Tag Archives: elizabeth shore

Temptation: The Lady Smut Book of Dark Desires by Elizabeth Shore

tourbutton_ladysmutThanks so much for having me on your blog today! Now that we’re just a month into the new year, I thought it would be a good opportunity to talk about something decadent: temptation! And speaking of … how’s that new year’s diet going? Are the sweets in the office pantry shouting at you to gobble them down? Are they tempting you with their delicious decadence? And are you, poor soul, trying like a battle-hardened soldier not to give in?

For kicks, I did a quick Google search on “denying temptations” and got a boatload of religious references, beginning with “The 3 temptations of Jesus.” Oops. Not what I was looking for. But after a few more searches I hit pay dirt. Scottish novelist A.L. Kennedy wrote an article about why we’re tempted to do naughty things when no one’s looking. A-ha! Now we’re talking.

Her article points out that the influencers of good behavior, such as positive leadership, collaborative support, and moral guidelines can have the opposite effect and tempt people into bad actions when the oversight is removed. So when you know no one’s looking, for example, you might be tempted to swipe goods from a store or have an illicit affair. If we think we’re not going to get caught, the temptation to indulge where we ought not proves – to some – irresistible. If you knew with absolutely, positively 100% foolproof certainty that you would never get caught, what would you be tempted to do? In the absence of consequences, would you be bad? Really, really bad?

On the flip side, why are we not tempted toward the good and wise, as in, “I’m so tempted to exercise and eat healthy every day!” “I’m so tempted to be knowledgeable about the stock market!” Is it because being good is a lot more work and, truthfully, not very fun? Is that why there’s so much allure in being bad?

My story, Divine, in our anthology, The Lady Smut Book of Dark Desires, explores the temptation of having anything and everything you want – for a sky high price. I’m fascinated by the idea of how far people will go in order to fulfill their desires. My character is a struggling documentary filmmaker who’s been surviving on hard work and crossed fingers for as long as she can remember. She can turn it all around in a single evening, but she can never, ever get back what she has to give up. It’s definitely an enticing  yet scary proposition. Will the temptation of having it all be too much to resist? Hopefully I’ve tempted you to read and find out.

The other stories in the anthology also play with a little bit of a fear factor.  They’re not horror stories—but they do provide a little shivery feel to go along with the steamy hot sex.

Hope you check out all our links below – come say ‘hi’ to us at LadySmut.com.  And thanks again for having me on your blog.


Lady Smut Dark DesiresBlurb: Four sexy paranormal stories to make you shiver with fear and delight.

  • THE IMMORTAL LONGING OF BRENNA BANG, by Liz Everly When a vampire materializes through her computer, successful vampire-romance romance author Brenna Bang finds herself marked for inescapable passion with a tech savvy bloodsucker.
  • THE LYING, THE WITCH & THE WARDROBE by C. Margery Kempe Christina tries to figure out how to unlock her grandmother’s wardrobe and uncover what happened all those years ago when the goblins came to offer their sensuous erotic fruits. 
  • SEXSOMNIA by Madeline Iva Jenny needs to unravel the mystery of what she does at night and who she does it with in order to subdue the sexual demon inside her. 
  • DIVINE by Elizabeth Shore Locked in an abandoned mental asylum, an ambitious filmmaker soon discovers she’s trapped with a Dionysian god.  He offers her a glimpse of astounding future artistic success—but it will only come true if she’ll perform an erotic ritual to free him. And what she has to give up she can never get back. 


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About Lady Smut:

Lady Smut is a blog for intelligent women who like to read smut.  On this blog we talk about our writing, the erotic romance industry, masculinity, femininity, sexuality, and whatever makes our pulses race.  Need to contact us? Email ladysmutblog@gmail.com

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