Tag Archives: magnificent manlove

Magnificent Manlove is Now Available in French! #mm #gay #french #francais #translation

Escapades Coquines…Entre HommesHi folks!

Wow, it’s been a busy couple of days for Magnificent Manlove, hasn’t it? First the audiobook release, and now it’s available in French, too – as Escapades Coquines…Entre Hommes! The eBook version is in the process of rolling out to the various retailers, and I’ll be making this one available in paperback, too! I haven’t done a French paperback before, and things are a little different so I have to get it figured out, so please bear with me.

Here’s the blurb:

Si vous raffolez des histoires bourrées de testostérone où les mecs prennent leur pied ensemble, alors ne passez pas à côté de cette collection qui arrive directement de la plume de Lucy Felthouse.

Soldats coincés en rade, puceaux enclins à la soumission, pompiers qui allument le feu entre eux, en passant par des secondes chances et des métamorphes, sans oublier un petit ménage à trois quand on s’y attend le moins : vous trouverez tout ça et plus encore dans ce tome. Il y en pour tous les goûts, vous incitant à lire un p’tit peu plus chaque fois.

Six histoires coquines à savourer—c’est plus de 53,000 mots pour votre bon plaisir.

Get your copy here: https://books2read.com/EscapadesCoquinesEntreHommes

I can communicate slightly better in French than in German, but it’s still quite the task promoting books outside of your native language. So, if you know anyone who prefers to read in French and they enjoy M/M erotic romance, please do let them know about this book. I’ll be forever grateful!

Happy Reading,

Lucy x

Magnificent Manlove is Now Available in Audiobook Format! #audio #audiobook #audible #applebooks

Hi folks!

I’m absolutely delighted to announce that, thanks to my superb narrator, Mitchell Pett, Magnificent Manlove is now available for your listening pleasure. Enjoy Mitchell’s dulcet tones as he brings these sexy M/M stories to life!

Magnificent Manlove AudiobookBlurb:

If you enjoy testosterone-filled tales of men getting it on, then check out this collection from the pen of award-winning author Lucy Felthouse.

From stranded soldiers to submissive virgins, sexy firemen and second chances to shifters, and even some unexpected ménage, this book has variety galore. There’s something for everyone, and will have you eager to turn just one more page.

Enjoy six steamy stories, over 46,000 words of magnificent manlove.

Listen here:
Audible UK
Audible US
Amazon UK
Amazon US
Apple Books UK
Apple Books US

eBook and paperback buy links here.

Happy Listening!

Lucy x

New Release: Magnificent Manlove #mm #gay #erotica #anthology

Hi lovelies,

I’m delighted to announce I have a new release!

Magnificent Manlove is a collection of gay erotic short stories. They’ve all been published elsewhere previously, but since I got the rights back I’ve polished them up, updated them and put them into a steamy collection for your enjoyment.


If you enjoy testosterone-filled tales of men getting it on, then check out this collection from the pen of award-winning author Lucy Felthouse.

From stranded soldiers to submissive virgins, sexy firemen and second chances to shifters, and even some unexpected ménage, this book has variety galore. There’s something for everyone, and will have you eager to turn just one more page.

Enjoy six steamy stories, over 46,000 words of magnificent manlove.

Sound like your thing? Grab your copy in eBook or paperback below (audio coming in the next few months – I already have an awesome narrator lined up!):

Amazon UK
Amazon US
Amazon AU
Amazon CA
Apple Books UK
Apple Books US
Barnes & Noble
Eden Books
Google Books

Amazon UK
Amazon US
Amazon CA

Happy Reading!

Lucy x