Tag Archives: femdom

My Sexy Saturday #70 – Tom slid off the sofa and onto the floor, shuffling between her legs. #MySexySaturday

My Sexy Saturday

Welcome back to My Sexy Saturday. This is where writers post either 7 words, 7 sentences or 7 paragraphs from their published work or work in progress. This week I’m sharing another snippet from Testing Tom. Several of you expressed an interest in finding out what happened next! (P.S. I’m sorry I haven’t been as good at commenting and sharing as usual. I have some real-life stuff going on right now.)

She didn’t do any of those things. She kept her face straight, her thoughts whizzing through her head at a hundred miles per hour. Eventually, after letting him squirm in his seat for a minute or so, she replied. “So what exactly are you saying, Tom? What do you want?” She knew the answer, but she wanted to make him suffer, the way he had done to her after ditching her for something, someone, that could never satisfy him.

Tom slid off the sofa and onto the floor, shuffling between her legs.

Get your copy of Testing Tom here: https://lucyfelthouse.co.uk/published-works/testing-tom/

Add to Goodreads here: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/18147133-testing-tom

Please use the list below to head on over to the other blogs participating in My Sexy Saturday, and don’t forget to leave us all comments, we love ’em!

Happy Reading,

Lucy x

My Sexy Saturday #69 – …she’d remained cool and silent until the door had slammed. Then she’d broken down. #MySexySaturday

My Sexy Saturday

Welcome back to My Sexy Saturday. This is where writers post either 7 words, 7 sentences or 7 paragraphs from their published work or work in progress. This week I’m sharing another snippet from Testing Tom. Several of you expressed an interest in finding out what happened next! (P.S. I’m sorry I haven’t been as good at commenting and sharing as usual. I have some real-life stuff going on right now.)

As a Domme, Katrina had become an expert in hiding her feelings, whether she was aroused, angry, happy, sad… it was all stuffed behind a stern facial expression. Now, though, she almost faltered. When Tom had left her, she’d remained cool and silent until the door had slammed. Then she’d broken down. She’d been deeply in love with him, and his decision had left her devastated. Months down the line, her love for him hadn’t faded, not one bit, and the fact that he was here, right now, apparently trying to get her back, was something she’d never expected. She didn’t know whether to laugh, cry or throw something at him.

Get your copy of Testing Tom here: https://lucyfelthouse.co.uk/published-works/testing-tom/

Add to Goodreads here: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/18147133-testing-tom

Please use the list below to head on over to the other blogs participating in My Sexy Saturday, and don’t forget to leave us all comments, we love ’em!

Happy Reading,

Lucy x

My Sexy Saturday #68 – “I need you, and everything that goes with you.” #MySexySaturday

My Sexy Saturday

Welcome back to My Sexy Saturday. This is where writers post either 7 words, 7 sentences or 7 paragraphs from their published work or work in progress. This week I’m sharing another snippet from Testing Tom. Several of you expressed an interest in finding out what happened next! (P.S. I’m sorry I haven’t been as good at commenting and sharing as usual. I have some real-life stuff going on right now.)

“Alicia could make me come in all the usual ways—I am just a man, after all—but it wasn’t the same. Wasn’t as good. It wasn’t long before I started to miss you, miss what we had together, both in and out of the bedroom. I ignored it for as long as I could, forced myself to make the effort with Alicia, but it just got to the stage where I couldn’t do it anymore. Couldn’t ignore what I was, what I enjoyed, what I needed. And that’s you, Kat. I need you, and everything that goes with you.”

Get your copy of Testing Tom here: https://lucyfelthouse.co.uk/published-works/testing-tom/

Add to Goodreads here: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/18147133-testing-tom

Please use the list below to head on over to the other blogs participating in My Sexy Saturday, and don’t forget to leave us all comments, we love ’em!

Happy Reading,

Lucy x

My Sexy Saturday #67 – “Ugh, I don’t want to hear this, Tom.” #MySexySaturday

My Sexy Saturday

Welcome back to My Sexy Saturday. This is where writers post either 7 words, 7 sentences or 7 paragraphs from their published work or work in progress. This week I’m sharing another snippet from Testing Tom. Several of you expressed an interest in finding out what happened next! (P.S. I’m sorry I haven’t been as good at commenting and sharing as usual. I have some real-life stuff going on right now.)

“Kat, I’m here to say I’m sorry, all right? I was wrong, so wrong, to finish with you the way I did and go off with Alicia.”

“She dumped you, has she?” Katrina clenched her teeth, and felt the rage beginning to build inside her. If Tom thought he could come running back to her because his bimbo had ditched him, then he had another thing coming.

“No,” he said firmly, and, she suspected, honestly. “I finished with her, actually. When I realized that I wasn’t happy with her. She never made me feel the way you do, Kat. Not once. And I know, I know it’s my fault. I wanted something… different from what we had, or at least I thought I did. I couldn’t help thinking at the time that what we did was wrong, was weird. Abnormal, even. So when Alicia started flirting with me at work, I started thinking perhaps I should try for something normal. Like everybody else out there.”

He fixed her with his soulful gaze, and continued. “But I couldn’t have been more wrong. Yes, Alicia offered me normality, a vanilla relationship, but I soon discovered it couldn’t satisfy me. Sure, she could make me come in all the usual ways—”

“Ugh, I don’t want to hear this, Tom. I don’t want to hear about your sex life with someone else!”

“Sorry, Kat. Please, just let me finish?”

When she gave a curt nod, he carried on speaking.

Get your copy of Testing Tom here: https://lucyfelthouse.co.uk/published-works/testing-tom/

Add to Goodreads here: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/18147133-testing-tom

Please use the list below to head on over to the other blogs participating in My Sexy Saturday, and don’t forget to leave us all comments, we love ’em!

Happy Reading,

Lucy x

My Sexy Saturday #66 – “You’ve got five minutes. Sit down.” #MySexySaturday

My Sexy Saturday

Welcome back to My Sexy Saturday. This is where writers post either 7 words, 7 sentences or 7 paragraphs from their published work or work in progress. This week I’m sharing another snippet from Testing Tom. Several of you expressed an interest in finding out what happened next! (P.S. I’m sorry I haven’t been as good at commenting and sharing as usual. I have some real-life stuff going on right now.)

Katrina decided it was time to get thicker curtains. Not wanting to cause a scene, which her nosey neighbors would no doubt adore, she moved to the front door, unlocked it and flung it open.

“Get in,” she said, quickly closing the door behind him, then turning to face her unwanted visitor. “What the hell do you want?”

He held his hands up in supplication then spoke. “Look, I know I’m probably the last person you expected to see—wanted to see—but I have to talk to you. Please?”

He adopted the puppy-dog look he’d long-since perfected. Katrina sighed.

“You’ve got five minutes. Sit down.”

They moved over to the sitting area, and Katrina deliberately sat in the chair, so Tom couldn’t sit next to her.

Settling onto the end of the sofa nearest to her, he clasped his hands together, presumably to summon his courage, and began.

Get your copy of Testing Tom here: https://lucyfelthouse.co.uk/published-works/testing-tom/

Add to Goodreads here: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/18147133-testing-tom

Please use the list below to head on over to the other blogs participating in My Sexy Saturday, and don’t forget to leave us all comments, we love ’em!

Happy Reading,

Lucy x

My Sexy Saturday #65 – A Long Sexy Time #MySexySaturday

My Sexy Saturday

Welcome back to My Sexy Saturday. This is where writers post either 7 words, 7 sentences or 7 paragraphs from their published work or work in progress. This week I’m sharing something different – a snippet from Testing Tom, a book of mine that’s been out for a while, and I haven’t promoted it for a bit. This is a femdom erotic romance.

Katrina was halfway through an episode of her favorite drama series when her doorbell rang. She jumped, gasping as her heart lurched painfully, then pressed pause on the remote control. Wincing slightly as she unfolded her legs from beneath her bottom—she’d been watching the program back-to-back for a couple of hours and she was stiff—she moved to the window and peered out through a gap in the curtains, careful not to let the mystery visitor see her, should she need to ignore them. Cold callers were common in her area, and drove her crazy. If she wanted to buy something, she’d contact them, not the other way around.

As it happened, it wasn’t a salesperson. She ducked back from the window, clenched her hands into fists.

“What the fuck is he doing here?”

He was literally the last person she’d expected to see standing at her door. Prince William or George Clooney would have been less of a shock.

For there, outside her house, stood the man that had broken her heart several months ago. Thomas Black. She hadn’t seen hide nor hair of him since, and now, totally out of the blue, he’d turned up.

Katrina contemplated ignoring him, going back to her show and pretending she wasn’t in. But apparently that wasn’t an option.

“I know you’re there, Katrina,” he yelled through the letterbox, “your car is on the drive, and I can see the glow of the telly through the curtains.”

Get your copy of Testing Tom here: https://lucyfelthouse.co.uk/published-works/testing-tom/

Add to Goodreads here: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/18147133-testing-tom

Please use the list below to head on over to the other blogs participating in My Sexy Saturday, and don’t forget to leave us all comments, we love ’em!

Happy Reading,

Lucy x