Tag Archives: sapphic seduction

Sapphic Seduction Vol 2 – Cover Reveal and Pre-Order Announcement #lesbianerotica #lesbian #ff #eroticromance #lesfic #anthology

Sapphic Seduction Vol 2

Hi everyone!

Excellent news for the lesbian erotica fans amongst you! I’ve put together a second volume of luscious Sapphic tales, just for you. As you can see, the stunning cover is above, and all the details and pre-order links are below. Sapphic Seduction Vol 2 will release on 30th September. It will also be available in paperback and audiobook formats – links will be added to the book’s page when I have them.


If you enjoy short, steamy tales of women getting together, then check out this collection from the pen of award-winning author Lucy Felthouse.

From Sapphic fun at the seaside to showing off by the pool, clearing out an old shed to getting the hots for musicians, and even a spot of voyeurism, this book has F/F goodness in spades. There’s something for everyone, and will have you eager to turn just one more page.

Enjoy fifteen titillating tales, over 50,000 words of lesbian lusciousness.

Please note: The stories in this anthology have been previously published.

Pre-order yours now:
Amazon UK
Amazon US
Amazon AU
Amazon CA
Apple Books UK
Apple Books US
Barnes & Noble
Eden Books
Google Books

Happy Reading!
Lucy x

Sapphic Seduction is Now Available in Audiobook Format! #audio #audiobook #audible #lesfic #lesbian #erotica

Hi folks,

I’m delighted to announce that my popular lesbian erotica collection, Sapphic Seduction, is now available for your listening pleasure!

Sapphic SeductionHere’s what it’s all about:

If you enjoy short tales of ladies loving each other, then get your hands on this collection from the pen of award-winning author Lucy Felthouse.

From Zumba classes to army basic training, surfer chicks to mechanics, and even a lost dog, this book has variety galore. There’s something for everyone, and will have you eager to turn just one more page.

Enjoy twelve titillating tales, over 45,000 words of Sapphic delight.

Please note: The stories in this anthology have been previously published.


Sound like your kind of thing? Grab it here (iTunes links coming soon):
Audible UK
Audible US
Amazon UK
Amazon US

Happy Listening!

Lucy x

Great Offers for Kobo Users! #kobo #sale #romance #lesfic #amreadingromance

Hi lovelies,

Just a couple of quick notices for those of you who buy your books from Kobo:

Lottery Losers is available at a reduced price if you’re in the US or Canada as part of their Beach Reads promotion: https://www.kobo.com/ca/en/ebook/lottery-losers-1

Sapphic Seduction is part of a 3 books for $9 sale for Australia and New Zealand readers: https://www.kobo.com/au/en/ebook/sapphic-seduction

Happy Reading!

Lucy x

Sapphic Seduction Just 99c/p! #sapphic #lesfic #lesbian #erotica #99c #sale

Hi folks,

Just a quick one to let you know my lesbian erotica collection, Sapphic Seduction, is just 99c for a few days only! Grab your copy before it’s too late! http://books2read.com/sapphicseduction

Happy Reading,

Lucy x

Mid Week Tease: Though it definitely wasn’t a thumb, sore or otherwise. #lesfic #lesbian #erotica

mid-week-tease-buttonHi everyone,

Welcome back to Mid Week Tease and Happy New Year! I’m delighted to be sharing a tease from my first release of the year, Sapphic Seduction, a lesbian erotica anthology, out now.

Sapphic SeductionShrugging, Verity carried on walking. She was here now—she wasn’t going to leave just in case it rained. Even if it did, so what? A little rain never killed anyone. It could actually be kind of refreshing.

Putting one foot in front of the other, she followed her nose through the landscape, admiring everything she saw, and exchanging polite nods and smiles with the handful of people she met. And it was only a handful. Perhaps others had checked the weather forecast before coming out and had been deterred. More fool them.

On the other hand, though, she thanked them. It meant she had the place pretty much to herself. Smiling, she allowed her imagination to run away with itself, painting a picture of a scenario where Verity owned the stately home currently hidden from view, and was wandering in her own private gardens. Every tree, every bush, every flower, every blade of grass was on her land, and she loved it. Having such an amazing place to call her own… well, she knew how lucky she was.

She was snapped out of her grand and wonderful fantasy by something that didn’t look quite right. Blinking, she focussed on whatever it was over to her left-hand side that seemed to stand out like a sore thumb. She frowned and stepped closer, still not entirely sure what she was seeing. Though it definitely wasn’t a thumb, sore or otherwise.

When her brain caught up, rearranging the shiny red rubber with blue polka dots from this mysterious thing to the pair of wellington boots it actually was, Verity gasped. Shit—someone had fallen over and landed in the undergrowth! All she could see now was the footwear, and a portion of the dark-green trousers tucked into them.

Hurrying over, she fumbled in her pocket for her mobile, thinking to ring an ambulance, or a doctor at the very least. However, the restrictive material of her jeans would not give up the device as she moved. Swearing to herself, Verity decided to check on the person first—likely a woman, in such funky wellies, and they were too big for a child—and see if she could make her more comfortable before she tried again for the phone.

Her heart pounded as she left the path and stepped onto the grass, then over to the dirt border. She was probably damaging something, but figured helping an injured person was way more important than preserving grass and rare plants.

A slight movement of the red and blue boots reassured and panicked Verity in equal measure. Although reassured that the person was able to move, she panicked that doing so could be injuring them further. “H-hello?” she called out. “It’s okay, please don’t move. I’ve come to help you. Just relax, I’m here to help.”

Grab your copy now: https://lucyfelthouse.co.uk/published-works/sapphic-seduction/

Don’t forget to check out all the other blogs taking part!

New Release: Sapphic Seduction #lesfic #lesbian #erotica

Hi folks,

I’m delighted to announce the release of Sapphic Seduction, a F/F erotica collection, and my first release of 2019. Whoop!


If you enjoy short tales of ladies loving each other, then get your hands on this collection from the pen of award-winning author Lucy Felthouse.

From Zumba classes to army basic training, surfer chicks to mechanics, and even a lost dog, this book has variety galore. There’s something for everyone, and will have you eager to turn just one more page.

Enjoy twelve titillating tales, over 45,000 words of Sapphic delight.

Please note: The stories in this anthology have been previously published.

Add to Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/43265119-sapphic-seduction

Available from:
Amazon UK
Amazon US
Amazon AU
Amazon CA
Barnes & Noble
Google Books
iBooks UK
iBooks US

I hope you’ll check it out!

Happy Reading,

Lucy x