Tag Archives: Nook

Curve Appeal is Half Price at Barnes & Noble #bandn #nook #reverseharem #whychoose

Hi folks,

I’m delighted to announce the fabulous folks at Barnes & Noble have included the eBook version of Curve Appeal in one of their promotions, meaning it is currently half price on their site! Grab it at this bargain price from now until 24th May.

A reminder of what it’s all about:

An exciting opportunity could solve all Brianna’s problems. But will it ultimately create more?

Brianna Denton is a primary school teacher at the end of her tether. Budget cuts, changes in legislation and a pandemic have left her feeling like walking away from the only career she’s ever wanted. The trouble is, if she did quit, what would she do next? Living in London is expensive, and keeping on top of her rent and bills while retraining would be nigh-on impossible. An offer to move in with her best friend, Joel Harris, is appreciated, but feels way too much like charity for her liking.

But then Joel throws her a curveball. On a complete whim, he’s bought a fixer-upper cottage on a remote Scottish island. He wants to transform it into an uber-luxury holiday home and rent it out. To do that, however, he needs a skilled, reliable workforce and a project manager to keep things running smoothly. A visit to the island in question provides as many questions as answers, but one thing becomes clear – Brianna is the perfect woman for the job. She’s smart, organised, works well under duress, and if she can handle a classroom full of young children, surely a bunch of skilled tradesmen won’t be a problem. Working and living in such a stunning setting is a massive plus point, too.

Brianna takes a leap of faith, leaving her home and beloved career behind to help turn Joel’s dream into a reality. It’s a steep learning curve, but Brianna is definitely up for the challenge. But when working relationships develop into something more, will it bring the entire project crashing down around her ears, or is it simply the beginning of a whole new life?

Grab it here: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/curve-appeal-lucy-felthouse/1144029553?ean=2940186023890

Happy Reading!
Lucy x

Curve Appeal is Half Price at Nook/Barnes & Noble! #nook #reverseharem #rh #rhromance #whychoose #booktwt

Hi lovelies,

For those of you who shop at Barnes & Noble/Nook and haven’t yet checked out Curve Appeal, I have great news for you. From 5th – 12th October, you can get a whopping 50% off the eBook! Grab it for just $2.49. How awesome is that?!

Get yours here: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/curve-appeal-lucy-felthouse/1144029553?ean=2940186023890

I hope you’ll check it out and, if so, please do consider leaving a review. They really help.

Happy Reading!
Lucy x

Great News for Barnes & Noble Shoppers – BOGO 50% Off on Selected Titles! #bogo #sale #ebooks #bookworm #nook

Hi lovelies,

I’m delighted to announce I have a great deal for the Barnes & Noble/Nook shoppers amongst you. There are always deals and promos happening on Amazon, Kobo, Smashwords, etc, so I’m happy to have been able to get this figured out so you guys can get a deal, too. So, here goes…

From now until 26th April, you can buy one, get one half price on selected titles! There’s no coupon code or anything, just add two (or more) titles to your cart, and the cheapest ones will be discounted automatically. How cool is that?!

Here’s the list of what’s in the deal:

Properly, Or Not At All
Chasing the Chambermaid
The Next Big Thing
Good With His Hands
The Other Brother
A Werewolf State of Mind
Lottery Losers
The Accidental Adoption
Another Dance
Finally Found
The Sweetest Revenge
Caught in the Act
Fast Lust
On Her High Horse
A Different Kind of Cosplay
The Beauty and the Badass
Doctor’s Orders
Classic Felthouse
Illicit Relations
Mean Girls
Love Through a Lens
A Taste of Paris
A Taste of Rome
Sweet Spot
Love on Location
Desert Heat
Native Tongue

Please tell all your Barnes & Noble-shopping friends! Here’s my page on the site.

Happy Reading, and Stay Safe!

Lucy x

#NewRelease ~ Awakenings by @KaceyHammell #Kindle #Romance #Suspense #IntheArmsoftheLaw #99cents

AwakeningsAuthor’s Note: Awakenings was previously released with another publisher. It has received minor revisions for reissue.

Also includes a bonus short story, Wild Thunder.


Protection. Adventure. Love.

It’s all found within The Arms of the Law…

Detective Alicia Knowles once believed good existed in everyone. But a traumatic experience changed her entire world. Now dangerous and cynical, she moves through the darkness of her once sunny world, unsure how to handle her pent up feelings of fear and anger.

Even her new boss, Cole Douglass, spins her out of control. One night, years ago, he made her feel things she’d never felt with any other man. Business comes first, however, a child is missing and a murderer is on the run.

But old flames never die out as Alicia quickly discovers when temperatures and passion flare. On the trail of a killer, she is forced to deal with her past as she tries to make decisions about her future.

Order your copy!

All Amazon Stores ~~ http://authl.it/B01C2WGGFG

All Romance eBooks ~~ https://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-awakeningsinthearmsofthelawbook2-1989913-149.html

Smashwords ~~ https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/617202

iBooks ~~ https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/awakenings-in-arms-law-book/id1087209163?mt=11

More buy links on the Awakenings Book Page ~~


for Kobo & Nook links as they become available.


Excerpt, Kacey Hammell, © 2016

“I’m sorry about Hannah. If we’d just made it to the Fuller’s faster, maybe….”

Cole’s hand clasped hers on the table and stopped her mid-sentence. Bolts of lightning shot up her arm and a ringing began in her head. She hadn’t felt like this, or allowed herself to since he came to town, since she’d thrown caution to the wind and just lived during her time with him years ago.

That night, his hands were rough yet gentle as they swept over her body from head to toe. No inch had been left unexplored. His attentions made her feel like she was the only woman in the world. For the first time in her life, it had been as if she were whole. But that was long ago. She wasn’t about to repeat the mistake.

There was no happily-ever-after for her. Least of all one with Cole.

“You and Ethan did what you could. Don’t blame yourself for what happened to Hannah. She wouldn’t want you to.”

Hearing her own words thrown back at her, she pulled her hand from his, stood, and moved to the sink to gaze out the window into the darkened backyard. Rows of outdoor lights lit a path leading from the back door into the garden, illuminating small areas. Under an apple tree, a porch swing rocked back and forth from the cool breeze. She was transfixed by the lush garden and rows of tulips, their blossoms like colorful heads bowed in sleep.

Again, Alicia was shocked by the domesticity of this man. She’d thought she knew him to a certain extent, but his home showed who he was, inside and out. He wanted a happily-ever-after. He’d already made a home. The only thing missing was a wife, and the kids.

She closed her eyes and gripped the edge of the counter. Longing and gut- wrenching pain swept through her. What she wouldn’t give to turn the clock back two years and have the chance to start over with this multi-faceted man.

If only she’d never left him the next morning…. Had never decided not to leave her number…. Things might be different. For them both.

But at the time, she hadn’t been ready to grab onto forever yet. Deep down, she understood that he’d want absolutely everything. But they’d lived in different cities then. And she hadn’t been ready.

She’d been a woman who wanted everything he had to offer—home, garden, passion, and family. Within Cole’s arms, she’d found an endless supply of heated moments every day. But he’d scared her with how much he made her feel. And how quickly the desire to be with him forever had risen within her.

And now, she was tainted. Life had intervened and shown her exactly how evil it could be. She couldn’t risk the dangers that came with her job, of not knowing if one day it would all end.

At the touch of his hands on her shoulders, Alicia opened her eyes to see their reflection in the glass. She committed the image to memory. She’d hold onto it for the rest of her life and remember it in the years to come, when she was alone and aching, that she’d held a piece of bliss for just a few moments.

She turned around. Their chests brushed, and she gave him a half-smile. “I know Hannah might not blame me, but I do. A few more moments, it’s all we would have needed. I’d change it if I could.” When Cole opened his mouth, she placed her fingers on his lips to silence him. “I can’t, but I vow to do whatever it takes to catch this son-of-a-bitch.”

Alicia tried to convey the sincerity of her promise as she stared into his eyes. For Hannah, and this man, she’d do whatever she could to bring peace to their family once more.

“I know you would. But you can’t carry the weight of the world on your shoulders. We’ll get him.” He raised his hand to her cheek and pushed back a strand of hair that had fallen over her face. Her breath quickened at the light touch. Her body stilled.

The air crackled with electricity. She was sure he could feel it, too; the tension rolled off his body like waves in the ocean. To walk away would be the best thing to do, but for the life of her, Alicia couldn’t get her feet to move.

“You know what, Ali?” His voice was soft and powerfully seductive. “You know what I remember most about our night together?”

Alicia clasped his wrist, below where his fingers rested lightly on her cheek. She wanted to fall into his arms, burn beneath his touch again. They’d never talked about it, and she was curious to know what he remembered.

She remembered it all.

Every touch and sigh. She basked in the memory of every kiss and every pleasure.

Through many a cold and lonely night, she cherished the memories of Cole’s hard body pressed against hers, pushing her against the mattress—and the wall and the bathroom counter. She marveled at how he’d made her feel like more of a woman in one night than she’d felt in all her adult years.

Her voice hoarse and scratchy, she whispered, “What do you remember?”

“Our fire.”

When his mouth claimed hers, her body ignited with long-repressed emotions.

Hunger, mind-blowing hunger, rattled through her. It was so hard to breathe.

She wrapped her arms around his shoulders and opened her mouth wider to the onslaught of his tongue. He awakened her refined senses. Every erotic image she ever had about him flared to life.

She only prayed she’d be able to keep him from awakening the loneliness in her heart. She couldn’t allow him to reach it and make her hunger for more than what she could have.

For the time being, though, she wasn’t going to let go of this man. Alicia lifted her lips from his, drew in a deep breath, and gave him everything she could for now.

“This fire?” She clasped his head between her hands, drew him into a kiss, savoring the taste of him once more.


Until March 15th, ILLUSIONS (Book 1) is on sale for $0.99!!




Avid Reader. Romance Author. Redhead…

Canadian-born author Kacey Hammell is definitely a book-a-holic. A romance reader from a young age, she fell in love with happily ever afters.  These days, as a multi- published erotic romance author, she enjoys adding a lot of heat, sass, and emotion to the many genres she writes.

Mom of three, Kacey lives her own happily ever after with her perfect hero in Ontario, Canada.

Connect with Kacey…

Website / Newsletter / Facebook / Facebook Reader Group / Twitter / Amazon / Goodreads / Pinterest / Instagram

An Interview with Kacey Hammell (@kaceyhammell)

Thank you for sharing my newest release, ILLUSIONS! Good morning everyone!

Tell us a bit about yourself.  Who is Kacey?

It’s an interesting question since everyone has so many layers. The most important ones to me are wife, mom of three, farmer, dutiful daughter, school volunteer, sports momma and writer. I run a farm with my Mom, moved back on the homestead after my father’s death years ago and into one of the two houses on the property. My husband and I, as well as the kids, enjoy the life of cows, pigs and chickens – plus a dog, cat and hedgehogs. *g*  I’m a simple country girl at heart who likes to socialize and dress up once in a while.

What would we find you doing on a quiet Friday night at home (aside from writing)?

Usually a cuddlefest with the hubby and/or movie and game night with the family. We’re homebodies who would rather not fight crowds or traffic and can reconnect after a long work/school week with a lot of laughter, popcorn fights and someone yelling about a bad movie or a cheater who took too many rolls of the dice. LOL

What books/authors have most influenced your life?

I love everything Cherry Adair, Nora Roberts/JD Robb, Suzanne Brockmann, Sandra Brown, Sara Brookes, Lucy Felthouse, SJ Maylee, Cindy Gerard, Lisa Jackson, Lisa Gardner, Cynthia Sax, to name a few. Growing up it was Francine Pascal, Laura Wilder, Shakespeare, Elizabeth Barrett Browning to name a few of my childhood heroes.

What did you want to be when you grew up?

I worked for a lawyer all through high school and really loved sitting in on court cases. Being her assistant was an awesome experience. However, I met a guy, had my first child, and found being a mother was more rewarding than anything. I also had an interest in forensic sciences and toyed with the idea of being a cop. But motherhood won in the end. Still does, but I found a great passion for writing that I couldn’t ignore. And now that my kids are getting older and starting to follow their own paths, it gives me more hours to write full time.

Now, about your story, ILLUSIONS. What can you tell us about it?

Illusions is the first of a detective/cop suspense series that I absolutely enjoyed writing. Isabella is a top cop in her precinct, she followed the legacy of her father, doesn’t do commitments, takes now shit from anyone and loves living life on her terms.

Brady is a P.I. who loves the ladies but there is only one woman for him. He and Isabella keep their relationship a secret from their friends and family, both sinking further and further into their need for one another, while also fighting it every step of the way.

There’s murder, kidnapping, a bomb, hurt feelings, complicated relationships, pasts that have a way of altering the future, a Seer whose visions are all too real every time, and a lot of heat between the sheets. Illusions is jam-packed with action, adventure and romance.

What influenced the idea for this story?

Illusions is the first book I ever wrote many years ago, has been revised and this is the third time it’s been released (due to contracts ending or publishing houses closing). The series was inspired by my love of cop shows, wanting to be a detective/lawyer when I was younger – dreams that since changed, and a vast interest in forensic sciences.

What was the most difficult to thing/scene to write in this story?

A lot of the writing was difficult. Isabella was a very difficult heroine to write. I guess she is a lot like me, the pain of the past haunts us both, but overall we’re stronger because of it. Her emotions run deep and it was tough to get beyond that and find what really drove her, peel her back layer by layer to the real woman inside. The heart to heart with her father probably affected me the most.

What makes this couple perfect for one another?

Isabella & Brady balance one another. He’s really laid back and takes things as they come. With his visions he becomes another man and they drive him in a way that nothing else can. Isabella is the opposite – laid back is hardly a part of her vocabulary – and is driven by the need to survive, take down criminals and keep her world safe. Opposites attract!! *g*  But they balance one another perfectly.

What do you hope readers take with them after they’ve read this story?

I hope they enjoy the story for the love story, the rough edges of all the characters and the world built. Each character is driven by something heavy and tragic for the most part that needs to be peeled back like an onion. I hope the readers fall in love with the characters as much as I have.

If this book is part of a series…what is the next book? Any details you can share?

Book 2, AWAKENINGS, releases late February 2016. In it, is Alicia Knowles (Isabella’s cousin), who suffers traumatically in ILLUSIONS so we’ll discover more about Alicia and her recovery in her own story. Plus she has a new boss whom she isn’t too keen on working with.


Fun stuff…

Dean or Sam Winchester?  Dean preferably, but both if possible! *g*

Wolf or cat shifters? Both.

The Walking Dead or Game of Thrones? GOT! I hate zombies!

Wine or beer? Wine

Coffee or Tea? Tea these days.

What place to travel is on your Bucket List? Ireland is #1 on my list.

Was it love at first sight for you when you met your spouse? Yes. Kind of – see next question. LOL

What did you notice first when you met your spouse? His tush – he was on a ladder. *g* Yes, there’s a story there! *g*



By Kacey Hammell

Book 1: In the Arms of the Law

(also includes bonus short story, TIED DOWN)

Genres: Contemporary, Suspense, Paranormal (Seer), Erotic, Romance

ISBN: 978-0-9877993-3-3

Word Count: 50,000

Release Date: January 20th, 2016

Author’s Note: Illusions was previously released with another publisher. It has received minor revisions for reissue.

Also includes a bonus short story

Protection. Adventure. Love.

It’s all found within The Arms of the Law…

Detective Isabella Knowles, a tough-as-nails cop, lives by the law, and knows what she wants out of life. And it doesn’t include marriage or all that comes with it. Everything Isabella has ever known seems like an illusion when a new relationship makes her feel more alive than ever before.  She isn’t happy about it and fights it every step of the way.

Burned by his fiancée years ago, seer and P.I., Brady Jacobs never wants another commitment in his life.  But his bachelorhood and heart are threatened when he has one of his visions and see a killer striking too close to the woman he has recently come to love.

Danger lurks close to home and neither Brady nor Isabella like that they can’t control every situation…especially matters of the heart.

Order your copy!

All Amazon Stores ~~ http://authl.it/B01AMVXXDC

Smashwords ~~ https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/607702

Kobo Store ~~ https://store.kobobooks.com/en-us/ebook/illusions-in-the-arms-of-the-law-book-1

B&N (Nook) ~~ http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/illusions-kacey-hammell/1109677332

iTunes ~~ https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/illusions-in-arms-law-book/id1075278656

All Romance eBooks ~~ https://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-illusionsinthearmsofthelawbook1-1969737-149.html



Excerpt, Kacey Hammell, © 2016

Replacing the receiver, she sighed, resigned to leave the comfort of her bed. “Got to go to work, Izzy?”

Brady’s voice came from behind her and not for the first time, Isabella wondered if he realized he used so many variants of her name. She had noticed it a lot in the last few weeks but didn’t think he did. Tonight, for some reason, it bothered her more than ever.

When he was driving into her or when they were warm and cozy, sharing a few quiet moments, he called her Bella. She found herself coming to enjoy every time the name rolled off his tongue. It was special to her but she didn’t want to dwell on why at the moment. Instead, she counted off in her head his use of Isabella.

When they were around others, coworkers or just talking in general, he used her full name. At times like this, when interrupted by her job, he used Izzy in a distant, unaffected tone. The tag was starting to grate on her nerves.

She twisted on an angle toward him, unable to keep from caressing his body with her gaze. The sheet only covered his hips and navel, leaving his abs and biceps exposed to her hungry eyes.

What I wouldn’t give for ten more minutes with him tonight.

“Umm, yeah. It was Connor. I have to go. A woman who’s been missing for thirty-six hours was found dead down by the docks.” She headed to her closet as Brady got off the bed.

“Damn. Connor suspects foul play?”

Pulling a denim shirt from her closet and a pair of jeans, Isabella turned to look at him as he grabbed his clothes. Her breath hitched as he covered his tight ass with his Jockeys and jeans. It was a shame to see such perfection hidden.

With a small shake of her head, Isabella pulled herself from her musings and reached into her top dresser drawer for panties and a bra. “Yeah. The woman’s been missing for over a day and from what he said, she’s naked.” Her hands shook as she put on her panties and willed herself to calm down and think it all through.

“Connor didn’t say much else.” Turning her back to Brady, she shook out her jeans, put both legs in and pulled them up. So lost in her thoughts and trying to get a grip on her emotions, she didn’t hear him come up behind her, until he placed his hands on her shoulders.

“Do you want me to go with you, Izzy? I’ll assist in any way I can.”

Touched beyond means by his offer, she turned in his arms. “Thanks, but no.

You know I’ve been through it all before. Don’t make it a bigger deal than it has to be. I’ve seen this kind of thing many times, over and over.”

She sounded like a bitch but couldn’t let the fact they were having sex get in the way of her job. They had an unspoken agreement, no commitments, and let one another do what they had to do, never coddling each other or making bigger issues of anything.

“I know you have, Izzy, but sometimes…. Hell, never mind. It’s cool.” She could tell by the look in his eyes he was frustrated but didn’t want to show it.

Good, let him be pissed, irritated or anything other than caring. She understood he was a man used to taking care of others, but she’d be damned before she leaned on him.

After taking her gun from where it was locked up, she clipped the holster to the waistband of her slacks and adjusted it to where she liked it. Pulling her hair back into a scrunchie, she turned to face her lover, certain she had her emotions in check. “Thanks for coming over tonight. It was, as always, the exact thing I needed.”

For just a moment, she saw an emotion—maybe anger—cross his face, but it was gone so quickly she might have imagined it.

With what looked like a forced smile to her, Brady shrugged. “Always here for you, babe, whenever you have an itch.” His voice held the cold, detachment she was coming to dislike. He grabbed up his leather jacket near the door, but stopped before crossing the threshold. He turned to her, staring at her in a way she had never seen before. “I know you won’t—seriously know you won’t—but if you happen to need me, I’m only a phone call away.”

She couldn’t even ascertain what sensations spread through her body at his words. As she watched him walk out of her bedroom, she could identify only one emotion.


Feeling like she was on a tightrope easily broken at any moment, she shook herself of her musings as she heard the front door close. She patted her pockets and sides. Keys, badge, gun. She was ready to face the night ahead. Detective Isabella Knowles, one of Trenton’s finest, was ready to catch the bad guys.

Too bad she couldn’t allow herself to be caught. Love and the badge didn’t mix. For a few short hours she could let her hair down, let her lover drive himself into her body and fill her thoughts.

But she’d never let a man drive himself into her heart. Never.


Avid Reader. Romance Author. Redhead…

Canadian-born author Kacey Hammell is definitely a book-a-holic. A romance reader from a young age, she fell in love with happily ever afters.  These days, as a multi- published erotic romance author, she enjoys adding a lot of heat, sass, and emotion to the many genres she writes.

Mom of three, Kacey lives her own happily ever after with her perfect hero in Ontario, Canada.

Connect with Kacey…

Website / Newsletter / Facebook / Facebook Reader Group / Twitter / Amazon / Goodreads / Pinterest / Instagram