Tag Archives: gay romance

OUT NOW—Never Too Famous by Thom Collins (@thomwolf) 

Never Too FamousBlurb:

They’ll do anything for fame, whatever the cost.

Harry Alexander and Grant Hunter are big names in reality TV, but they couldn’t be more different. For Harry, fame happened by chance. He was working as a marine engineer on a cruise ship when the liner became the subject of a fly-on-the-wall documentary series. Harry’s good looks and charming personality made him an immediate hit with viewers, and he became the break-out star of the show.

Grant Hunter took no chances in his pursuit of fame. Having starred in the outrageous reality show Sexy Northerners, he grabbed success with both hands and didn’t let go. Grant is prepared to do whatever it takes to stay at the top—red-carpet appearances, parties, high-profile romances and X-rated videos. He’ll do anything in the name of self-promotion to maintain his notorious reputation.

When Harry arrives in Grant’s home city of Manchester, they have preconceived ideas about each other. As they realize they have more in common than they ever thought, they must overcome prejudice, rivalry and the social and professional barriers placed before them, if they’re ever to get together

Series Blurb: Fame, money, power. Some men will do anything for them. In every field, it’s a cut-throat race to the top, littered with deceit, passion and love. For those strong enough to get what they want, maintaining it is never easy.

Reality TV stars, footballers, lawyers, singers and movies stars—join them as they discover what they’re each prepared to pay to preserve their success.

Book Details:

Never Too Famous by Thom Collins

Success Series Book 1

Publisher: Pride Publishing

Date: 10th March 2020

Word count: 31,515

Buy Links:

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The bars along the canal were busy for a Sunday evening. People sat at the outside tables, laughing and drinking. From the corner of his eye, he clocked that someone had recognized him and was moving in his direction. Harry tucked his chin and kept walking. He wanted to reach his room, lock the door and spend some quality time alone.

When a hand touched his shoulder, he expected it to be a fan, eager for a photograph. He turned, hoping to make it quick, and was surprised to recognize the smiling face that greeted him.

Grant Hunter.

My God, he’s handsome. Up close, his chiseled features and warm brown eyes were exquisite. His smile grew wider and his eyes sparkled with amusement.

“I thought it was you,” Grant said, thrusting a hand forward. “Nice to meet you at last.”

“You too,” Harry said, accepting the firm handshake.

“I wanted to say hello last night, but you left the club before I got the chance.”

“Sorry.” Harry shrugged, unable to tear his eyes from Grant’s hypnotic gaze. Dark and moody, like a film star from a different era, a 1950s matinee idol who’d stepped straight off the screen and been transported to modern-day Manchester.

You could cut yourself on his cheekbones, they’re so sharp. And that jawline…

“It wasn’t really your scene, was it?” Grant asked.

“I guess not. But sorry, again, I should have come over before I left. It was rude not to.”

“Why don’t you make it up to me now?” Grant said, gesturing to the bar where they had stopped. “A drink. I’ve got nothing else to do right now. How about you?”

The man was a natural flirt. That was obvious. But he had an undefinable and powerful charisma. Harry’s heart beat faster. Grant had an instant effect on him. “Why not?”


Thom Collins Bio

Thom Collins is the author of Closer by Morning, Gods of Vengeance, Silent Voices and the Anthem Trilogy. His love of page turning thrillers began at an early age when his mother caught him reading the latest Jackie Collins book and promptly confiscated it, sparking a life-long love of raunchy novels.

He is currently working on a new novel.

Thom has lived in the North East of England his whole life. He grew up in Northumberland and now lives in County Durham with his husband and two cats. He loves all kinds of genre fiction, especially bonk-busters, thrillers, romance and horror. He is also a cookery book addict with far too many titles cluttering his shelves. When not writing he can be found in the kitchen trying out new recipes.


Blog: http://www.thomcollins.co.uk

Twitter:   @thomwolf

Instagram: ThomCollinsAuthor

Email: thomcollinsauthor@aol.com

Release blitz organised by Writer Marketing Services.

New German-language Release: Verbot und Verlangen (Illicit Relations) #german #deutsche #gay #mm #romance #ku #kindleunlimited

Hi everyone,

I’m really excited to announce that my M/M erotic romance, Illicit Relations, is now available in German. It’s called Verbot und Verlangen, and here’s the blurb:

Seit einer Ewigkeit ist Terry in Justin, seinen Cousin zweiten Grades, verknallt. Ihm war schon immer bewusst, dass der andere so unerreichbar für ihn ist wie die berühmte verbotene Frucht, weshalb er seine Gefühle stets unter Verschluss hielt. Obwohl ihr Zusammensein nicht verboten ist, war ihr Verwandtschaftsverhältnis für Justin immer zu eng, als dass er sich mehr hätte vorstellen können.

Doch als neue Informationen rund um Terrys Geburt und seinen Platz in der Familie auftauchen, ändert sich alles. Plötzlich scheint eine Beziehung nicht mehr völlig undenkbar und die Dinge nehmen bald eine heiße Wendung…

Buy it here, or read it in Kindle Unlimited: http://mybook.to/verbotundverlangen

And please do leave a review – I’d really love for the publisher to translate and release more of my titles in German, and reviews might help that to happen! Also, if you have any friends who prefer to read in German, and enjoy M/M, please, please do let them know about this book.

Happy Reading!

Lucy x

Two MM Titles Coming in German! #translation #german #deutsche #mm #gay #romance

Hi everyone,

I’m totally delighted to announce that, thanks to a deal with MAIN Verlag, a German publisher, two of my MM titles will soon be available in German language, with lots more in the pipeline.

First up on the 3rd April is Illicit Relations, in German Verbot und Verlangen:

Seit einer Ewigkeit ist Terry in Justin, seinen Cousin zweiten Grades, verknallt. Ihm war schon immer bewusst, dass der andere so unerreichbar für ihn ist wie die berühmte verbotene Frucht, weshalb er seine Gefühle stets unter Verschluss hielt. Obwohl ihr Zusammensein nicht verboten ist, war ihr Verwandtschaftsverhältnis für Justin immer zu eng, als dass er sich mehr hätte vorstellen können.

Doch als neue Informationen rund um Terrys Geburt und seinen Platz in der Familie auftauchen, ändert sich alles. Plötzlich scheint eine Beziehung nicht mehr völlig undenkbar und die Dinge nehmen bald eine heiße Wendung…

You can pre-order it here: http://mybook.to/verbotundverlangen

Next up, on the 5th June is Unseen, in German Unsichtbarer Retter:

Als ein wissenschaftliches Experiment unerwartete Ergebnisse erzielt, versucht Rory, das Beste aus einer schwierigen Situation zu machen und wird schließlich zufällig zum Retter in der Not.

Der Mediziner Rory arbeitet in seinem streng geheimen, unterirdischen Labor in London, als ein Eingriff unerwartete Folgen hat.
Statt seinen Patienten, einen Affen namens Arnold, von einer unangenehmen Krankheit zu heilen, schafft Rory es, das Tier unsichtbar zu machen! Versehentlich gelangt etwas von dem Serum, das er Arnold injiziert hat, in seinen eigenen Blutkreislauf, und macht den Wissenschaftler damit selbst unsichtbar.

Unglaube und Verwirrung machen Rory zu schaffen, und der Mann kann keinen klaren Gedanken mehr fassen, geschweige denn herausfinden, was genau passiert ist, und was in aller Welt er dagegen unternehmen kann.

Nachdem er seine Kleidung ausgezogen hat – die sichtbar geblieben ist und ihn daher verraten würde – macht er sich auf den Weg in die Londoner Nacht, um einen klaren Kopf zu bekommen.

Bald schon zwingen ihn jedoch Ereignisse zu heldenhaftem Eingreifen, um jemanden davor zu schützen, sich selbst oder andere zu verletzen. Und gerade als Rory glaubt, dass die Dinge nicht seltsamer werden können, wird er völlig nackt im Hause des Mannes entdeckt, dem er am Abend zuvor geholfen hatte. Wie soll er das nur erklären?

You can pre-order it here: http://mybook.to/unsichtbarerretter

I hope any German readers seeing this will check these books out, and also tell all their friends and help spread the word! Thank you so much!

Happy Reading,

Lucy x

Shower You With Love by E. D. Parr (@parr_books)

Shower You With LoveBlurb:

Chris Everhart attends his best friend’s weeklong wedding festivities. He meets handsome, enigmatic, Owen, and in a haze of attraction ignores the strangeness surrounding Owen. Convinced he’s falling in love, Chris spends every moment he can with Owen, until on the final day of his best friend’s celebrations he discovers a heartbreaking and shocking truth. He and Owen can never be together.

Traumatized, lonely, Chris can’t settle into another relationship, and then, after two years of wishing he could feel the way he felt for Owen with another man, fate intervenes. He meets gorgeous, gentle Matthew.

Spooked, Chris is about to run from Matthew who reminds him so much of Owen, but Matthew asks Chris to dance with him.

In Matthew’s arms, Chris can’t ignore the feeling of belonging that rushes over him.

Will he take the risk to love again, or continue to yearn for a ghost?


On new release special price at Evernight Publishing


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The early evening sun glowed in the sky. Birds still sang. The breeze caressed his face, gentle and warm. Only white wisps of cloud trailed across the sky. It was an evening meant to walk hand in hand with a lover.

Chris sighed and drank some of his whisky. Since his boyfriend left him nearly a year ago, he hadn’t met anyone who stirred his heart. If there were any gay guys at the gathering, he’d yet to identify them. Since he was the only gay man among his friendship group, Chris expected to be the only person who hadn’t hooked up with someone by the time the bride and groom met at the altar. He smiled to himself recalling a work colleague’s words about wedding festivities. “That’s what usually happens isn’t it … you sleep with someone out of sheer envy for the “glowing with love” bride and groom?” Chris had laughed when the guy put air commas around the words “glowing with love.” “Some might. I might not,” but in his heart he dearly wished for a gentle, handsome man to love. Chris was lonelier than he admitted to himself or anyone else.

Four days of games, parties, and outings stretched ahead of him. Chris forced a more positive mood. This is a beautiful estate. I should explore. Phil’s parents owned the huge old house on a wealth of gardens. Ben, Phil’s dad, ran his events planning business from there and often one or two of the large rooms were used for conferences. Presently, the estate was closed for two weeks as the families and friends assembled to celebrate Phil’s wedding.

He peeled the label that named him from his jacket lapel, and stuffed it into his pocket. Then left his half-empty glass on a bench beside a row of rose bushes, heavy with large pink blooms, and wandered off down the path that wound around the house. The hem of his jacket trailed along two of the flowers and the perfume shed by the roses followed him.

The path forked at a corner of the house, and Chris took the one that led into an archway of trees. The path beneath his feet changed. Some of the paving stones held large cracks where tiny white daisies grew among dark moss. Chris bent and picked one—so small, yet so perfect. He put it into the buttonhole on his collar. The tree branches met at their canopy and only a few slanting rays of sun penetrated. Some scented climbing flowers wove through the trees, twining around their trunks. Chris smiled, enjoying the fragrant enclosure. Peace dropped over him as he walked.

At the end of the path, he turned at a fork that led toward the house again. Chris considered striking out across the lawn for a look at what appeared to be a small round pond, but the evening sun had disappeared behind a bank of clouds. He glanced upward at the sky. A few large orbs of rain splattered on his face. Funny, only minutes ago it didn’t look like rain at all.

He walked more rapidly in the direction of the house as the sky became overcast. On this side of the building, he could see a long line of windows, two of which from that angle, seemed to be French doors, and they were flung open. As Chris neared them, strains of music floated in the descending twilight. Fairy lights glittered, strung across the tops of the doors, and as the rain fell, the drops reflected their silvery twinkle.

By the time Chris reached the entrance, dark stars of raindrops patterned his dove-gray suit jacket and dampened his face. Chris dashed into the room accessible from the large glass doors and froze. He’d expected this to be another way into the living room he’d left earlier, especially with the lure of music guiding him, but a totally different and smaller room lay before him, and in the middle of the parquet, a man danced a kind of waltz, alone, clutching a rectangular cushion to his chest.


Find E. D. Parr

Evernight Publishing http://www.evernightpublishing.com/e-d-parr/

Twitter https://twitter.com/parr_books

Amazon page https://www.amazon.com/-/e/B01MUNJ3I8\

Blog https://parrx.blogspot.com

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Dirty Brilliance by Lea Bronsen (@leabronsen) #Billionaire #Manlove #Gay #MM #Romance

Dirty BrillianceEverything can be bought. Except love.

Kace Karrington is a wealthy, self-made investor with no qualms about steamrolling others to achieve his goals. He’s attracted to men, but picks up beautiful women, giving the cold, unfeeling world of Finance the appearance he’s successful…powerful. That is until he meets a smoking hot street punk eager to show him there’s more to life than making money.

Available from

Books2Read / Amazon.com / Amazon.uk / Barnes & Noble / Kobo / iBooks / Smashwords

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See photos that inspired me to write the book on Pinterest



And then happens what happens to me once in a long while: he catches my attention. I mean really makes me stop and stare. I’m attracted to men, after all, and some can be surprisingly handsome. This specimen is a lot more so than one would imagine of a drug addict. Strong, symmetrical features and tanned skin make quite the tableau with full lips, an aquiline nose, and dark green, gold-flecked irises framed by thick eyelashes. Even unkempt blond hair and a three-day stubble look sexy on him.

This is the guy who calls himself my sister’s friend? He’s so easy on the eyes, he has to be more than a friend.

He scowls. “Do you always do that?”

“Do what?” I take in the rest of him. He’s my height, but much skinnier. Probably can’t afford to go to a gym and do weights three times a week like I do.

“Refuse to shake someone’s hand,” he replies, tone offended. His voice sounds light but mature. Warm, comfortable to the ear. “While your sister’s in there…fighting for her life.” Tears form in his eyes. So, their redness was due to him crying.

“Sorry, it’s the nerves.” I give him my hand.

“Yeah.” He accepts to shake it, but his wet glare tells me he’s not convinced.

Me? I’m so taken aback by his good looks and intense presence, I almost forget why I came out of the room.

Oh yeah. Coffee.


Lea BronsenAbout the author

Lea Bronsen likes her reads hot, fast, and edgy, and strives to give her own stories the same intensity. After a deep dive on the unforgiving world of gangsters with her debut novel Wild Hearted, she divides her writing time between romantic suspenses, dark erotic romances, and crime thrillers.

Meet Lea Bronsen on

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Like a Thief in the Night by E D Parr (@parr_books)

Seven things about character Jon Palmer from new release gay romance, Like a Thief in the Night.

  1. He wears an Armani jacket for work.
  2. He prefers to wear ripped jeans and a t-shirt
  3. He’s used to heights since he’s had to scale the roof of an apartment block all summer
  4. He likes hot chocolate before bed
  5. He owns a pair of blue rubber toe post sandals
  6. He has a tiny art studio in a beach suburb
  7. Circumstances force him to quit his city job


Like a Thief in the NightLike a Thief in the Night

Gorgeous, businessman, Saxon Dearing buys a pied de terre in the city where he works. Only using the place on three nights, he goes home to his beachside house for the rest of the week. At thirty-two, immersed in his work, he doesn’t know he’s lonely until delicious, twenty-five year old Jon Palmer literally drops into his life during a thunderstorm.

Artist Jon struggles to sell his paintings from a tiny studio, and works in a city gallery to pay his rent. As the two men fall in love, Jon can’t overcome the idea his lack of success is a barrier to telling handsome, wealthy Saxon how he feels.

When his boss offers him a dangerous way of making money, Jon must make a choice.

Will he risk telling Saxon he loves him or let his lack of confidence lead him astray and away from the man who loves him, too?


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The invitation to kiss lured Jon in a second. The delicious feel of his lover’s lips mingled with the emotion that swished in his stomach. He clung to Saxon, sharing heated kiss after kiss until his heart raced. He drew away trying to cool the moment.

Saxon traced a finger along Jon’s cheek to his jaw. It left delectable sensation in its wake.

Jon took a deep breath. He returned to sitting in the shelter of Saxon’s arm and stared at the screen where the movie played on.

Moments passed before Saxon spoke softly.

“I know you go home Saturday after work, but can I see you tomorrow night? Will you come to the beach house? I know it’s clingy, maybe even surprising, but I feel like I don’t want to let you out of my sight.”

The sentiment sent a wave of warmth into Jon’s heart. If only things were different, we’d fall in love. I already feel safe with him. I want to love him and have him love me. He won’t love a felon. Jon sighed.

Saxon must have mistaken the sigh for a refusal. “You probably have plans, of course.”

Jon hurried to correct the idea. “No. I’d love to see you, Saxon.”

“Where’s your phone? I’ll put my address and both my numbers in your contacts.”

Jon couldn’t help smiling. He likes me a lot, for sure. He stood and went to his jacket. He brought his smartphone back to the couch and sat beside Saxon. “Here you go.”

Saxon bent his head to key in the information.

Just watching him gave Jon a soft glow of affection for the man.

Copyright E. D. Parr 2019 Evernight Publishing

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