Tag Archives: unseen

New German-language Release: Unsichtbarer Retter (Unseen) #german #deutsche #gay #mm #romance #ku #kindleunlimited

Hi everyone,

I’m really excited to announce that my M/M erotic romance, Unseen, is now available in German. It’s called Unsichtbarer Retter, and here’s the blurb:

Als ein wissenschaftliches Experiment unerwartete Ergebnisse erzielt, versucht Rory, das Beste aus einer schwierigen Situation zu machen und wird schließlich zufällig zum Retter in der Not.

Der Mediziner Rory arbeitet in seinem streng geheimen, unterirdischen Labor in London, als ein Eingriff unerwartete Folgen hat.

Statt seinen Patienten, einen Affen namens Arnold, von einer unangenehmen Krankheit zu heilen, schafft Rory es, das Tier unsichtbar zu machen! Versehentlich gelangt etwas von dem Serum, das er Arnold injiziert hat, in seinen eigenen Blutkreislauf, und macht den Wissenschaftler damit selbst unsichtbar.

Unglaube und Verwirrung machen Rory zu schaffen, und der Mann kann keinen klaren Gedanken mehr fassen, geschweige denn herausfinden, was genau passiert ist, und was in aller Welt er dagegen unternehmen kann.

Nachdem er seine Kleidung ausgezogen hat – die sichtbar geblieben ist und ihn daher verraten würde – macht er sich auf den Weg in die Londoner Nacht, um einen klaren Kopf zu bekommen.

Bald schon zwingen ihn jedoch Ereignisse zu heldenhaftem Eingreifen, um jemanden davor zu schützen, sich selbst oder andere zu verletzen. Und gerade als Rory glaubt, dass die Dinge nicht seltsamer werden können, wird er völlig nackt im Hause des Mannes entdeckt, dem er am Abend zuvor geholfen hatte. Wie soll er das nur erklären?

Buy it here, or read it in Kindle Unlimited: http://mybook.to/unsichtbarerretter

And please do leave a review – I’d really love for the publisher to translate and release more of my titles in German, and reviews might help that to happen! Also, if you have any friends who prefer to read in German, and enjoy M/M, please, please do let them know about this book.

Happy Reading!

Lucy x

New Release: Unseen #mm #gay #superhero

Hi everyone,

I’m thrilled to announce the standalone release of my nutty superhero story, Unseen! It’s an M/M romance which was previously released as part of the I Need a Hero anthology. It’s set in central London, and here’s what it’s all about:


When a scientific procedure has unexpected results, Rory tries to make the best of a bad situation and ends up becoming an accidental superhero.

Medical scientist Rory is working in his top secret underground laboratory in Central London when a procedure has unexpected results. Far from curing his patient, a monkey called Arnold, of an unpleasant disease, he manages to turn the animal invisible! In his panic, Rory accidentally gets some of the serum he injected Arnold with into his own bloodstream, rendering himself invisible, too. With disbelief and confusion filling his brain, Rory finds it impossible to think straight, much less to figure out what precisely happened, and what on earth he’s going to do about it. So, after stripping off his clothes—which remain visible and therefore would give him away—he heads out into the London night for a walk to try and clear his head. Soon, a series of events lead him into a situation where he takes heroic action to protect somebody from hurting themselves, or someone else. And, just when Rory thinks things can’t get any weirder, he’s found, completely naked, in the home of the man he helped the previous evening. How can he explain his way out of this?

Sound like it’ll tickle your fancy? Check out the buy links here: https://lucyfelthouse.co.uk/published-works/unseen/

Add it to your Goodreads shelves here: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/35603735-unseen

Happy Reading!

Lucy x

Blurb and Cover Reveal for Unseen! #mm #erotica #romance #superhero

Hi everyone,

I’m delighted to show off this amazing cover I have for my upcoming M/M superhero erotic romance story, Unseen, which will be released by Pride Publishing – first as part of their I Need a Hero anthology, then as a standalone in August.


And here’s what it’s all about:

When a scientific procedure has unexpected results, Rory tries to make the best of a bad situation and ends up becoming an accidental superhero.

Medical scientist Rory is working in his top secret underground laboratory in Central London when a procedure has unexpected results. Far from curing his patient, a monkey called Arnold, of an unpleasant disease, he manages to turn the animal invisible! In his panic, Rory accidentally gets some of the serum he injected Arnold with into his own bloodstream, rendering himself invisible, too. With disbelief and confusion filling his brain, Rory finds it impossible to think straight, much less to figure out what precisely happened, and what on earth he’s going to do about it. So, after stripping off his clothes—which remain visible and therefore would give him away—he heads out into the London night for a walk to try and clear his head. Soon, a series of events lead him into a situation where he takes heroic action to protect somebody from hurting themselves, or someone else. And, just when Rory thinks things can’t get any weirder, he’s found, completely naked, in the home of the man he helped the previous evening. How can he explain his way out of this?

More information as and when I have it!

Happy Reading,

Lucy x