Tag Archives: tina donahue

The Craving (The Wanderers Book Two) by Tina Donahue (@tinadonahue) #pnr #paranormal #romance


She’s everything he’s desired… He’s the one man she shouldn’t crave.

Knowing the danger the Wanderers pose, Erica Vega intends to hunt down the mysterious group steeped in dark magic, curses, and mind control. As a Deputy U.S. Marshal, she has the law behind her, along with her telekinetic powers. Let the chase and battle begin.

Not so fast. Her superior forbids her to go after any Wanderer, instead ordering her to work cold cases with her new partner Lucian Navari.

Tall, dark, and hotter than sin, Lucian doesn’t play by the book. He has his own agenda and agrees to help Erica hunt Wanderers on the sly where he and she can be up close and personal.

Erica’s not one to mix duty with pleasure, but he’s impossible to resist in too damn many ways. As they investigate an elusive Wanderer, nothing is as it appears—she can’t trust what she sees or believes. Lies masquerade as truth, and deception rules while she and Lucian grow closer in a carnal dance that will change their lives.

Available from: Amazon UK | Amazon US



He shoved his hair back. “You still don’t trust me.”

She did, more than any man in her life, except for Mike. However, when people got rattled or drank, they sometimes blurted stuff they shouldn’t. Not their fault, but it didn’t make things better. “If by chance you ever say anything about my power, I’ll deny it. I’ll make you sound like a loon. That’s a promise.”

“You think I’m that much of a prick?”

She’d never met a finer man. With him, she felt comfortable and safe. He’d protected her after the tree incident and tried to stop her from behaving like a maniac. Today, they’d become friends without even trying. She should have been scared at the notion and for breaking one of her work rules. Instead, relief washed over her. She wasn’t alone in this. “You’re the man. How many times do I have to keep telling you?”

He chuckled. “God, you’re something.” He searched her face. “Are you all right?”

Her insides still trembled. She suspected from doubt and unease about Pope, and at having Lucian here, close and alone with her. “I won’t lie, I’ve been calmer. Maybe a beer will help. Can I get you one?”

“Yeah. Thanks.”

She delivered the brew, along with damp dish towels to clean their faces and hands. Once they were finished, she dropped the things onto the cocktail table and gestured him to her cloth sofa, large enough to seat four or serve as a makeshift bed for an overnight guest. They sat on adjoining cushions. She didn’t mind having him near. His proximity, scent, and heat unsettled her in a good way. She gulped her beer, hoping it would help her forget the bad stuff.

Lucian sipped his drink and regarded her.

Her throat and face stung with heat. “You’re staring again.”

“Do you mind?”


“Then stop making it so easy.”

She lowered her face and smiled. “There’s dust on your shirt and pants.”

He looked and shrugged. “I don’t care, if you don’t.”

His deep voice soothed. His big body promised excitement, comfort, refuge from a crappy world. Stuff she shouldn’t want, at least from him. Work relationships always got complicated no matter how she controlled her feelings. Throwing attraction into the mix made things worse. She gulped more beer.

“You’re sure you’re all right?”

Bubbles tickled her nose. She rubbed it and wanted to lie, tell him to go home, she was okay and didn’t need him here. The words wouldn’t come. She looked at him.

He lifted his shoulders. “What?”

Never had she wanted a man as she did him. “Screw this.” She put her bottle on the cocktail table and crawled onto his lap, straddling his legs. “Don’t talk, please.” She cupped his face. “Unless you don’t want me.”

His eyes rounded. “Are you joking? Hell yeah, I do.”

“Shhh.” She didn’t want words. She needed intimacy and fitted her mouth to his.

He smiled. So did she, their lips lifting together, seeking each other.

The room spun. A ride like no other. His stubble rasped her cheeks and chin. His lips couldn’t have been softer or warmer. Better than what she’d experienced in her dream.

He pulled her close and speared his tongue into her mouth.

She lost her breath. This was past epic and straight into legendary. Even her fantasies weren’t this good.

They kissed with abandon and stark need, each pressing nearer, trying to eliminate any separation between them. His strength thrilled, showing her his power, yet it also felt like a caress.

He growled and tore his mouth free.

“No.” She cupped his head to pull him back to her. “I’m not through.”

“Neither am I.” Holding on to her, he leaned forward, put his bottle on the table then twisted around and pushed her to the sofa. The cushion whooshed from her weight. “Not a word, understand?”

Several locks had fallen over his forehead. His eyes were bright with lust. Face flushed. Fucking gorgeous. “Yes, sir.”

He laughed and captured her mouth with desire, using it with skill. His kiss was savage and unrestrained, tongue burrowed deep, giving her no chance for words. Wild sounds poured from them, more animal than human. It fueled her lust.

She clawed at his shirt and pants, wanting them off.

He pushed up her blouse and tugged down her bra then claimed her breasts. His hands were heavy, hot, and in command. The best thing she’d ever felt.

Reason and good sense fled, replaced by carnal instinct feral in its intensity, nothing timid or gentle about the act.

They rocked and rolled, dry humping, deep kissing. The sofa jerked on the hardwood floor.

He broke free again.

Fuck. He had to stop doing that. She grabbed his hair. “Come back here.”

He hauled her up then pushed to his feet.

She wrapped her legs around his lean hips, her arms about his shoulders.

“Where’s your bedroom?” He looked right, left.

“Behind you.”

He pivoted, carried her across the room, and halted. “Shit. Where’s Rápido?”

“By the chair. Give me a sec.” Using her power, she transported him to his tank. There he could take a soak or bask beneath his warming lamp. Turtle heaven. “What are you waiting for?” She squeezed Lucian’s shoulders. “Get going. I’m about to die.”

“And I’m not?” Huffing, he raced into her bedroom and brought her down to the mattress with him. Springs popped. The frame creaked.

Their mouths were welded together, their kiss long and lingering, deep and wet. The best kind.

He jerked free. “Wait.”

“No.” She kept kissing him.

He pulled away. “We have weapons.” He left the bed and put his Glock on the bureau.

She was right behind him and placed hers next to his.

Grinning, they tore at each other’s clothes. Shoes, pants, tops, and underwear flew.

This time, she pulled him onto the mattress.

Naked, he crawled over her, his rigid cock brushing her thigh. He clasped her wrists. “Don’t even think about moving.”

She liked his alpha side. “Want me to play dead, huh?”

“No way in hell will you ever do that with me.” He slid down her, gripped her knees, and pushed them to her shoulders, exposing her cunt.

Her breath spilled out.

He buried his face in her pussy, his tongue on her clit, flicking it.

Indescribable pleasure shot through her, tingling her inner thighs and mound. Colors dimmed. Sounds faded. The world slipped away, leaving nothing except his hands and mouth on her.

Erica yielded, craving this and him.


About Tina:

Tina’s an Amazon and international bestselling novelist who writes passionate romance for every taste – ‘heat with heart’ – for traditional publishers and indie. Booklist, Publisher’s Weekly, Romantic Times and numerous online sites have praised her work. She’s won Readers’ Choice Awards, was named a finalist in the EPIC competition, received a Book of the Year award, The Golden Nib Award, awards of merit in the RWA Holt Medallion competitions, and second place in the NEC RWA contests. She’s featured in the Novel & Short Story Writer’s Market. Before penning romances, she worked at a major Hollywood production company in Story Direction.

On a less serious note: she’s an admitted and unrepentant chocoholic, brakes for Mexican restaurants, and has been known to moan like Meg Ryan in When Harry Met Sally while wolfing down tostadas. She’s flown a single-engine airplane (freaking scary), rewired an old house using an ‘electricity for dummies’ book, and is horribly shy despite the hot romances she writes.

MeWe: https://mewe.com/i/tinadonahue

Website/Blog: https://tinadonahuebooks.blogspot.com/

Newsletter: https://tinadonahuebooks.blogspot.com/p/newsletter.html

BookBub: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/tina-donahue

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/146988.Tina_Donahue

Twitter: https://twitter.com/tinadonahue

Tumblr: https://www.tumblr.com/tinadonahue

Amazon author page: https://amzn.to/1ChWFkO

Sweet ‘n Sexy Divas: https://sweetnsexydivas.blogspot.com/

Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/user/AuthorTinaDonahue

Anything You Want by Tina Donahue (@tinadonahue)

Anything You WantBlurb:

At a hedonistic resort, her indecent cravings are about to be sated…

With the big three-o only days away, Jamie’s had it with dieting, exercise, and being alone. Off she goes to Wicked Desires, a decadent Caribbean resort where clothing is optional, carnal appetites rule, and food, especially chocolate, is celebrated. If only she had a guy to indulge with…

How about two? Billionaires Creed and Tav are checking out ideas for their new video game. The play features a resort where anything goes and an unlikely heroine as the star. Jamie’s luscious curves and sweet vulnerability make her the perfect type to base their game on. Since she’s also in IT—having put her dream to create candy on hold—she understands their lingo.

Hell, their desires are perfectly in tune with hers, whether it’s food play during meals, punishment in the discipline room, or a romantic evening on the beach.

When it comes to sweet delights and these two hunks…who says she can’t have anything she wants?

UNIVERSAL LINK: https://books2read.com/b/mYxJ0w



If she lived sixty more years, Jamie sensed she’d always remember this moment.

She melted into Tav as though they’d been making out all their lives. There were no awkward moments where noses bumped or elbows and knees hit.

That kind of clumsiness usually happened in bed, at least for her and the guys she’d been with.

No way did she want to think about those other men now.

Tav’s tender and searching kiss stoked her desire until she was near to bursting. Greedy for more, she angled her head to get closer, giving him greater access to her mouth. His lips’ silky warmth, the way his bristly cheeks scoured her skin was a memory she’d already stored in her heart.

Good God, she could get used to kissing him on a regular basis.

Releasing a breathy moan, she drove her fingers into his hair, the locks softer than she expected, and so thick her insides quivered. She held him to her and suckled his tongue, heated and wet, its clean taste more intoxicating than a slug of booze.

He didn’t hold back. Tender turned intense, searching evolved into raw lust. He tightened his hold on her and she pressed closer, both of them making sounds proving their delight and need.

His beer-scented breath was utterly masculine. His musk and clean lime fragrance added to his allure. She was certain the sun couldn’t provide as much warmth as his body did, his chest and pecs hot against her, offering excitement, passion, comfort.

He made her feel safe, not judged or used. She barely knew him but already sensed his wealth hadn’t made him a player, out for what he could get, ready to take off once he satisfied his own needs.

Her enjoyment mattered to him.

He gentled his hold and stroked her back.

Bursts of delight toppled any lingering reservations she might have had. Feeling bold and desired, as she hadn’t for too long, she eased his tongue from her mouth and slipped hers inside his.

His thrilled groan and the way he suckled her tongue proved his satisfaction.

She stroked his muscular biceps and pecs, circled his nipples, and explored his solid abs. When she reached his navel and the short hairs surrounding it, she just about died from pure bliss.

Without warning, he pulled his mouth free and gulped air, looking slightly dazed, his mouth wet from hers.

Her lips felt puffy, bruised from their passion, cheeks stinging slightly from his stubble. Nice.

But she had to have more. No way could she forget about Creed, nor did she intend to deny him or herself…if he’d have her.

She ran her fingers over Tav’s lips in a temporary farewell then turned to Creed. Her breath caught at the sin in his eyes, his shameless smile. She matched it without having to try. He brought out the devil in her—so did Tav.

He and Creed might have been richer than God and hotter than the deepest depths of Hell, but they were also good guys.

She eased into Creed’s arms.

His embrace was stronger than Tav’s had been.

Not hesitating in the least, he demonstrated his alpha position, his hard kiss possessive, demanding.

She surrendered, loving his big body and barely restrained strength. His scent filled her, the fragrance bringing to mind a primeval forest, him clad in a loincloth, hair long and wild, his piercing gaze pinning her as she knelt naked and wanting before him.

Her soft folds grew wet. Make that wetter, especially from the pleasured noises he made, both primitive and fully male.

Heat rushed to her face. Her ears rang. She pushed her fingers through his hair as she’d done with Tav’s. Creed’s skin was amazingly warm, pecs dancing beneath her touch.

While she explored his assets, he cupped her boobs, testing their weight in his palms. He squeezed them gently and dragged his thumb over her nipples.

Reckless need and base desire cascaded through her, every part she owned acutely sensitive from not having experienced a man’s touch for so many months. Her nipples pebbled instantly. With each of his strokes, more delight dashed through her.

They kissed noisily.

His smile lifted his lips against hers. She offered a grin in return and might have remained in his arms forever if not for them both needing a full breath.

Also, Tav waited on her other side.


About Tina:

Tina’s an Amazon and international bestselling novelist who writes passionate romance for every taste – ‘heat with heart’ – for traditional publishers and indie. Booklist, Publisher’s Weekly, Romantic Times and numerous online sites have praised her work. She’s won Readers’ Choice Awards, was named a finalist in the EPIC competition, received a Book of the Year award, The Golden Nib Award, awards of merit in the RWA Holt Medallion competitions, and second place in the NEC RWA contests. She’s featured in the Novel & Short Story Writer’s Market. Before penning romances, she worked at a major Hollywood production company in Story Direction.

On a less serious note: she’s an admitted and unrepentant chocoholic, brakes for Mexican restaurants, and has been known to moan like Meg Ryan in When Harry Met Sally while wolfing down tostadas. She’s flown a single-engine airplane (freaking scary), rewired an old house using an ‘electricity for dummies’ book, and is horribly shy despite the hot romances she writes.

MeWe: https://mewe.com/i/tinadonahue

Website/Blog: https://tinadonahuebooks.blogspot.com/

Newsletter: https://tinadonahuebooks.blogspot.com/p/newsletter.html

BookBub: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/tina-donahue

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tinadonahuebooks/

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/146988.Tina_Donahue

Twitter: https://twitter.com/tinadonahue

Triberr: https://bit.ly/1CE2ec7

Tumblr: https://www.tumblr.com/tinadonahue

Amazon author page: https://amzn.to/1ChWFkO

Sweet ‘n Sexy Divas: https://sweetnsexydivas.blogspot.com/

Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/user/AuthorTinaDonahue

Sinfully Hot by Tina Donahue (@tinadonahue) #newrelease #pnr #eroticromance

Sinfully HotBlurb:

A hotter-than-sin reaper. A badass demon. Hell doesn’t get steamier than this.

Zekiel owns the newest nightclub in the French Quarter. The decadent atmosphere draws the corrupt, their blackened souls just what he likes to reap.

Jewel is not amused. Not only has Zekiel cut in on her territory, Satan’s gotten hardcore, upping her quota. All hell’s going to break loose if mortals don’t start selling their souls to her.

The race is on. Zekiel claims victory and wants Jewel as his prize for one evening. Nothing forbidden. Nothing denied. In other words, the whole enchilada, including voyeurism and BDSM.

After the first promising look and lingering touch, they’re goners…even though they’re supposed to be competitors.

This book was previously published in a box set.

UNIVERSAL LINK: https://books2read.com/u/mV8vpP



She stilled then stroked his arm. “I’m not leaving. You can’t make me.”

“How right you are. You’re staying all night. That’s what I won, an evening with you. My games. My rules. You forbid me nothing and don’t hold anything back.”

Zekiel’s demand flooded Jewel with outrageous warmth. She got lightheaded and weak.

He trailed kisses from her ear to her temple, his lips velvety, his breath gliding across her skin.

Her lids slipped down. Bad move. She had to stop this before he went too far. Screwing around with him when he’d been a possible conquest was one thing. Losing herself to lust that wouldn’t go anywhere was another matter entirely.

He turned her until they faced each other.

She sagged into him, her boobs crushed against his massive chest, her slit snug to his rod and balls. Heaven. And a waste of precious time when she should corrupt mortal souls. She parted her lips to protest.

He slanted his mouth over hers and did far more than claim. He possessed, spearing his tongue inside, entering her deeply.

Coherent thought vanished, the moment too delectable to resist. She wreathed his shoulders and buried her hands in his glorious hair.

They staggered to the right and left, trying to get closer, touching as much of each other as they could. He squeezed her breast and thumbed her nipple. Delight thrummed through her. Giddy, she enjoyed the delightful package between his legs.

Someone bumped into them.

Zekiel growled.

She suckled his tongue.

He groaned like an oversexed teen then dove in for more passion. All man, he took what was his, cupping her ass, pulling her closer, her belly tight to his. Not even a breath could get between his sex and hers. The way it should be with lovers.

Internal alarms rang. Dismissing them, she pushed his tongue from her mouth and filled him instead, sweeping his inner cheeks and teeth.

An uncivilized noise poured from him, deeper than any sound the music could make.

Reckless and wanting, she ground her hips into his, needing to crawl inside his body and become a part of his core, making him her new home, a shelter against every crappy thing in her life.

Right. He was a reaper, her main competition.

Good luck getting over that hurdle. Once they fucked, she’d be an afterthought to him, and a nuisance he wouldn’t let inside his damn club.

Outrage and sorrow coursed through her. She tore her mouth free and gasped. Perfume, perspiration, and booze scents filled the heavy air. Beneath those fragrances were odors from too many vile souls.

Zekiel stood in the way of her getting even one.

His breathing was rough, hair wonderfully mussed. She’d pulled his tee from his jeans and unzipped his fly. No way did she regret that.

He smiled lustily. “More.”

An eternity wouldn’t have satisfied her. Better not to dream. She locked her knees and forced herself to stay put. “No.”

Surprise then confusion raced across his face. “Why not? What happened between a few seconds ago and now?” He pointed at her. “Don’t you dare say you didn’t enjoy our kiss. You’ll never convince me of that.”

The crowd hooted and whistled at the newest song. A skinny young man spun in place, lost his balance, and rammed into Zekiel.

He waved his hand again. An invisible force pushed the kid away. Not once did Zekiel’s attention stray from her.

Damn, he knew how to make a woman feel important. She should lie about that and everything else but couldn’t. “Okay, so I did enjoy it—you—what we did. Satisfied? If you’ll excuse me, I’ve got work to do.”

“Not here.” He cuffed her wrist and reeled her in.

“Aw, come on. I’m desperate. If I don’t make my quota tonight, you have no idea the bad shit that can happen.”

He pressed her hand to his chest, nothing but hard slabs of muscle. “Tell me what you’re afraid of.”

“Why? You want to gloat worse than you already are?”

“I thought I was being nice.” He eased her hair behind her ear.

She slumped against him, hating herself for being weak and wanting him so badly. Oddly enough, he did seem to be a good guy with a wicked streak she honestly liked. “Let me do my thing and then we can talk.”

“That’s not the way competitions work. You haven’t given me my prize yet.”

“You don’t remember my tongue halfway down your throat?”

He laughed. “I’ll never forget it. But it was far too little.” With his arm around her waist, he led her to the left.

She held back. “We’re not staying here?”

“Too tame for what I have in mind.”

A pulse beat deep within her channel, already slick from arousal, primed for his rigid cock. “Are you sure?”

“Yep. Too noisy, too.” He settled his hand on her tummy and skimmed her waistband. “First, we go to a place where you tell me what Satan has in store for you. Then we play.”

Pain and pleasure. Sounded like a plan. And a recipe for disaster. “I shouldn’t. I can’t.”

“You will. Come on.”


About Tina:

Tina’s an Amazon and international bestselling novelist who writes passionate romance for every taste – ‘heat with heart’ – for traditional publishers and indie. Booklist, Publisher’s Weekly, Romantic Times and numerous online sites have praised her work. She’s won Readers’ Choice Awards, was named a finalist in the EPIC competition, received a Book of the Year award, The Golden Nib Award, awards of merit in the RWA Holt Medallion competitions, and second place in the NEC RWA contests. She’s featured in the Novel & Short Story Writer’s Market. Before penning romances, she worked at a major Hollywood production company in Story Direction.

On a less serious note: she’s an admitted and unrepentant chocoholic, brakes for Mexican restaurants, and has been known to moan like Meg Ryan in When Harry Met Sally while wolfing down tostadas. She’s flown a single-engine airplane (freaking scary), rewired an old house using an ‘electricity for dummies’ book, and is horribly shy despite the hot romances she writes.

Website/Blog: http://tinadonahuebooks.blogspot.com/

Bookbub: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/tina-donahue

MeWe: https://mewe.com/i/tinadonahue

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tinadonahuebooks/

Goodreads: http://bit.ly/1wFmIu6

Twitter: https://twitter.com/tinadonahue

Triberr: http://bit.ly/1CE2ec7

Pinterest: http://bit.ly/1yFLeMx

Amazon author page: http://amzn.to/1ChWFkO

My page at TRR: http://bit.ly/1vb7eEc

Kensington Author Page: http://www.kensingtonbooks.com/author.aspx/24772

Sweet ‘n Sexy Divas: http://bit.ly/1ChWN3K

Toxic Truth (Brotherhood Protectors) by Tina Donahue (@tinadonahue)

Toxic TruthBlurb:

Only he stands between her and a hired killer.

When Kenzie discovered a toxic truth that harms military personnel, the international corporation where she worked put a hit on her. Desperate to survive, she escapes to the Crazy Mountains to hide out at a deserted cabin she recalls from childhood.

Lucas owns the property now. As a former Ranger and sniper, he’s never met a more terrified young woman. Yet despite her fear, she’s determined to bring her former employer to justice.

Not without his help.

Fearless, honorable, and sexy as sin, he’s the hero she’s always needed.

There’s no turning back as they surrender to their mounting passion for each other and meet danger head on to bring a criminal enterprise to justice, saving those service members most at risk.

Amazon: https://amzn.to/3bczb4l



She couldn’t chance him knowing who she was if his buddies were looking for her. It didn’t seem likely, given his easy-going personality and what he’d already revealed about himself. However, risking anything at this point wasn’t wise. “Why is my name important?”

“Are you a movie star or some kind of internet sensation?” He worked his mouth to stop his smile. “Afraid I’ll recognize you from your name rather than how you look at this point?”

A drowned dog probably had her beat in the beauty department. Hardly caring, she rubbed the blanket over her lenses to dry them but left thick smears instead.

“This might work better.” He pulled a rag from his back pocket. “It’s clean.”

After taking it, she worked on her glasses, uncertain whether to feel bad for treating him like a criminal or to maintain her caution as to what he might do next. Vigilance won out. “Anything else you can tell me about yourself?” She pushed the rag in her jacket pocket. “Like why you’re up here alone— You are alone, right?”

He scratched his stubbled cheek. “If you’re asking if I have a wife and kids, it’s a firm no on both counts. There’s no long-term girlfriend in my cabin either. How about you? You running from an ex-husband, ex-lover, or a current one in those two categories?”

“Why are you in the middle of nowhere?”

New muttering beneath his breath. “Because I like it?”

She swore.

“Easy.” He used the same voice on her that he had with Caesar.

For some reason, it didn’t piss her off but made her tired instead. “I can’t tell you how much it’d help if you gave me some details as to who you are.”

Understanding and kindness rose in his eyes. “Fair enough. I’m former military, Army.” He lifted his slicker. Beneath it, he wore a Ranger sweatshirt. “When I left the service, I came home to Montana. Had a chance to get this property and took it.”

That didn’t make sense. “You’re so rich you bought this place and don’t have to work any longer?”

He grinned, his smile wide and inviting. “Don’t I wish, but no. Even if I had the funds, I’d still want to keep busy and offer my assistance to anyone who needs it. I’m in security, so to speak. I work on assignment. When each ends, I return here to wait for my next call.”

Sincerity rang in his voice and showed on his luscious face. More importantly, he wanted to help people. Still… She’d been cautious for so long, her misgiving lingered. “What did you mean by ‘so to speak’. It’s either security or it’s not. Which is it?”

“Do you always ask so many questions?”

She bounced in place. “I don’t know you.”

“Hey, I gave you my blanket, I’ve offered to call for help to get your car out, and I don’t know you either. Not even your name. Is it a secret?”

She looked to the side. “Kenzie Caltrane.”

“Was that so hard?”

His softened tone and big body called to her as few things had. She was fucking weary and scared, and simply wanted to melt into his arms and beg him to make things better. Which he couldn’t. One man who worked security didn’t have that power. Damn, getting involved in her problems might get him killed, too. “You shouldn’t have stopped to help.”

“Why not?”

“Because you can’t.” The tears she’d held back for weeks poured out, turning into hitching sobs. “You’ll get hurt.”

“Hey, hey.” He gathered her to him in a protective caress. “Nothing’s that bad. No one’s that powerful. If your current or ex, or whatever, is after you, I can get you to a safe place and—”

“You can’t stop the entire government.” She pushed away. “You can’t stop an assassin.”

His features slackened. “What?”

She put out her hand, warning him to keep his distance. “Go back to your cabin. Pretend you never saw me. Forget my damn name.” A new sob caught in her throat. “You can’t help.”

“Calm down, please.” He lifted his hands but didn’t touch her. “I’m not going anywhere. I sure as hell don’t intend to leave you out here alone to face whatever—”

“You. Have. To.” She edged back. “There’s no choice. If you think you can call 9-1-1 and fix this, it isn’t possible. The federal government is involved. They’ll bury you.”

Alarm sparked in his eyes then faded, resolve replacing it. “Involved in what? What are you talking about? Who are you?”

For once, she got in his face. “I’m a toxic truth to the feds and others. They don’t want me around. That’s why they’ve put a hit out on me.”


About Tina:

Tina is an Amazon and international bestselling novelist who writes romance for every taste – ‘heat with heart’ – for traditional publishers and indie. Booklist, Publisher’s Weekly, Romantic Times and numerous online sites have praised her work. Three of her erotic novels were Readers’ Choice Award winners. Another three were named finalists in the EPIC competition. One of her erotic contemporary romances was chosen Book of the Year at the French review site Blue Moon reviews. The Golden Nib Award at Miz Love Loves Books was created specifically for one of her erotic romances. Two of her titles received an Award of Merit in the RWA Holt Medallion competition. Another two won second place in the NEC RWA contest (different years). Tina is featured in the Novel & Short Story Writer’s Market. Before penning romances, she worked at a major Hollywood production company in Story Direction.

FB Fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/DonahueTina1/

Email: tinadonahuebooks@gmail.com

Website/Blog: http://tinadonahuebooks.blogspot.com/

Bookbub: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/tina-donahue

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tinadonahuebooks/  

Goodreads: http://bit.ly/1wFmIu6

Twitter: https://twitter.com/tinadonahue

Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1Dl8DHy

Triberr: http://bit.ly/1CE2ec7

Pinterest: http://bit.ly/1yFLeMx

Amazon author page: http://amzn.to/1ChWFkO

My page at TRR: http://bit.ly/1vb7eEc

Kensington Author Page: http://www.kensingtonbooks.com/author.aspx/24772

Sweet ‘n Sexy Divas: http://bit.ly/1ChWN3K

Deadly Diagnosis (Phoenix Agency) by Tina Donahue (@tinadonahue)

Deadly DiagnosisBlurb:


A lifesaving gift…a plan for domination and death.


Within her unique DNA, Kimana holds the means to cure any illness permanently, a talent she’s used on those in her Shoshone community. When the billionaire owner of a pharmaceutical concern accidentally discovers what she can do, he fears the end to disease and his profits, and wants her dead.


As a member of the Phoenix Agency, Lucas arrives to protect Kimana from those set on her destruction. Ex-military intelligence, he’s seen a lot but no one like her, a woman seemingly born for him, her presence needed in his life, her gift as unique as his paranormal talent. To Kimana, he’s the man she’s been waiting for.


Together, they battle an adversary driven by insatiable greed who’ll stop at nothing to take what he wants. When her and Lucas’s lives are at risk, her gift can only save one before draining her life force and threatening her existence.


A sacrifice she’s willing to make for Lucas.

Available from: Amazon UK | Amazon US



A distressed or weary sigh wafted into this room from the kitchen.

The narrow doorway leading into it didn’t allow much view, simply a counter and low cabinets painted a sunny yellow, long female legs dangling over them.

Lucas dipped to the side to see more.

Kaku slipped her arm through his. “My granddaughter’s in the kitchen. We’ll talk there.” She pulled him toward it and leaned close, her mouth near his ear. “I’m afraid she was against you coming today, but I insisted.” Her voice lowered to a whisper. “You’ll have to win her over, though I’m sure you will.”

Another matter Dan had failed to mention.

Considering Poca followed them, Lucas spoke as quietly as she had. “Are she and the officer married?”

“Heavens no. I’m not certain they’re even friends any longer.” She pulled him inside the kitchen. “Kimana, please get down and greet our guest.”

Lucas hoped she would since every word he’d known had drifted away. His pulse ticked up, and his cock thickened.

Given her long legs, he guessed her to be five-eight or so standing. A good height to match a tall man. Youth blessed her pretty features, telling him she was, at most, late twenties. She’d worked her glossy black hair into a long braid that hung over her narrow shoulder. The script on her T-shirt read: Bossy Jerk Meet A PO’D Feminist — Let’s See Who Wins.

Little wonder she and Poca weren’t buddies any longer.

Lucas fought a pleased smile at her fire and tightened nipples. Those babies poked her smooth cotton top, the fabric hugging her like skin. The same for her fashionably ragged jeans.

He liked her cowboy boots. Referring to them as cowgirl wouldn’t have been right for such a spirited woman. One he was eager to meet and win over, as Kaku had said. “Hi.” He held out his hand. “I’m Lucas Byrne from the Phoenix Agency.”

She frowned at him then gave it to Poca.

He pushed past Lucas, knocking his shoulder to reach her side. “I’ll get rid of him. He and that damn agency won’t bother you—”

“Why are you still here?” Her scowl worsened. “No.” She lifted her hand before he could answer, protest, or draw his gun. “Why did you bother coming over? Kaku didn’t send for you and I sure as fuck didn’t.”

“Kimana.” The old woman sagged. “Must you use such language?”

At the admonition, regret rose in her dark-brown eyes, love and respect quickly replacing the first emotion.

Lucas’s dick hardened further. A curious though reasonable response. Her gutsy side was something, the feminine part even better. There weren’t many men he knew who could resist her soulful gaze, Poca included.

The poor guy edged toward her.

Her hard look not only stopped Poca but encouraged him to retreat to a far corner where he stayed. For the moment.

She gave Kaku a remorseful smile. “Sorry. I’ll be better. Mr. Byrne.” She didn’t come down from the counter, join him, or shake his hand. “You shouldn’t have come. I don’t need your help.”

He kept his manner non-threatening and gracious. “That isn’t what I heard.”


About Tina:

Tina is an Amazon and international bestselling novelist who writes romance for every taste – ‘heat with heart’ – for traditional publishers and indie. Booklist, Publisher’s Weekly, Romantic Times and numerous online sites have praised her work. Three of her erotic novels were Readers’ Choice Award winners. Another three were named finalists in the EPIC competition. One of her erotic contemporary romances was chosen Book of the Year at the French review site Blue Moon reviews. The Golden Nib Award at Miz Love Loves Books was created specifically for one of her erotic romances. Two of her titles received an Award of Merit in the RWA Holt Medallion competition. Another two won second place in the NEC RWA contest (different years). Tina is featured in the Novel & Short Story Writer’s Market. Before penning romances, she worked at a major Hollywood production company in Story Direction.

FB Fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/DonahueTina1/

Email: tinadonahuebooks@gmail.com

Website/Blog: http://tinadonahuebooks.blogspot.com/

Bookbub: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/tina-donahue

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tinadonahuebooks/  

Goodreads: http://bit.ly/1wFmIu6

Twitter: https://twitter.com/tinadonahue

Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1Dl8DHy

Triberr: http://bit.ly/1CE2ec7

Pinterest: http://bit.ly/1yFLeMx

Amazon author page: http://amzn.to/1ChWFkO

My page at TRR: http://bit.ly/1vb7eEc

Kensington Author Page: http://www.kensingtonbooks.com/author.aspx/24772

Sweet ‘n Sexy Divas: http://bit.ly/1ChWN3K

Romance Books 4 US: http://bit.ly/1JPtfeS

Indulge Me (Wanna Be Bad #1) by Tina Donahue (@tinadonahue)

Indulge MeBlurb:

Nothing forbidden…nothing held back.

Lissa prefers reading to cutting loose, but is willing to do whatever it takes to get the juiciest assignments for her job at a major travel magazine. Her chance finally arrives. She’s set to experience a posh Caribbean resort, a dream article and review except for one huge problem. It’s the anything goes theme week where nudity is expected and lusty hook-ups make threesomes look downright tame. Holy Hell. What has she gotten herself into?

Precisely what resort owner Jon Thorne thinks. Tall, dark, and luscious, he fears the randy male guests will eat her alive, resulting in a lousy review. His only option is to serve as her guide for every decadent delight from nude body painting to Dom’s Den where submission and punishment rule. Unless she wants to call the whole thing off…

And lose her chance with him, plus give up this gig? Dream on. Tempted beyond anything she’s known, she matches his passion and then some, surprising him during a sexy adventure like no other.

EVERNIGHT BOOKS: https://www.evernightpublishing.com/indulge-me-by-tina-donahue

AMAZON: https://amzn.to/2Ytz2I1

SMASHWORDS: https://bit.ly/2T5cGad

NOOK: https://bit.ly/2LSgISo

KOBO: https://bit.ly/2GHuNOq



A mole graced her temple, which he hadn’t noticed before, along with three barely visible freckles on her nose. He liked both and met her gaze.

She held his.

The air calmed, and sounds faded. Everything surrounding them drifted away.

His heart beat wildly. He cupped her face, unable to help himself.

She stilled, her lips parting.

An invitation he couldn’t accept. It was lunacy. They were only playing at this. He should take her to the hardcore attractions so she’d flee, as he wanted, rather than focusing on her softness surrounded by his strength, or her heat increasing his.

Leave. Bring her somewhere else. Convince her to go home.

He stepped away from the fence, taking her with him, then touched his mouth to hers and slipped his tongue inside.


His skin tingled. She tasted clean and pepperminty, her own unique flavor indescribable, beating out the others.

Lost in her warmth and scent, he slipped his arm around her waist and held her close, kissed her deep, and forgot about everything else.


Shocking delight tore through Lissa, her heart turning over. She melted into Jon, hungry for whatever he desired, eager to sate her own need.

Brisk ocean air pushed against her, urging her closer to him, her strained breaths mingling with his.

Now this was a vacation. No. An adventure she never believed she’d experience.

Intoxicated by his size and heat, she wreathed her arms around his shoulders, loving his bristly cheeks rasping hers.

He held her firmly, yet gently, subduing his exquisite strength.

She loved him like this, but wouldn’t have minded if he’d turned savage, too, demanding everything. Sagging against him, she delivered herself to pleasure.

A low growl poured from deep within his chest, making it quiver against hers, signaling his appreciation at what they did. He angled his mouth for greater penetration, and she followed his lead as she’d promised in his office.

Oh hell, she surpassed it, her pulse racing.

Growing greedy then bold, she pushed his tongue from her mouth and slipped hers into his, desperate to taste his incomparable flavor: clean and bearing a sweetness she had to have.

Powerful and eager sounds poured from him.

There wasn’t a thing in the world better than that. If she could have made her own noises, she would have but was too breathless.

A sudden gust battered them, the wind tugging her pants, exposing her.

He cupped her bare butt cheek.

Her heart leaped at his intimate touch, then beat triple time.

He squeezed her ass, leaving heated bursts in his wake, and stroked her thong.

Moisture seeped from her pussy. It ached, wanting his cock inside, stretching and using her while she indulged in his lust, matching it with her own.

She struggled to get closer, but couldn’t. Damn. They were already as near as two people could be. She wrapped her leg around his.

His frenzied kiss grew tender and exploring.

Undone by its power, she surrendered further, the world whirling around them. She clung to him for support, never wanting this to end.


About Tina:

Tina is an Amazon and international bestselling novelist who writes romance for every taste – ‘heat with heart’ – for traditional publishers and indie. Booklist, Publisher’s Weekly, Romantic Times and numerous online sites have praised her work. Three of her erotic novels were Readers’ Choice Award winners. Another three were named finalists in the EPIC competition. One of her erotic contemporary romances was chosen Book of the Year at the French review site Blue Moon reviews. The Golden Nib Award at Miz Love Loves Books was created specifically for one of her erotic romances. Two of her titles received an Award of Merit in the RWA Holt Medallion competition. Another two won second place in the NEC RWA contest (different years). Tina is featured in the Novel & Short Story Writer’s Market. Before penning romances, she worked at a major Hollywood production company in Story Direction.

FB Fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/DonahueTina1/

Email: tinadonahuebooks@gmail.com

Website/Blog: http://tinadonahuebooks.blogspot.com/

Bookbub: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/tina-donahue

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tinadonahuebooks/  

Goodreads: http://bit.ly/1wFmIu6

Twitter: https://twitter.com/tinadonahue

Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1Dl8DHy

Triberr: http://bit.ly/1CE2ec7

Pinterest: http://bit.ly/1yFLeMx

Amazon author page: http://amzn.to/1ChWFkO

My page at TRR: http://bit.ly/1vb7eEc

Kensington Author Page: http://www.kensingtonbooks.com/author.aspx/24772

Sweet ‘n Sexy Divas: http://bit.ly/1ChWN3K

Romance Books 4 US: http://bit.ly/1JPtfeS