Dungeon Crawl #13 #dungeoncrawl

candles-600pxWelcome to the Dungeon Crawl. Each Wednesday, writers of BDSM will be sharing snippets from their work, and folks will be crawling round to each of them and enjoying, and hopefully adding lots of cool books to their to be read lists.

This will probably be my last week sharing from Stately Pleasures for a while. From next week, I’ll be sharing from Grand Slam to get you in the mood for my next Raw Talent book, Sweet Spot. Don’t forget to scroll down when you’re done reading and go and check out the other blogs on the hop. Happy crawling!

However, it seemed Jeremy and Ethan had other plans. They walked up to her, side by side. Jeremy reached into his pocket and pulled something long and dark out of it and handed it to Ethan. Alice thought it looked like a scarf. She didn’t have to wait long to find out. Jeremy pulled another long, dark item from his pocket; as if they were synchronised, the men knelt down, grabbed one of Alice’s arms each, and tied her wrists to the back of the chair. They then stood and took a step back to examine their handiwork. She was now pulled tight back against the chair, and she could clasp her hands together. So she did. She suspected it might help her deal with what was going to happen next.

Because she knew this was challenge number two. It had been a while since she’d looked at the list, so she couldn’t remember all the details, but she did know that this task wouldn’t be quite as painful as the previous one. Though given the way the sharp angles of the chair were digging into her, she was beginning to think it was pretty close. It was certainly going to be no walk in the park.

She felt a tug at her bonds to make sure they were secure, then heard Ethan’s voice behind her. ‘You remember the idea of this task, don’t you? You’re tied to this chair, and Jeremy and I will be playing with you however we wish. You are forbidden to come, and if you start to move around too much or don’t do as you’re told, we’ll tie up your legs too.’

Want more? Grab your copy of Stately Pleasures here.

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