Tag Archives: lucy felthouse

Magnificent Manlove is Now Available in French! #mm #gay #french #francais #translation

Escapades Coquines…Entre HommesHi folks!

Wow, it’s been a busy couple of days for Magnificent Manlove, hasn’t it? First the audiobook release, and now it’s available in French, too – as Escapades Coquines…Entre Hommes! The eBook version is in the process of rolling out to the various retailers, and I’ll be making this one available in paperback, too! I haven’t done a French paperback before, and things are a little different so I have to get it figured out, so please bear with me.

Here’s the blurb:

Si vous raffolez des histoires bourrées de testostérone où les mecs prennent leur pied ensemble, alors ne passez pas à côté de cette collection qui arrive directement de la plume de Lucy Felthouse.

Soldats coincés en rade, puceaux enclins à la soumission, pompiers qui allument le feu entre eux, en passant par des secondes chances et des métamorphes, sans oublier un petit ménage à trois quand on s’y attend le moins : vous trouverez tout ça et plus encore dans ce tome. Il y en pour tous les goûts, vous incitant à lire un p’tit peu plus chaque fois.

Six histoires coquines à savourer—c’est plus de 53,000 mots pour votre bon plaisir.

Get your copy here: https://books2read.com/EscapadesCoquinesEntreHommes

I can communicate slightly better in French than in German, but it’s still quite the task promoting books outside of your native language. So, if you know anyone who prefers to read in French and they enjoy M/M erotic romance, please do let them know about this book. I’ll be forever grateful!

Happy Reading,

Lucy x

Magnificent Manlove is Now Available in Audiobook Format! #audio #audiobook #audible #applebooks

Hi folks!

I’m absolutely delighted to announce that, thanks to my superb narrator, Mitchell Pett, Magnificent Manlove is now available for your listening pleasure. Enjoy Mitchell’s dulcet tones as he brings these sexy M/M stories to life!

Magnificent Manlove AudiobookBlurb:

If you enjoy testosterone-filled tales of men getting it on, then check out this collection from the pen of award-winning author Lucy Felthouse.

From stranded soldiers to submissive virgins, sexy firemen and second chances to shifters, and even some unexpected ménage, this book has variety galore. There’s something for everyone, and will have you eager to turn just one more page.

Enjoy six steamy stories, over 46,000 words of magnificent manlove.

Listen here:
Audible UK
Audible US
Amazon UK
Amazon US
Apple Books UK
Apple Books US

eBook and paperback buy links here.

Happy Listening!

Lucy x

Now Publishing on Radish! (@radish_fiction) #radish #radishfiction

Hi everyone,

For those of you into your reading apps – good news! I have just started publishing on Radish. I’m still very much learning my way around and how things work, so please bear with me. As you probably know I have an enormous backlist so it’ll take a while to get all my eligible titles up on there, so if there’s something in particular you’d like to see on there, just let me know. And please do share with your Radish-using friends!

Check me out on Radish here.

Happy Reading!

Lucy x

New Release: Fearless – A Charity Anthology #charity #darknesstolight

Hi all,

Phew – it’s been a busy few days, hasn’t it? *catches breath* Anyway, I am totally thrilled to let you know about the release of this collection – Fearless, which is a charity collection containing my story, Instinct, as well as a ton of other amazing tales. All proceeds go to a charity for children who have been sexually abused. So please do dig consider 1-clicking this anthology to help out – and you’ll be getting a bunch of fabulous stories in return. What could be better? Also, spreading the word is amazing, too!





A collection of stories about badassery, bravery, and beating the odds. All proceeds to benefit Darkness to Light, a charity for children who have been sexually abused. The stories contained within are a wonderful mixture of both M/F and RH, ranging from contemporary to PNR. Featuring tales from:

Cali Mann
M.J. Marstens
A.J. Macey
Ginna Moran & Elie Waters
Jacquelyn Faye
M. Sinclair & R.L. Caulder
Imani L. Hawkins
Katie May & Ann Denton
Rosemary A. Johns
Cate Corvin
Mia Harlan & Melissa Adams
TL Hamilton
Whimsy Nimsy
Rachelle Bonifay
K.B. Wheelock
Jewels Arthur & Jenée Robinson
Elle Lee
Jenn D Young
Katherine Isaac
KZ Merlin
Dolly Kalasin
J Grace
Roseyk Klayborn
Z Xanxar
Rory Miles
Emmy Dee
Serafina Luna Brodie
Lucy Felthouse
Maya Riley
C.E. Lashua
Raven James

Grab your copy here: https://books2read.com/fearlessantho

Happy Reading!
Lucy x

New Release: Native Tongue is Now Available in German! #german #deutsche #mm #gay #lgbt #military

Hi everyone,

I’m thrilled to announce that yet another German release has hit digital shelves – how cool is that?! My M/M erotic romance, Native Tongue (the follow up to Desert Heat) is now available in German thanks to MAIN Verlag. So please do spread the word if you know anyone who prefers to read in German – I’ve got a few options available for them now. In the case of this particular book, though, I highly recommend reading Desert Heat first, otherwise it won’t make a great deal of sense.


In Afghanistan konnten Regeln, Religion und Gefahr die Liebe nicht zurückdrängen. In England sollten all diese Schwierigkeiten einfach im Nebel verschwinden. Doch stattdessen scheinen die Probleme zuzunehmen.

Werden die beiden Männer diesen Kampf verlieren?

Grab your copy here: https://books2read.com/nativetonguegerman

Both books have also been bundled into a paperback here: https://www.amazon.de/Zwischen-W%C3%BCstenhitze-Nebelschwaden-Lucy-Felthouse/dp/3959494785/

Happy Reading!

Lucy x

New Release: The Persecution of the Wolves #wolves #werewolves #shifters #paranormal

Hi lovelies,

I’m delighted to announce the re-release of The Persecution of the Wolves (which has also been known as Pack of Lies), my werewolf thriller novel set in Eyam, Derbyshire. It has both M/F and M/M scenes, lots of tension, and will keep you guessing. I wrote it a looong time ago, but I thoroughly enjoyed going through it again and giving it a polish up and an update. I hope you’ll enjoy reading it, too.


Someone’s got it in for the Adams brothers. But who? And why?

Werewolf brothers Matthew and Isaac have lived in the peaceful village of Eyam, Derbyshire all their lives. The villagers know what they are, and have their reasons for keeping quiet. But this secrecy comes at a cost—the brothers can’t risk romantic entanglements.

Then, at the next full moon, a sheep is slaughtered on Eyam Moor, by what could only be a large animal. Even the brothers’ staunchest supporters begin to have their doubts about who—or what—could have done it.

As the brothers fight to clear their names, things are complicated by unexpected opportunities to indulge their lust. Isaac is intrigued by a handsome newcomer to the village, and a vivacious visitor is happy to offer Matthew her all.

Can the men prove their innocence, or is their centuries-old secret about to be revealed to the outside world, bringing their carefully crafted existence crashing down around their ears?

Please note: This book has been previously published. This version has been re-edited.

Grab your copy here:

Amazon UK
Amazon US
Amazon AU
Amazon CA
Apple Books UK
Apple Books US
Barnes & Noble
Eden Books
Google Play

Amazon UK
Amazon US
Amazon CA
Amazon AU

Happy Reading!
Lucy x