Tag Archives: smut by the sea

Evil Plans and Stuff…

Evil Plans and StuffYou like my notebook? Me too… it was a gift from the lovely Kay Jaybee and when I was thinking about writing this blog post, I couldn’t resist snapping a photo of it to include. It seemed fitting, somehow 😉

So, I’ve been mega busy just lately with various projects on the Writer Marketing Services side of things, and have also been squeezing in some serious writing time, too. As a result, I haven’t posted an update on here for a while, so I thought I would let you in on a few exciting bits of news…

Firstly, I just finished (literally, this evening) the first draft of a long short story (hey, almost 12k is long for me) which will be the start of a series, if it’s accepted. I’m aiming it at a particular publisher, who I won’t name just in case I jinx it! But rest assured, you will have more information as and when there’s anything to tell. It’s called A Taste of London, and I think the title gives you a fair hint as to what it might be about. Want to know more? Check out the Pinterest board I created for it.

Secondly, there’s lots of news concerning uniforms! Mmm, my favourite! Anyway, I found out recently that Uniform Behaviour is going to be available in paperback from the end of August, woohoo! I’m told it will be available worldwide, but at the moment, there’s only a pre-order link up on Amazon UK, so feel free to place your order, or if you’re feeling like giving the book some “like” and tag love, I’ll be forever grateful.

Another piece of uniform-related news – I just had an email from Kristina Wright to say that my short erotic romance story, Passing Out Passion was accepted for her upcoming Duty & Desire: Military Erotic Romance anthology, which will be coming out in the autumn. Hurrah! 😀

Finally, I just wanted to post a quick reminder about the two anthologies I’m co-editing with Victoria Blisse. We’re still seeking submissions for Smut by the Sea (closing date 1st June) and Smut in the City (closing date 1st August). We’re hoping to launch the books (they’ll be available in print, too) at The Book Show in Luton in September. Check out the website for more details. It sounds like it’s going to be a fantastic event!