Tag Archives: the next big thing

Le Buzz Du Moment Has Had a Price Reduction! #french #francais #romance #femdom #ku #kindleunlimited

Hi everyone,

I’m delighted to announce that the French version of my femdom short story, The Next Big Thing, has now been reduced in price – to just 99c/p. So, if you prefer to read in French, or know someone who does, now’s the time! Please do share with anyone you think might be interested.


La vie de Catriona part en vrille. Banquière d’investissement prospère avec un appartement qui donne sur la Tamise et un compte en banque bien garni, elle se retrouve la seconde d’après un auteur célèbre. Enfin, plus ou moins célèbre : elle a bel et bien écrit un roman érotique penchant sur le femdom…mais sous un pseudonyme, donc personne ne sait réellement que c’est elle. Son éditeur a un peu abusé du marketing, louant son livre comme étant Le Buzz Du Moment, à son grand désarroi. Surtout parce qu’elle n’a aucune expérience de ce qu’elle a écrit.

Le jour du lancement, la curiosité l’emporte et elle se rend dans une librairie très fréquentée de Londres, faisant la queue pour obtenir son exemplaire, en dépit de la boîte de copies d’auteur fourrée au fond de sa garde-robe.

Là, elle rencontre Elijah. Lors de leur bavardage anodin, ce jeune homme lui admet qu’il s’intéresse à la domination par une femme…et là, tout change et leur rencontre fortuite leur ouvre la voie à bien plus encore, donnant à Catriona l’occasion de faire l’expérience de choses qui ne furent que fantasmes par le passé—sans parler de l’inspiration dont elle a besoin pour écrire la suite que son éditeur lui réclame de vive voix.

Amazon (universal link)
Barnes & Noble
Eden Books
Google Books
Apple Books

Happy Reading!

Lucy x

La Novedad Mas Esperada is Now Available in Kindle Unlimited! #ku #kindleunlimited #espanol #spanish

Hi folks,

I hope you are all staying safe and well in these horrible and uncertain times. As you know, I’ve been running sales and freebies to help people stock up so they’ve something to do while stuck indoors. To add to this, I’ve decided to put my only Spanish-language title into Kindle Unlimited so Spanish speakers have a little something to read, too. So, if you’re a Spanish speaker with Kindle Unlimited or know someone who is, please let them know this femdom tale is now available to read as part of their subscription.


La vida de Catriona está descontrolada. Un instante es una exitosa banquera de inversiones con un piso a orillas del Támesis y una cuenta bancaria saneada, y al siguiente se ha convertido en una famosa autora. Bueno, más o menos. Ha escrito una novela de dominación femenina usando un pseudónimo, así que nadie sabe que fue ella. Su editorial se ha volcado en la campaña publicitaria, proclamando que su libro es “la novedad más esperada” y Catriona no consigue salir de su asombro. Especialmente porque ella no ha hecho ninguna de las cosas que ha descrito en su libro.

El día del lanzamiento del libro la puede la curiosidad, se va a una concurrida librería londinense y hace cola para comprarse un ejemplar, a pesar de tener una caja llena de copias de autor metida en el fondo de su armario. Allí conoce a Elijah. Todo cambia cuando durante su charla anodina él admite que está interesado en la dominación femenina, y su encuentro casual lleva a mucho más, ofreciéndole a Catriona la oportunidad de experimentar cosas sobre las que hasta entonces solo había fantaseado, además de la inspiración que necesita para escribir la secuela que su editor le está reclamando a voces.

Esta es la primera traducción al español de la obra de esta exitosa escritora inglesa.

Get it here: http://mybook.to/lanovedadmasesperada

Happy Reading, and Stay Safe,

Lucy x

The Next Big Thing is Now Available in Spanish! #BDSM #romanceerotico #mujerdominante #spanish #translation #romance

Hey everyone,

I’m delighted to announce that my BDSM short story, The Next Big Thing, has been translated into Spanish! I’m not sure if any of you lovely people prefer to read in Spanish, but if you do, now’s your chance. If you know anyone who might like this, too, please do let them know. It’s a whole different ball game trying to promote books in languages other than your own, so any help is very much appreciated. Here’s the info, in Spanish!

La novedad más esperada

La vida de Catriona está descontrolada. Un instante es una exitosa banquera de inversiones con un piso a orillas del Támesis y una cuenta bancaria saneada, y al siguiente se ha convertido en una famosa autora. Bueno, más o menos. Ha escrito una novela de dominación femenina usando un pseudónimo, así que nadie sabe que fue ella. Su editorial se ha volcado en la campaña publicitaria, proclamando que su libro es “la novedad más esperada” y Catriona no consigue salir de su asombro. Especialmente porque ella no ha hecho ninguna de las cosas que ha descrito en su libro.

El día del lanzamiento del libro la puede la curiosidad, se va a una concurrida librería londinense y hace cola para comprarse un ejemplar, a pesar de tener una caja llena de copias de autor metida en el fondo de su armario. Allí conoce a Elijah. Todo cambia cuando durante su charla anodina él admite que está interesado en la dominación femenina, y su encuentro casual lleva a mucho más, ofreciéndole a Catriona la oportunidad de experimentar cosas sobre las que hasta entonces solo había fantaseado, además de la inspiración que necesita para escribir la secuela que su editor le está reclamando a voces.

Esta es la primera traducción al español de la obra de esta exitosa escritora inglesa.

Buy now:

Amazon (universal link)
Barnes & Noble
Eden Books
Google Books

Happy Reading!

Lucy x

The Next Big Thing is Available in Audio! #femdom #audio #audible #audiobook

Hi folks,

I’m delighted to announce that my femdom erotic romance short story, The Next Big Thing, is now available in audiobook format. My fabulous narrator did a wonderful job, and I hope you’ll check it out!

Here’s a reminder of what it’s about:

Catriona’s life is spiralling out of control. One minute she’s a successful investment banker with a flat by the Thames and a healthy bank balance; the next she’s a famous author. Well, sort of famous. She’s written a femdom novel under a pen name, so nobody actually knows it was her. Her publisher has gone marketing crazy, lauding her book “The Next Big Thing”—much to her bewilderment. Especially since she hasn’t done any of the things she wrote about.

On launch day, curiosity gets the better of her and she goes into a busy London bookstore to queue up for her copy—despite the box of author copies stuffed into the bottom of her wardrobe. There she meets Elijah. When idle chit chat leads to him admitting he’s interested in female domination, everything changes, and their chance meeting leads to a whole lot more, giving Catriona the opportunity to experience the things she’s previously only fantasised about—not to mention the inspiration she needs to write the sequel her publisher is clamouring for.

Note: This story has been previously published in an anthology.

Grab your copy here:
Amazon UK
Amazon US
Audible UK
Audible US
iTunes UK
iTunes US

Happy Listening!

Lucy x

New Release: The Next Big Thing #erotica #femdom

Hi folks,

I’m delighted to announce the release of my steamy short story, The Next Big Thing. It was previously released in the Sexy Just Got Rich anthology, so if you read it there, no need to re-read – it’s just now been made available as a standalone, since the anthology is no longer available.

Here’s what it’s all about:

Catriona’s life is spiralling out of control. One minute she’s a successful investment banker with a flat by the Thames and a healthy bank balance; the next she’s a famous author. Well, sort of famous. She’s written a femdom novel under a pen name, so nobody actually knows it was her. Her publisher has gone marketing crazy, lauding her book “The Next Big Thing”—much to her bewilderment. Especially since she hasn’t done any of the things she wrote about.

On launch day, curiosity gets the better of her and she goes into a busy London bookstore to queue up for her copy—despite the box of author copies stuffed into the bottom of her wardrobe. There she meets Elijah. When idle chit chat leads to him admitting he’s interested in female domination, everything changes, and their chance meeting leads to a whole lot more, giving Catriona the opportunity to experience the things she’s previously only fantasised about—not to mention the inspiration she needs to write the sequel her publisher is clamouring for.

Grab your copy here:
Amazon UK
Amazon US
Amazon AU
Amazon CA
Barnes & Noble
Google Books
iBooks UK
iBooks US

Happy Reading!

Lucy x

Cover Reveal and Pre-Order for The Next Big Thing #erotica #romance #femdom

The Next Big ThingHi folks,

I’m delighted to show off this luscious new cover and let you know you can pre-order this erotic romance short story, coming on the 18th February. It’s not available for pre-order on Amazon, sadly, but is at all other retailers, and will be on the Zon closer the time. Bear in mind, those of you who read the Brit Babes Sexy Just Got Rich anthology, you’ve read this story already. It’s been tweaked slightly, but nothing major.

Here’s what it’s all about:

Catriona’s life is spiralling out of control. One minute she’s a successful investment banker with a flat by the Thames and a healthy bank balance; the next she’s a famous author. Well, sort of famous. She’s written a femdom novel under a pen name, so nobody actually knows it was her. Her publisher has gone marketing crazy, lauding her book “The Next Big Thing”—much to her bewilderment. Especially since she hasn’t done any of the things she wrote about.

On launch day, curiosity gets the better of her and she goes into a busy London bookstore to queue up for her copy—despite the box of author copies stuffed into the bottom of her wardrobe. There she meets Elijah. When idle chit chat leads to him admitting he’s interested in female domination, everything changes, and their chance meeting leads to a whole lot more, giving Catriona the opportunity to experience the things she’s previously only fantasised about—not to mention the inspiration she needs to write the sequel her publisher is clamouring for.

Pre-order yours here:
Barnes & Noble
Google Books
iBooks UK
iBooks US

Add to Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/43890050-the-next-big-thing

Happy Reading!
Lucy x