Tag Archives: lesbian

My Sexy Saturday #44 – A Sexy Halloween #MySexySaturday

My Sexy Saturday

Welcome back to My Sexy Saturday. This is where writers post either 7 words, 7 sentences or 7 paragraphs from their published work or work in progress, sticking to the week’s theme. This week’s theme is a sexy Halloween. I’m sharing a snippet from my lesbian story, Weekend at Wilderhope Manor, which is set over a Halloween weekend.

Struggling not to roll her eyes at the eternal geekiness of her beloved, Stephanie replied, “Well, I’m already feeling like that, so heaven knows what a bunch of chemicals hitting my bloodstream is going to do. I hope that bed isn’t valuable, because I have a funny feeling we’re going to break it.”

“Ooh, is that a promise?”

Stephanie didn’t reply, because they were pushing open the double doors to a reception room, which was full of other guests. A few turned to glance at the pair and gave polite smiles or nods, then turned back to the front of the room where an official looking guy tapped the top of a mike.

She and Jenny exchanged a look. It was bloody obvious the thing wasn’t switched on, and yet, he was still tapping it, blowing into the top and generally making an arse of himself. More amusing still, the room had a small enough crowd it’d be perfectly easy to hear him, anyway. He obviously just had an inflated sense of his own importance.

They both took the opportunity to scope out their surroundings. The room had beautiful fixtures and furnishings, gorgeous fireplaces and was just generally impressive. The garish Halloween decorations only slightly marred this. In fact, if the rooms were made dimmer, it was entirely possible the entire place would be pretty terrifying. Stephanie guessed that would be on the cards tomorrow when the Halloween party took place. Her mind wandered, thinking about the outfits she and Jenny had chosen for the next day, and she smirked as she thought about the reactions they’d get.

Finally, a youngish guy toward the front of the group took pity on the man in charge and reached forward to flip the microphone switch. It screeched to life, rudely yanking Stephanie out of her almost daydream. Everyone went quiet and paid attention immediately, waiting for the man to speak and introduce the evening’s entertainment.

* * *

Half an hour later, and Stephanie’s brain was in overdrive. Despite never having participated in one of these evenings before, she was a fan of quizzes, puzzles and brain teasers of any kind, so she was having great fun. Everyone had been briefed, though Jenny and she had been so eager to get going they hadn’t paid full attention. Then everyone split up, each sent off on their own quest in order to uncover the truth of “whodunit.” Stephanie, having narrowed it down to two suspects, headed to the library to check for extra clues and evidence to help her nail down the perpetrator.

You can buy Weekend at Wilderhope Manor here.

Please use the list below to head on over to the other blogs participating in My Sexy Saturday, and don’t forget to leave us all comments, we love ’em!

Happy Reading,

Lucy x

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Evernight Publishing 4th Birthday Celebration!

RedCarpetBlogHopRoll out the Red Carpet ~ Evernight celebrates four years of publishing!

Join authors, bloggers and reviewers as we take a RED CARPET tour featuring Evernight’s smart and sexy books. Slip on your virtual stilettos and walk the red carpet of award winning titles, spectacular reviews, and paparazzi style interviews.

Be sure to visit every stop on the tour where you can enter for a chance to win great prizes, including a new eReader, gift certificates, swag, books and much more!

Also, during this fantastic blog hop, Evernight Publishing books are available at 50% OFF on the Evernight website. This is the largest sale of the year! How cool is that?!

Now I turn the spotlight on my smart and sexy books…

I don’t actually have a solo title with Evernight (I’m working on it, though, so fingers crossed for me!), but I do have stories in three of their anthologies; Alpha’s Claim: Manlove Edition, His: Manlove Edition and Lover Unexpected: Sappho Edition. I don’t want to bombard you with the longest blog post in the world, so I’ll just include a little taster from each story…

From Alpha’s Claim: Manlove Edition:

He should not have slapped his face. All he’d done was add additional pain to an already affected area. A badly abused area, in fact. The other shifter looked like he’d taken a serious beating, or fallen from the top of a very tall tree.

“Christ,” Kane said, still supporting the man’s back, so he didn’t flop back down onto the pavement. “What the hell happened to you?”

From His: Manlove Edition:

Eventually he reached the bar, where a shaven-headed guy in obscenely tight trousers and a tucked-in, unbuttoned shirt that flashed his entire chest, was shaking up a cocktail. He gave a short nod to Dale to acknowledge he’d seen him, then moved back over to the customer he’d been taking care of and served them their drink. He popped a straw into the glass, then took the customer’s money with a broad grin. As soon as he’d given the cocktail purchaser their change, the barman headed straight over to Dale.

“Hey, sweet cheeks, welcome to Garden of Eden. What can I get you, first timer?”

From Lover Unexpected: Sappho Edition:

Natalia had been inclined to agree. And although she was glad Kayla was off the scene—even aside from the fact that Natalia had been in love with Ashleigh since their University days, she’d never liked Kayla—she still hadn’t plucked up the courage to confess her own feelings to her friend. She probably never would—there was too much at stake. Their friendship spanned over ten years, and Natalia didn’t want to risk losing that.

I hope that’ll encourage you to check out those delicious anthologies – I’m nestled between the pages with some fantastic authors, and at 50% off, you could bag all three and not blow your book budget 😉

Now, onto the giveaway!

Answer my question in the comment section for a chance to win (be sure to include your email address):

* Your choice of an Amazon Kindle Fire HD or Kobo Arc 7
* $100 Amazon GC
* $50 Evernight GC
* My blog prize: winner’s choice of one of my solo backlist titles

Question: what’s your favourite genre within erotica/erotic romance?

Now be sure to check out the rest of the blogs on the hop!

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BooQfest, The Festival with a Literary Bent #event #uk #england #lgbt

10608797_530356183730875_3661488579341936168_oHi everyone,

For those of you with easy access to the middle of England, I’m taking part in booQfest in Northampton city centre on the 11th of October. It’s a LGBT literary festival which is absolutely FREE!

I’ll be reading snippets from some of my gay and lesbian work, as well as answering questions, then sticking around after my session to sell and sign books, give away swag, chat and so on.

The event is 12pm – 4pm, and my session begins at 1pm. The full listing and details are available on the booQfest website, here. You can also like the event on Facebook, and follow them on Twitter.

I hope to see you there!

Lucy x

The Beast of Birch Hill by Naomi Clark

The Beast of Birch HillBlurb:

Wildlife photographer and cryptozoology blogger Emma Jordan came to Birch Hill expecting to find another urban legend. The rumours of a big cat stalking the woods around this quiet town surely had to be just that – rumours. But when the evidence starts to pile up that Birch Hill really does have a killer cat on the loose, Emma finds herself caught in a confusing game of cat and mouse. And her blossoming relationship with Abi Blakely might just be pushing her further into danger.

Available from:
Amazon UK
Amazon US
All Romance eBooks
Evernight Publishing



A couple of hours later, showered, changed, and feeling human again, Emma headed back to Abigail’s Bakes. She told herself she was just looking to grab a quick lunch and sit somewhere pleasant while she updated her blog. Privately she had to admit it would be nice to just look at Abi while she worked.

The place was much busier than it had been that morning; it was full of kids and families jostling for table space. Abi and a younger girl worked the counter with cheer and ease, and cafe was filled with chatter and laughter. Emma joined the queue, trying to catch Abi’s eye. When Abi saw her, she waved and favored Emma with that infectious smile.

“How was your hike? Did you catch the Beast yet?” she asked Emma as she served her.

“Not yet. Maybe later.” Emma picked out a bacon and cheese strudel and a spiced apple muffin. “Do you have wifi in here? I need to get online.”

Abi passed her a slip of paper with a password on it along with her food. “Help yourself. Catch you later.”

Emma smiled, hoping the words weren’t just a mere formality. She found a table tucked away in the corner and flipped open her netbook. Her main source of income was her photography, supplying stock images for websites and brochures, entering as many competitions as she could, and doing the occasional teaching course if she wasn’t traveling. It was steady money, and a hefty inheritance from a grandparent she’d never met allowed her to live in comfort and indulge her other passion – the alien big cat stories. Her blog, After Dark All Cats Are Leopards, was one of the better-regarded in both the cryptid and sceptic communities and she had a steady following. When she’d announced last week that she was heading for Birch Hill, her views had skyrocketed, and even though she didn’t have much news to add yet, it was probably a good idea to update now.

She plugged her digital camera into the netbook and uploaded the photos she’d taken, eating as she worked. The strudel and the muffin were both perfectly delicious, and she allowed herself a brief fantasy of kidnapping Abi and making her bake for her full-time.

She didn’t notice Abi had joined her until the other woman pushed a cup of coffee to her. “Looks like thirsty work,” Abi remarked.

Emma jumped, then grinned. “Bloggers are powered entirely by caffeine. Thanks.”

“So I looked you up after you left,” Abi said. “Why big cats?” She leaned her elbows on the table and rested her head in her hands. Her dark curls framed her face perfectly, her expression attentive and interested. Emma squirmed a little under her keen gaze.

“When I was a kid I wanted to find Bigfoot,” Emma confessed. “My dad used to take me out hiking in the Rocky Mountains and tell me stories about Bigfoot and skinwalkers, all kinds of stuff. I just loved it. Then I grew up and decided there wasn’t much chance of Bigfoot really being out there. But big cats? Definitely.”

“You’re so sure? Even though nobody’s found a breeding population of wild tigers anywhere?” Abi asked with a grin.

“America’s a big country. There’s plenty of space for wide-roaming animals to hide. And big cats are generally elusive in their natural territories anyway. Yeah, I’m sure. People brought lions and tigers over here with circuses in the nineteenth century and there are thousands of people keeping them illegally today. There are orphanages for abandoned exotic animals up and down the country. It’s not completely ridiculous that some escape or are released into the wild. And cats are so adaptable. Even if we’re not talking big breeding populations, I think it’s more likely that there are non-native big cats out there than not.”

“You love this stuff, don’t you?” Abi said, looking thoughtful.

Emma flushed. “Was I rambling?”

“No, it’s interesting! I wish I could come out big cat hunting with you, but Jed probably wouldn’t let me.” She stuck her tongue out as if she’d eaten something distasteful.

“Well, he’s not coming either,” Emma said. “I take it he’s more than just prickly with you?”

Abi shuffled Emma’s empty plates around, looking embarrassed. “Oh, we just…clash. He’s pretty conservative and I’m not. He thinks I lower the tone of the neighborhood.”

“Not a fan of baked goods?” Emma joked.

“Baked goods or lesbians,” Abi said with a shrug.

Emma’s heart gave a little twist, but she kept her tone calm and amused as she replied. “Oh dear. I’d better not answer any personal questions he asks me then.”

Abi gave her a thoughtful look again that turned into a shy smile. “So what are you doing for the rest of the day? I’m off this afternoon.”

“I’m going back into the woods this evening but I’m free til then. Maybe…” Emma searched for something that didn’t sound too forward but still made it plain she liked Abi. “Maybe we could hang out?” Ugh. Lame.

Abi didn’t seem to notice. She flashed a dazzling smile. “How about a guided tour of Birch Hill? There’s not much to see, but with the right company it has a certain charm.”

“It’s a date.”

Abi stood, grabbing Emma’s plates. “Give me an hour and we’re on.”

Emma watched her sashay away with a flutter of excitement. If the Beast of Birch Hill didn’t show up, Abi might prove just as exciting.


About the Author:

Naomi likes writing, perfume, fancy tea, and unfathomable monsters from the dark spaces between the stars, not necessarily in that order. She has been writing stories ever since she learned how to write, but is still trying to master the art of biography writing. When she’s not dealing with werewolves, demons, or sea monsters, she’s hanging out with her cat and probably watching a documentary about Bigfoot. If the cat isn’t available, she’s with her fiancé watching cookery shows and silently plotting her next book.

Find me online:

Blog – http://naomiclarkwrites.blogspot.co.uk/
Twitter – https://twitter.com/naomi_jay
Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/naomijclark

My Sexy Saturday #31 – My Sexy Howl #MySexySaturday

My Sexy Saturday

Welcome back to My Sexy Saturday. This is where writers post either 7 words, 7 sentences or 7 paragraphs from their published work or work in progress, sticking to the week’s theme. This week’s theme is my sexy howl – so shifters. I thought this would be the perfect opportunity to share a snippet from one of my older releases – F/F erotic romance, The Cottage in the Woods.

“No.” Heidi knew the next words on her lips should be, “But I do have a very comfortable sofa” but somehow she couldn’t force herself to say them.

“Oh. I guess I’ll just have to bunk in with you then. It’ll be like a girly sleepover! Not that I’ve ever been to one…” she tailed off, dropping her gaze to the floor.

“You haven’t?” Heidi asked, desperate to know what had made this beautiful girl look so sad. “Why not?”

“I could never risk falling asleep near humans. I often wake up in animal form, and that would be pretty difficult to explain. Not everyone’s as understanding as you.” Ava put her hand on the other woman’s arm and gave her a warm smile. Heidi’s heart leapt.

“Well,” Heidi replied, covering Ava’s hand with her own and giving it a squeeze, “whatever you wake up as is fine with me. Except maybe a spider. I won’t be held responsible for my own actions if I wake up with a spider in my bed.”

Both girls laughed. Then, hoping against hope she hadn’t misread the signs, Heidi linked her fingers with Ava’s and stood. “Come on,” she said. Her voice sounded husky. “Let’s get this sleepover show on the road.”

Ava followed without protest; eagerly in fact, and Heidi started to realize this was really going to happen. It was like something out of a fairy tale. She’d been all alone, then a hot girl who happened to be a shapeshifter turned up in her garden. All the signs pointed towards Ava liking her in that way, and now, she was happily going to bed with her. Heidi shook her head in disbelief, then sped up. After all, if it was a dream, she didn’t want to wake up before the good part.

You can buy The Cottage in the Woods here.

Please use the list below to head on over to the other blogs participating in My Sexy Saturday, and don’t forget to leave us all comments, we love ’em!

Happy Reading,

Lucy x

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Summer Reads #SummerReadsHop


Summer’s in full swing! Come in out of the heat and check out our favorite Summer Reads! Each blog will feature their favorites and a giveaway so visit them all! Plus there’s a Grand Prize giveaway happening too!


Hello and welcome to the Summer Reads Blog Hop! I’m definitely a summer person – I like the sunshine, the longer days, the warmth… so I’m sure I’d like California, which is where one of my latest releases, Sweet Spot is set. I’ve never been, but hopefully I’ll get there one day – just got to sell enough books 🙂

Here’s more info on Sweet Spot, which is F/F erotic sports romance. Even the cover screams summer, doesn’t it? 🙂

A Raw Talent book.

Virginia Miller is an up-and-coming tennis star. She’s gone from a ratty tennis court in a park in south London, England, to the world’s top training facility—Los Carlos Tennis Academy in California. In awe of the talent around her, Virginia is all the more determined to make the most of the opportunity and show that she’s worthy of her place there. Her mentor, Nadia Gorlando, has every faith in her.

But Virginia finds herself distracted—Nadia, as well as being a top-notch tennis player, is seriously sexy, and Virginia’s mind keeps wandering where it shouldn’t. Will her crush get in the way of her career, or can she find a way to push the other woman out of her mind before it’s too late?

Grab it here: https://lucyfelthouse.co.uk/published-works/sweet-spot/

Add to Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/21521972-sweet-spot

Happy Reading!
Lucy x

Don’t forget to enter the giveaways, then scroll down to carry on hopping through the rest of the blogs on the hop!


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