Tag Archives: eyes wide open

My Sexy Saturday #88 – …a chance to try to woo Prince Harry would not go amiss. #MySexySaturday

My Sexy Saturday

Welcome back to My Sexy Saturday. This is where writers post either 7 words, 7 sentences or 7 paragraphs from their published work or work in progress. Here’s another snippet from my latest novel, Eyes Wide Open. It follows on directly from last week’s.

A shame, really, as a chance to try to woo Prince Harry would not go amiss. She was sure those mischievous eyes and smile hid a multitude of sexy sins. His grandmother would not approve.

Abandoning her cloth with a sigh, she reached for a newspaper one of the patrons had left behind. There was hardly anyone in, as usual, so no glasses to collect, tables to wipe, or bowls of nuts to refill. A flick through the paper was her only source of entertainment. Or at least the only thing to stop her going completely out of her mind with boredom.

Buy your copy of Eyes Wide Open here: https://lucyfelthouse.co.uk/published-works/eyes-wide-open-totally-five-star-london/

Add to Goodreads here: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/26080607-eyes-wide-open

Please use the list below to head on over to the other blogs participating in My Sexy Saturday, and don’t forget to leave us all comments, we love ’em!

Happy Reading,

Lucy x

Mid Week Tease: …the fine clothing was practically an orgasm for the gaze. #MWTease

MWTease15Hi everyone,

Welcome back to Mid Week Tease! Here’s another snippet from my latest novel, Eyes Wide Open. It follows on directly from last week’s.

Eyes Wide OpenContinuing to surreptitiously peer at the men over the rim of her glass, it hit her that this was the first time in months that she’d looked at a man with interest, much less two men—and at the same time! But, ready to snatch her gaze away if one of them happened to glance at her, she realized that it wasn’t surprising that the pair had attracted her attention.

The tailored business suits would draw the eye even on an ugly guy. But on these two, the fine clothing was practically an orgasm for the gaze. They sat opposite each other, and their angle to her meant that she had a view of both their profiles—lucky her.

The one to her right had very dark, almost black hair, with a bit of a curl to it, a long straight nose, a trimmed goatee and, if she wasn’t mistaken, deep blue eyes. It was hard to tell for sure from this distance and perspective.

The one on her left had lighter, shorter hair, stubble that by some magical feat still looked smart, and the most sinful lips she’d ever set eyes on. And speaking of eyes, she thought perhaps his were green. What she wouldn’t give to go and check both of them out close up, preferably naked.

Shocked at her own sudden lustful thoughts, she inhaled more than drank another sip of the juice. Unfortunately, it hit her throat all wrong and she almost slammed the glass down as she started to cough. She tried so hard to suppress the cough, eager not to draw attention to herself, that she made it worse. Snatching up the thick linen serviette from the table, she held it to her mouth as she spluttered in a most embarrassing manner, and tears began to roll down her cheeks. By now, she was sure that the whole damn restaurant was staring at her, and she wished the tablecloths reached the floor, like the ones in the restaurant upstairs, so she could hide under the table until she regained her composure.

Swallowing repeatedly to try to soothe her irritated throat, she gasped as a gentle hand laid on her shoulder, which set her off all over again.

“Oh God,” came a voice. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to make you jump. I just wanted to make sure you were all right. See if I could help.”

Grab your copy of Eyes Wide Open here: https://lucyfelthouse.co.uk/published-works/eyes-wide-open-totally-five-star-london/

And add it to your Goodreads shelves here: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/26080607-eyes-wide-open

Don’t forget to check out all the other blogs taking part!

Saturday Spankings #69 – it probably should have been illegal…but definitely wasn’t. #SatSpanks

Saturday Spankings-467x200Hi everyone,

It’s time for another Saturday Spankings, which is where authors post eight-ish sentences of a spanking on their blogs. I’ve changed books now, as my latest novel, Eyes Wide Open, released on Tuesday. It’s a M/M/F BDSM erotic romance and I’m super excited about it! I hope you enjoy the snippet. 😉

As her brain processed the information her eyes were feeding to it, several emotions hit her at once—understanding, relief, confusion, surprise…and arousal.

Frozen to the spot, unable and, if she was honest, unwilling to move, Fiona watched, open-mouthed, as James and Logan’s so-called nefarious activity played out right in front of her. Only it wasn’t nefarious at all. It was beautiful, stunning, and knicker-wettingly hot. So hot it probably should have been illegal…but definitely wasn’t.
James was naked, face down on the large bed, his arms and legs spread, each limb bound to the nearest corner post using what looked like black silky rope. Logan loomed over him, also naked, with an ominous-looking black whip thing in his hand. It had a thick handle, with lots of stringy pieces coming out of it.

I hope you enjoyed that snippet! You can grab the book here. And then see the below list to hop to the other authors taking part…

My Sexy Saturday #87 – they’d run screaming in the other direction. #MySexySaturday

My Sexy Saturday

Welcome back to My Sexy Saturday. This is where writers post either 7 words, 7 sentences or 7 paragraphs from their published work or work in progress. On Tuesday, my latest novel, Eyes Wide Open released (woohoo!) so I’ll be sharing snippets from that for a little while. It’s a M/M/F BDSM erotic romance. I hope you enjoy this snippet from the very beginning of the book.

Fiona Gillespie wiped a damp cloth half-heartedly over the surface of the bar. It was a pointless exercise. The pub’s fittings and fixtures were so old that no amount of scrubbing would remove the grime that had been ingrained in the wood over the decades. That and the next time she served one of the old drunks that frequented the place, it’d just get beer spilled on it again.

Glancing at her surroundings in distaste, Fiona stifled a derisive snort when she caught sight of the swinging pub sign through the window. It had never really registered before, but The Royal Oak? There was nothing remotely royal about the pub in London’s East End where she worked. If an actual royal so much as stepped foot across the threshold, they’d run screaming in the other direction.

Buy your copy of Eyes Wide Open here: https://lucyfelthouse.co.uk/published-works/eyes-wide-open-totally-five-star-london/

Add to Goodreads here: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/26080607-eyes-wide-open

Please use the list below to head on over to the other blogs participating in My Sexy Saturday, and don’t forget to leave us all comments, we love ’em!

Happy Reading,

Lucy x

Mid Week Tease: …she wasn’t the only woman who’d noticed them, either. #MWTease

MWTease15Hi everyone,

Welcome back to Mid Week Tease! I was away on holiday last week so didn’t take part, but I’m back with a vengeance! 😉 My latest novel, Eyes Wide Open, released yesterday (squeeeee!) so I’m delighted to share a snippet of it with you guys. It’s a M/M/F BDSM erotic romance, set in London.

Eyes Wide OpenJust about to chastise herself for allowing her thoughts to meander so, she suddenly realized she was on to something. Closing her eyes and grabbing hard onto the trail of the train of thought she’d just been pursuing, she tugged it back into the forefront of her mind.

Yes! She opened her eyes. That was it. That was her angle. The wording would need work, serious refinement, but the basic idea was there. Treat yourself to a once-in-a-lifetime stay in the ultimate luxury hotel. Enjoy rooms, spaces and facilities fit for royalty.

Typing the snippet into the tablet’s note-taking app before she forgot it, she grinned. It was good—really good. Once polished up, expanded on and worked into press releases, sound bites, competition copy and advertorial copy, she was sure it would result in lots of coverage, not to mention bring in plenty of guests. The concept might even be used in TV, magazine and radio advertising. Now that would be seriously cool—a way for her to be famous, without being famous—her idea, her baby, up in lights!

Tapping in a few more notes, she saved her progress, then stopped to take a drink of the delicious fruit juice. It was then that she noticed that she wasn’t quite as secluded in her corner as she had been before. Two businessmen had settled down two tables away. Nothing unusual in that, except that as she allowed her gaze to linger on them, she quickly realized that they were, in fact, a little out of the ordinary. The majority of the businessmen and women she saw here were middle-aged or older, which made sense. They’d had longer to climb the career ladder, achieve higher positions, earn more money and therefore attend meetings or stay over in places such as the Totally Five Star.

These two, however, looked like they had less than a decade on her—late twenties, possibly early thirties. And the thing that made them the most unusual was the fact that they were hot. A subtle glance around the room showed her that she wasn’t the only woman who’d noticed them, either.

Grab your copy of Eyes Wide Open here: https://lucyfelthouse.co.uk/published-works/eyes-wide-open-totally-five-star-london/

And add it to your Goodreads shelves here: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/26080607-eyes-wide-open

Don’t forget to check out all the other blogs taking part!

New Release: Eyes Wide Open (Totally Five Star London) (@pridepublishing @totally_bound) #erotica #romance #menage #bdsm

Hi everyone,

I am utterly, ridiculously, completely, insanely (yeah, I think you get the idea) excited to announce the release of my latest novel, Eyes Wide Open. This M/M/F BDSM erotic romance is a standalone story which is part of Pride Publishing/Totally Bound Publishing’s Totally Five Star imprint, set in uber-luxury hotels worldwide.

Here’s what it’s all about:

An ordinary girl catapulted into an extraordinary world meets two even more extraordinary men—but what will she do when she discovers their sexy secret?

Fiona Gillespie moved to London shortly after graduating to take advantage of the opportunities the capital could offer. However, months later, she’s still living in a horrid flat and working in a grimy East End pub. The problem is, she doesn’t really know what she wants to do, career-wise. So when she happens upon an advertisement for a job at a plush Mayfair hotel, she jumps at the chance. A great deal of determination and a spot of luck land Fiona her dream role.

But working at the Totally Five Star London is just the beginning. She adores the role and flourishes, impressing her bosses and making her increasingly determined to climb the career ladder.

While her career is flying, though, her love life is non-existent. She hasn’t even thought about men, never mind met or dated one for months, so when she bumps into two gorgeous businessmen in the hotel, she’s surprised to find her head has been well and truly turned. Even more surprisingly, they flirt with her—both of them! She’s drawn to James and Logan, despite feeling that they’re way out of her league.

When a misunderstanding leads Fiona to James and Logan’s sumptuous top-floor suite, she has no idea what she’s about to uncover. Scenes of people-trafficking, drug-pushing and wild sex parties all appear in her active imagination. Yet what she actually sees is something she’d never even considered before, something that piques her interest.

After discovering their sexy secret, what will she do with this new-found knowledge?

Reader Advisory: This book contains scenes of anal play, spanking, sex toys and bondage.


Get your copy in print or eBook format here.

Add to your Goodreads shelves here.

Happy Reading!
Lucy x