller list. Her books have been translated into French, German, and Italian, with more titles releasing in the future.

From billionaires to BBWs to new adult rock stars, Julia finds a sensual, goofy joy in every contemporary romance she writes. Unlike Shannon from Shopping for a Billionaire, she did not meet her husband after dropping her phone in a men’s room toilet (and he isn’t a billionaire she met in a romantic comedy).

She lives in New England with her husband and three children where she is the only person in the household with the gene required to change empty toilet paper rolls.

She loves to hear from her readers by email at julia@jkentauthor.com, on Twitter @jkentauthor, on Facebook at @jkentauthor, and on Instagram @jkentauthor. Visit her at http://jkentauthor.com

Social Media Links:

Website:  http://jkentauthor.com/

Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/jkentauthor/

Twitter:  https://twitter.com/jkentauthor

Newsletter:  http://bit.ly/2PIBi9n

Instagram:  https://www.instagram.com/jkentauthor/

BookBub:  https://www.bookbub.com/authors/julia-kent

Goodreads:  https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/3238619.Julia_Kent

Amazon Author Page:  https://www.amazon.com/Julia-Kent/e/B00A99V268/

Release blitz organized by Writer Marketing Services.

OUT NOW: When Love Lasts by O.L. Obonna (@omoscorner) #romance #romancenovel #contemporaryromance #secondchanceromance

Book Blurb

Theirs was a marriage made in heaven, a marriage meant to last forever or so they thought.

A once-perfect marriage was thrown into a fragile state as a result of tiny whispers, and an unfortunate encounter causes the marriage to collapse. The once happy couple separate and a heartbroken Leilani returns home to London. And then out of the blue, Folarin’s family needs Leilani’s help and she must return to her ex-husband’s side. A series of unfortunate events have brought them together again and Folarin and Leilani must come to terms with the realisation, that somebody, somewhere was wrong. As they spend more time together, falling in love seems inevitable; even though one of them is promised to another, they must find a way to learn to trust and forgive each other in other to move on.
Will Folarin be able to trust Leilani?

Will Leilani be able to forget the pain of their first marriage?

Will they both believe in second chances?

Available from:

Amazon UK: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0BVMZGVJV

Amazon US: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BVMZGVJV

Smashwords: https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/1344338



Folarin wasn’t surprised Leilani had hung up on him yesterday.

He had expected her to be angry and yes, she was right to be angry, but still, he was angry with himself for calling her and even more annoyed that she hung up on him.And he was also a little bit tipsy.

Damn Leilani.

All she had to do was listen to him, was that so difficult to do? He got to his car, a sleek black BMW X6, and fumbled with his keys, cursing when they dropped from his hands. Placing his left arm on the bonnet for balance, he bent down to look for his keys.

He located them by his feet and gave a whoop of delight. Straightening up, he opened the door on the driver’s side and got in. He squinted. Everything looked blurred. But he could see the wide road before him, so he was good to go.

Starting the engine, Folarin gripped the steering wheel and drove out of the restaurant premises, his eyes focused on the road before him.

He had only gone a few miles when he ran a red light.

“He didn’t hear people screaming and he didn’t see the truck coming until it rammed into the passenger side of his car. The impact lifted his car, and it rolled over a couple of times, the windscreen shattering as the car tumbled down the poorly lit street, finally coming to a stop at the end of the road.

As his life flashed before him, Leilani was the last person he thought of just before the airbag deployed in his face.

And then he blacked out.


Author Biography

O.L OBONNA was born in Lagos, Nigeria. For as long as she can remember, she has always wanted to tell stories about love and romance by creating and immersing readers in the romantic adventures of fascinating characters. Her stories are a peek into her version of the excitement, allure, and mystery of the age-old sentimental narrative of love, which she so beautifully and intricately weaves together into a genuinely fascinating read. When she’s not surrounding herself with words or reading a romance novel, you can find her in the kitchen trying out new recipes or painting with her children.

She lives in London and is happily married with three children.

Website: www.omoscorner.com

Instagram: @omos_corner

Twitter: @omoscorner

Release blitz organised by Writer Marketing Services.