Tag Archives: bbw

Curve Appeal is Half Price at Barnes & Noble #bandn #nook #reverseharem #whychoose

Hi folks,

I’m delighted to announce the fabulous folks at Barnes & Noble have included the eBook version of Curve Appeal in one of their promotions, meaning it is currently half price on their site! Grab it at this bargain price from now until 24th May.

A reminder of what it’s all about:

An exciting opportunity could solve all Brianna’s problems. But will it ultimately create more?

Brianna Denton is a primary school teacher at the end of her tether. Budget cuts, changes in legislation and a pandemic have left her feeling like walking away from the only career she’s ever wanted. The trouble is, if she did quit, what would she do next? Living in London is expensive, and keeping on top of her rent and bills while retraining would be nigh-on impossible. An offer to move in with her best friend, Joel Harris, is appreciated, but feels way too much like charity for her liking.

But then Joel throws her a curveball. On a complete whim, he’s bought a fixer-upper cottage on a remote Scottish island. He wants to transform it into an uber-luxury holiday home and rent it out. To do that, however, he needs a skilled, reliable workforce and a project manager to keep things running smoothly. A visit to the island in question provides as many questions as answers, but one thing becomes clear – Brianna is the perfect woman for the job. She’s smart, organised, works well under duress, and if she can handle a classroom full of young children, surely a bunch of skilled tradesmen won’t be a problem. Working and living in such a stunning setting is a massive plus point, too.

Brianna takes a leap of faith, leaving her home and beloved career behind to help turn Joel’s dream into a reality. It’s a steep learning curve, but Brianna is definitely up for the challenge. But when working relationships develop into something more, will it bring the entire project crashing down around her ears, or is it simply the beginning of a whole new life?

Grab it here: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/curve-appeal-lucy-felthouse/1144029553?ean=2940186023890

Happy Reading!
Lucy x

Curve Appeal is Half Price at Nook/Barnes & Noble! #nook #reverseharem #rh #rhromance #whychoose #booktwt

Hi lovelies,

For those of you who shop at Barnes & Noble/Nook and haven’t yet checked out Curve Appeal, I have great news for you. From 5th – 12th October, you can get a whopping 50% off the eBook! Grab it for just $2.49. How awesome is that?!

Get yours here: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/curve-appeal-lucy-felthouse/1144029553?ean=2940186023890

I hope you’ll check it out and, if so, please do consider leaving a review. They really help.

Happy Reading!
Lucy x

Curve Appeal is Rolling Out to All Retailers! #reverseharem #rh #rhromance #whychoose #whychooseromance #bbw #rubenesque #curvyheroine

Hi lovelies,

I’m just stopping by to let you know that Curve Appeal is now rolling out to all retailers. I’ve done my bit, I’m just waiting for the various technology and retailers to do their thing. So, as well as being available for sale on Amazon, you can now read this contemporary reverse harem romance on Radish, Eden Books, Google Books, Kobo (including Kobo Plus), Smashwords, 24Symbols and my direct store at PayHip.

Keep an eye on this link, which I’ll update when it becomes available on Apple, Scribd and Barnes & Noble.

Happy Reading, and please don’t forget to leave a review! 😉
Lucy x

Curve Appeal eBook is FREE, 29th June – 3rd July

Hi lovelies,

Awesome news – the Curve Appeal eBook is absolutely FREE to download from Amazon from 29th June – 3rd July. Please spread the word!


An exciting opportunity could solve all Brianna’s problems. But will it ultimately create more?

Brianna Denton is a primary school teacher at the end of her tether. Budget cuts, changes in legislation and a pandemic have left her feeling like walking away from the only career she’s ever wanted. The trouble is, if she did quit, what would she do next? Living in London is expensive, and keeping on top of her rent and bills while retraining would be nigh-on impossible. An offer to move in with her best friend, Joel Harris, is appreciated, but feels way too much like charity for her liking.

But then Joel throws her a curveball. On a complete whim, he’s bought a fixer-upper cottage on a remote Scottish island. He wants to transform it into an uber-luxury holiday home and rent it out. To do that, however, he needs a skilled, reliable workforce and a project manager to keep things running smoothly. A visit to the island in question provides as many questions as answers, but one thing becomes clear – Brianna is the perfect woman for the job. She’s smart, organised, works well under duress, and if she can handle a classroom full of young children, surely a bunch of skilled tradesmen won’t be a problem. Working and living in such a stunning setting is a massive plus point, too.

Brianna takes a leap of faith, leaving her home and beloved career behind to help turn Joel’s dream into a reality. It’s a steep learning curve, but Brianna is definitely up for the challenge. But when working relationships develop into something more, will it bring the entire project crashing down around her ears, or is it simply the beginning of a whole new life?

Curve Appeal is a standalone contemporary reverse harem/why choose romance.

Get your free copy here: https://books2read.com/curveappeal

Happy Reading!
Lucy x


It’s Release Day for Mean Girls in Danish! #romance #dklit #danskromancelitteratur #bogerduvildelemedandre #litteratur #danskromanceforfatter #bøger #baadsgaardsbooks

Hi everyone,

It’s release day for Mean Girls in Danish, aka Hede Dromme, and I couldn’t be happier! I still loooooove that cover! It’s out in eBook and hardback format and should be coming in audiobook format soon. It should also be available in Danish libraries in a few months time, depending on how quickly it goes through their approval system. So, you know the drill – if you prefer to read in Danish or know someone who does, please let them know about this steamy read!

Here’s the blurb:

Adele Blackthorne er en stor pige. Hun har former. Hun ved det, og hun er blevet drillet med det hele sit liv, men er nået til den erkendelse, at hun er ligeglad. Det kan godt være, at hun er buttet på den lækre måde, men hun er også sund. Meget sundere end de overlegne kvinder på idrætscentret, der peger og stirrer og kommer med onde kommentarer. Adele trækker på skuldrene og nyder at kaste hemmelighedsfulde blikke efter centrets lækre livredder, Oliver.

Oliver finder det svært ikke at blande sig, da mobningen af Adele tager til. Han vil helst ikke ende i problemer med sin chef, men samtidig kan han ikke holde ud at se, hvordan Adele bliver behandlet. Især fordi han synes, at hun er hverken tyk eller grim, men en virkelig tiltrækkende kvinde, og han vil gerne lære hende meget bedre at kende.

Hede drømme er en livsbekræftende bully romance kombineret med tropen ’big beautiful woman’.

Available from:
Baadsgaards Books

Happy Reading!
Lucy x

Lust in Dalat (Asian Adventures #6) by Lisabet Sarai (@lisabetsarai) #Vietnam #Dalat #BBW #lesbian #transgender #exhibitionist #menage #Asia #traveling

Lust In DalatBlurb

The woman in the window seat to my right had more flesh than I’d usually find attractive, and most of it was on display. But she wasn’t trying to tease. Every detail—the silver hoops in her earlobes, the teakwood clasp in her hair, the anklet decorating her high-arched foot—broadcast confidence and a healthy disdain for anyone else’s opinion. A woman alone, on a public conveyance, in a foreign country, Helen nevertheless looked thoroughly at home.

And me? Traveling outside of the U.S. for the first time in my life, I was nervous, inexperienced, awkward and excited. Especially excited. With Helen in the next seat, who wouldn’t be?

Buy Links

Kinky Literature – https://www.kinkyliterature.com/book/6483-lust-in-dalat-asian-adventures-book-6/

Amazon US –  https://www.amazon.com/dp/B083JB1K6J/

Amazon UK – https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B083JB1K6J/

Smashwords – https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/998848

Barnes and Noble – https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/lust-in-dalat-lisabet-sarai/1135979089?ean=2940163435197

Kobo – https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/lust-in-dalat-asian-adventures-book-6

Goodreads – https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/50421841-lust-in-dalat



Some slight sound echoed in the bare room behind me. I turned to find Vinh and Helen in a passionate embrace. Their mouths locked together in a hungry kiss, they fumbled with each other’s clothing. Helen pushed Vinh’s jeans down to reveal her partner’s firm, round ass and narrow hips. Vinh crumpled Helen’s dress up around her waist.

A bolt of heat shot through me as I saw that I’d been right. Aside from a luxuriant nest of blond curls, Helen’s pussy was bare.

Vinh groaned and broke the kiss long enough to pull Helen’s dress over her head and toss it into a corner. With unexpected force, the slight Vietnamese toppled Helen backward, onto the mattress, then knelt, pushed the English woman’s thighs apart, and dove into her sex.

My own pussy clenched and my clit throbbed as I watched Vinh make a meal of Helen’s bountiful body. Vinh’s elevated buttocks shone like twin moons. Helen reached up to grab that pale flesh, holding tight as she writhed with pleasure from the oral assault.

The pair totally ignored me. That only made the scene more arousing. I whipped my shirt over my head, stepped out of my shorts, and sank four fingers into my own cunt. With my thumb, I rubbed at my needy clit. Meanwhile, I pinched my engorged nipples, imagining I was doing the same to Helen.


About Lisabet

Lisabet Sarai has been addicted to words all her life. She began reading when she was four. She wrote her first story at five years old and her first poem at seven. Since then, she has written plays, tutorials, scholarly articles, marketing brochures, software specifications, self-help books, press releases, a five-hundred page dissertation, and lots of erotica and erotic romance – nearly one hundred titles, and counting, in nearly every sub-genre—paranormal, scifi, ménage, BDSM, GLBT, and more. Regardless of the genre, every one of her stories illustrates her motto: Imagination is the ultimate aphrodisiac.

You’ll find information and excerpts from all Lisabet’s books on her website (http://www.lisabetsarai.com/books.html), along with more than fifty free stories and lots more. At her blog Beyond Romance (http://lisabetsarai.blogspot.com), she shares her philosophy and her news and hosts lots of other great authors. She’s also on Goodreads and finally, on Twitter.  Sign up for her VIP email list here:  https://btn.ymlp.com/xgjjhmhugmgh