Tag Archives: lgbt

I’m An Attending Author at Indie Pride Book Con! #IPBC2025

Hi everyone,

So excited to announce that I will be attending the second Indie Pride Book Con.  

It’s now been announced in the group, so I’m super excited to announce that I’ll be attending Manchester on 9th August 2025 as an attending author! 

Tickets are now on sale for The Indie Pride Book Con 2025 in Manchester, England: https://indiepride2025.eventbrite.co.uk

Come and join me and over 60 authors and vendors at #IPBC2025! New authors and vendors are being announced each week.

If you love LGBTQ and Reverse Harem, you do NOT want to miss this event!!!

For more information, join the Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/indiepridebookcon

Or visit the website here: https://www.phoenixbookevents.com/indiepridebookcon

And here’s my pre-order form. Benefits of pre-ordering are:

  • guarantee to get the books you want
  • you can spread the cost
  • books are slightly cheaper than on the day
  • all pre-orders come with exclusive swag

I look forward to seeing you there!
Lucy x

Get Your Hands on a Bunch of Discounted Queer Books #queeryourbookshelf #lgbtq #glbtq #queer #bookdeals #booktwitter

Hi lovelies,

I’m delighted to announce I’m part of this amazing one day event – Queer Your Bookshelf! For those of you who love LGBTQ+ reads, this is the place to be. There are 260 queer books on sale for just 99c across a variety of pairings and genres – and you can filter and search them on the site below. The book I have included is Sapphic Seduction.

Get shopping here: https://bit.ly/queeryourbookshelf

Happy Reading!
Lucy x

Don’t Throw Anything Away – A Guest Post by Lisabet Sarai (@lisabetsarai) #Lesbian #Sapphic #Highwayman #Outlaw #EighteenthCentury #Adventure #CrossDressing #GenderBending #Devonshire #KingGeorge #RedCoats

Inspiration is fickle. One day you’ll be seized by an idea that just won’t let you go. You throw yourself into the writing, intoxicated by the process of creation, certain this will be the best book you’ve ever produced. The sentences and paragraphs flow, the story taking shape on the page almost without effort.

Then, suddenly and inexplicably, the fire dies out. The magic evaporates, and you’re left to plod along, trying dutifully to complete the opus to which you’ve devoted your time, despite your doubts about its quality.

If you’re trying to make a living writing, you can’t afford to wait for the muse. You’ve got to produce. If, like me, you write primarily for the joy of the process, you may abandon the entire project when your inspiration disappears.

That’s what happened with By Moonlight. For years, I’d wanted to write an erotic tale based on the Alfred Noyes poem “The Highwayman”. One day the stars aligned. I sat down and wrote the first chapter in a couple of hours. It turned out exactly as I’d imagined it, both lyrical and arousing. I was chuffed, as my UK author friends would say, eager to push the tale forward.

The next weekend, though, when I sat down to continue, I discovered that inspiration had fled. The whole notion seemed silly. I really couldn’t force myself to write any more.

So I put the barely-started tale aside and worked on something else. I always have lots of potential projects in mind, far more than my writing time allows.

That was four years ago. I’d almost forgotten By Moonlight. Then a stormy night recently reminded me of the poem, and the poem reminded me of the story. When I pulled it up and re-read it, I was freshly impressed and determined to complete it.

After such a long lag, I worried that I wouldn’t be able to recreate the tone of that intense first installment. Fortunately I was able to get feedback from my online critique partners, who helped me to adjust the language and the atmosphere appropriately. All in all, I’m happy with the result. I think I’ve managed to fulfill my intentions, offering homage to the Noyes poem while twisting the story in an original (and happier) direction.

The lesson here, though, is clear. If you are an author, don’t throw anything away! Keep all your snippets, all your abandoned projects, all your monuments to the departed muse.

You really never know when inspiration will return.



I’ll come for you by moonlight – though Hell should bar the way

In her eighteen years on earth, Bess has never traveled more than twenty miles from her Devonshire village. The raven-haired innkeeper’s daughter has little time to dream of adventure as she labors from dawn to dusk to keep her abusive father satisfied.

Then, at the weekly market in Tavistock town, she meets a handsome dandy who claims her with a single stolen kiss. When the gallant gentleman makes a midnight visit to the inn, Bess learns that her new lover is none other than Kit Latour, a notorious French highwayman who has been boldly relieving the local nobility of their valuables. Well-aware of the risk she’s taking, Bess still offers herself to the seductive outlaw. Even Kit’s darkest secrets cannot quench the flames of her love.

Buy Links

Kinky Literature – https://www.kinkyliterature.com/book/1183-by-moonlight-/

Amazon US – https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0C99C59RY

Amazon UK – https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0C99C59RY

Smashwords –  https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/1413596

Barnes and Noble – https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/by-moonlight-lisabet-sarai/1143711659?ean=2940166073495

Kobo  – https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/by-moonlight-8

Apple Books – https://books.apple.com/us/book/x/id6450718058

Add on Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/180643788-by-moonlight

Add on BookBub: https://www.bookbub.com/books/by-moonlight-by-lisabet-sarai



“You were very brave tonight, Bess. You made me proud.”

“Brave? How can you say that? I didn’t fight them. I let them take me, bind me, and use me as bait.”

“You didn’t weep or beg. The soldiers in the common room remarked on your boldness. ‘Not a tear did she shed,’ said one. ‘So sure she was that her bloody Frenchman would rescue her.’”

“I dared not hope for rescue. My only thought was to warn you before they could spring their foul trap.”

“Oh, Bess! That would have been fatal.” Kit rose smoothly from her nest by the fire, graceful despite her encumbering skirts. She held out a hand.

Bess clasped the proffered fingers and clambered to her feet. “They planned to execute me in any case. But how I longed for one last kiss!”

“You’ve earned a hundred, love. Starting now.”

A quick tug drew Bess against Kit’s body. Strong arms encircled her, pulling her close, the delicious press of breast against breast making her dizzy with desire.

Kit tasted of the tart fruit she’d just consumed. Forceful as any man, she sealed Bess’s mouth with her own and teased the girl’s lips open to thrust her tongue inside.

Bess responded with equal ardor. Heat swept through her as though it were June instead of October. The fevered kiss struck sparks from her tender nipples. The space between her thighs was a puddle of molten need. Their breath mingled; their tongues twined. She clung to Kit’s lean, road-hardened torso, the shift of powerful muscle under the female costume somehow magnifying her excitement.

Without relinquishing her hold or disengaging from the kiss, Kit backed Bess toward the mattress. They tumbled unceremoniously onto the straw-filled pallet, clawing at one another’s clothing. Buttons flew in all directions when Kit tore open Bess’s bodice. Grasping her partner’s shoulders and pinning her to the mattress, Kit fastened her mouth on one achingly hard nipple that poked through the muslin garment beneath.

“Oh…” The wet suction sent bolts of delight straight to Bess’s clit, as though a fiery cord tethered it to her nipples. When Kit raked her teeth across the taut nip, Bess clenched and shuddered with need. Her empty cunny cried out for her lover’s fingers or tongue.

“Please…” she moaned, dragging her tangled skirts up and spreading her thighs. “Oh, Kit, have mercy!”

The sweet torture continued for several minutes before Kit relented. She rolled back on her heels and gazed into Bess’s eyes, a saucy grin playing on her ripe lips. “So you’re hungry after all, minx! Well, then…” One hand on each thigh, she dove for the gaping slit in Bess’s drawers.

Like an arrow flying to its target, she connected with the swollen bud at the apex of Bess’s sex. Kit sucked the bead into her mouth while prodding it with her tongue. Bess arched off the bed at the sudden, intense stimulation. Then the brazen outlaw plunged two fingers deep into Bess’s quim.

Bess screamed at the sudden incursion. A ragged climax erupted within her, pleasure so fierce it was almost pain. Pinwheels whirled in her cunny, throwing off flashes of delight. Kit continued to pump in and out, pushing her inexorably to a second spend. As she tumbled over the edge for the second time, her lover snatched her fingers from Bess’s channel and replaced them with her tongue.


About Lisabet

Lisabet Sarai became addicted to words at an early age. She began reading when she was four. She wrote her first story at five years old and her first poem at seven. Since then, she has written plays, tutorials, scholarly articles, marketing brochures, software specifications, self-help books, press releases, a five-hundred page dissertation, and lots of erotica and erotic romance – over one hundred titles, and counting, in nearly every sub-genre—paranormal, scifi, ménage, BDSM, LGBTQ, and more. Regardless of the genre, every one of her stories illustrates her motto: Imagination is the ultimate aphrodisiac.

You’ll find information and excerpts from all Lisabet’s books on her website (http://www.lisabetsarai.com/books.html), along with more than fifty free stories and lots more. At her blog Beyond Romance (http://lisabetsarai.blogspot.com), she shares her philosophy and her news and hosts lots of other great authors. She’s also on Goodreads, BookBub and Twitter. Join her VIP email list here: https://btn.ymlp.com/xgjjhmhugmgh

Window Dressing is Now Available in German! #MAINverlag #bookliebe #booktwitter #booklove #lesevergnuegen #queer #lgbtq #german #deutsche

Hi everyone,

I’m delighted to announce the fabulous folks at MAIN Verlag have done it again. This time my F/F short story Window Dressing has had the translation treatment and is now available to read in German! So if you know anyone who prefers to read in German, please let them know about Umstyling auf der Oxford Street. The better these books do, the more likely it’ll be the publisher will contract more titles from me to translate. Also, how gorgeous is that cover?! I love it!


Ladeneinrichterin Jessie wird zur Oxford Street nach London geschickt, um über Nacht am Schaufenster des Vorzeigegeschäftes einer weltbekannten Modekette zu arbeiten. Zum ersten Mal muss sie eine so wichtige Aufgabe alleine bewältigen, aber zum Glück sind der Plan und die Vorbereitungen wasserdicht. Alles muss nur fertiggestellt werden, bevor der Laden am nächsten Morgen öffnet.

Womit sie jedoch nicht rechnet, ist die Frau, die für das Projekt vor Ort zuständig ist: Edith. Sie hat das Aussehen einer Elfe, doch die Persönlichkeit eines Drachen, und Jessie begreift rasch, dass der Job nicht zu schaffen ist. Nicht mit einer fiesen Edith, die Jessie ständig heruntermacht.

Während die Stunden vergehen, gelingt es Jessie, hinter Ediths eisige Fassade zu blicken und sehr zu ihrer Überraschung gefällt ihr, was sie dort findet. Nur: Soll sie für eine einmalige Sache ihre Prinzipien über Bord werfen – und eventuell ihren Job riskieren?

Get it here: https://books2read.com/UmstylingaufderOxfordStreet

Happy Reading!
Lucy x

Sapphic Seduction Vol 2 – Cover Reveal and Pre-Order Announcement #lesbianerotica #lesbian #ff #eroticromance #lesfic #anthology

Sapphic Seduction Vol 2

Hi everyone!

Excellent news for the lesbian erotica fans amongst you! I’ve put together a second volume of luscious Sapphic tales, just for you. As you can see, the stunning cover is above, and all the details and pre-order links are below. Sapphic Seduction Vol 2 will release on 30th September. It will also be available in paperback and audiobook formats – links will be added to the book’s page when I have them.


If you enjoy short, steamy tales of women getting together, then check out this collection from the pen of award-winning author Lucy Felthouse.

From Sapphic fun at the seaside to showing off by the pool, clearing out an old shed to getting the hots for musicians, and even a spot of voyeurism, this book has F/F goodness in spades. There’s something for everyone, and will have you eager to turn just one more page.

Enjoy fifteen titillating tales, over 50,000 words of lesbian lusciousness.

Please note: The stories in this anthology have been previously published.

Pre-order yours now:
Amazon UK
Amazon US
Amazon AU
Amazon CA
Apple Books UK
Apple Books US
Barnes & Noble
Eden Books
Google Books

Happy Reading!
Lucy x

Dragon Bridge by E.D. Parr (@parr_books)


Tired from his high stress work fighting cyber-crime, handsome, Key Alder takes a vacation on a beautiful Italian coast. He travels from one gorgeous town to another and after a perilous journey lost in the mountains, he settles into his hotel and relaxes.

In a beachside café, next to a warm pale-blue ocean, a performer hands out fliers for an arts festival in a mountain village. Lured by adventure, Key attends an evening performance of fire juggling acrobats in the legendary village piazza.

Beautiful, enigmatic Claudio Di Fiore, the star of the show, sees Key in the audience and is captured by a wonderful feeling he’s unaccustomed to.

Claudio wants Key.

Key is enchanted by Claudio.

A passionate love grows between the two men.

When Claudio’s mysterious ancient family threaten to tear them apart, will Key risk everything to stay with his loved one?


Read a teaser. Key arrives at his first vacation destination.

As he turned a corner of the high coast road, Key caught his breath as his destination came into sight. The entire hillside of a gorgeous bay housed buildings interspersed with trees and flowering shrubs. Several rooftops sprouted palms in huge pots or tubs of bright flowers. Each building climbed the sheer hillside effortlessly from a beach of white sand toward a wall of crags enclosing the bay. The sun slanted off a jade colored dome and sprinkled glitter on primary colored buildings close by. Key slowed to enter the town, already well below the speed limit in awe of the view, he crawled the car to his hotel. Key had spent hours on the internet making sure he knew where it lay. His newfound fragile lightheartedness wouldn’t stand going around in circles until he was exhausted trying to find the place.

A valet took his car keys to park his rental. A porter picked up his luggage and led him to check in. Relieved by these ministrations, Key smiled at the desk clerk. He gave his name. The young woman on duty returned his smile and keyed something into a computer, then she stood and took a keycard from one of the small rectangular openings in the wall behind the desk. Her near perfect English as she spoke to him was reassuring, but Key decided right then that he’d try to learn some Italian. Then I could at least greet people and say thank you.

Copyright E. D. Parr, Evernight Publishing July 28, 2022


BUY the book on new release special discount price from Evernight Publishing only


BUY the book elsewhere





Siren Bookstrand, coming soon





Find E. D. Parr online

Evernight Publishing Page https://www.evernightpublishing.com/e-d-parr/

Find E. D. Parr’s all-time bestseller list and 30 day bestsellers on Siren Bookstrand https://www.bookstrand.com/ed-parr

Twitter https://twitter.com/parr_books

Amazon page https://www.amazon.com/-/e/B01MUNJ3I8\

Blog https://parrx.blogspot.com

Facebook @parrbooks https://www.facebook.com/parrbooks/