Tag Archives: femdom

I’m On Tour!

Hey everyone, and happy Monday. I just wanted to let you know that for two weeks from today, I’m on tour. Virtual book tour, that is.

Testing Tom and A Taste of Paris come out so close together that I decided to run the tours back to back and run one giveaway across them both. So be sure to check out each post and enter the giveaway.

Here’s the skinny:

Testing Tom Tour

29th July: http://smutters.co.uk

30th July: http://jacquelinebrocker.esquinx.net

31st July: http://lilyharlem.blogspot.com

1st August: http://elizabethcoldwell.wordpress.com

2nd August: http://kdgrace.co.uk

2nd August: http://nephylim-author.blogspot.co.uk/ (extra stop)

A Taste of Paris Tour

5th August: http://liv-honeywell.com

6th August: http://adrianakraft.com/blog

7th August: http://readersedyn.blogspot.com/

8th August: http://www.myeroticnotions.blogspot.com/

9th August: http://jangraham.blogspot.co.uk/

Also, just so you know, Testing Tom should be uploaded to the third party retailers today, according to the publisher. So you should be able to get it on Amazon and All Romance eBooks pretty quickly, with the other sites following in a few weeks.

Sunday Snog – Testing Tom

Sunday Snog

Testing TomHere’s a very sexy and naughty snog from my femdom erotic romance novella, Testing Tom, which released early, on the 23rd July. It’s available from the publisher website, and should be available from the third-party sites from tomorrow.

When he nodded, she kissed him long and hard, wrapping her legs around his back and pulling him more deeply into her. Their moans mingled in their mouths, their thrusts jerky and shallow. Then Tom broke their kiss, rolled over and pulled her on top of him, holding tight onto her hips as he continued to rock in and out of her.

“Wait,” she said, pushing down on his stomach to stop him moving. “Shift back a bit.” They were still close to the edge of the bed, their legs and feet hanging off it, and what she had in mind needed a more secure footing—literally.

Want more information? Head here. Add the book to Goodreads here.

Also, don’t forget to head back to Blissekiss and see what other luscious lip to lip action other authors have posted. Yum!

New Release: Testing Tom

Woohoo, Testing Tom is out! Yes, I’m a couple of days late announcing it, but I have good reason. I’d been waiting for the book to go on the third party retailers, but I didn’t realise the publisher don’t do that until a couple of weeks after release. Doh. So, yeah, you can get Testing Tom from the Secret Cravings Publishing website. And if you do, I’ll get more royalties, which would be fantastic 🙂

Here’s the lowdown:

When Katrina’s ex, Tom, turns up on her doorstep, he’s literally the last person she was expecting to see. After dumping her and running off with a vanilla chick, Tom broke the Domme’s heart and left her seriously hurting. So when he returns, begging for another chance, Katrina is understandably very confused and protective of her bruised feelings. She finds it very difficult to believe that he’s turned his back on a vanilla lifestyle for good and wants to be with her, a professional dominatrix. Rather than letting her head or her heart figure out what to do, whether to forgive him, she decides to put Tom through a series of challenges that will prove his devotion to her—or not. Testing Tom is not something she’d ever expected she’d have to do, but to her, it’s the only way she can be sure whether he’s back for good.

And it’s had a fantastic review already:

“Ms. Felthouse’s writing voice is smooth and infused with well placed humour. This short story is recommended to kinky romance readers looking for a good femdom piece.” 4 out of 5, La Crimson Femme

So check out Testing Tom here. And add it to your Goodreads shelves here.

Novel News and an Update

Soooo… I’m happy dancing like crazy here, as my first ever novel (not including the one I co-authored with Lily Harlem), Stately Pleasures, has been accepted by Xcite Books. Woohoo! I literally just got the news today and just signed the contract, so I’m sharing it with you all first.

Stately Pleasures is a BDSM ménage erotic romance. It tells the story of Alice, a young woman who goes to work in a stately home. The owner of the home is super hot, as is his best friend, the Head of Security. They’re both kinky, too, so when they want Alice to join them for some smutty games throughout the house and grounds, she has no idea what she’s letting herself in for…

That’s not an official blurb or anything, just a little info. I’ll divulge more information closer the time. In the meantime, I’ll continue dancing around like a lunatic.

Also, I had news that Testing Tom is now releasing on the 23rd July instead of the 30th, which is fine by me. The sooner the better 😀 Keep an eye on this page and my social networks for the links when the book goes live. Very excited about this hot femdom novella, too!

Happy Reading,

Lucy x

Sunday Snog – Testing Tom

Sunday Snog

Testing TomHere’s a very sexy and naughty snog from my femdom erotic romance novella, Testing Tom, which is released on the 30th July. I had real fun writing this book, I hope you’ll enjoy it, too.

Dipping two fingers briefly inside her channel, he brought them to his lips and sucked off the nectar. With a wicked grin, he then aimed the head of his cock at her entrance, and pushed inside. Moving his hands either side of her torso, he impaled her slowly before lowering his body, pressing their chests together and swallowing the moan that issued from her lips when his balls touched her arse. He captured her mouth, pulling her plump bottom lip in between his and sucking and nibbling at it as he began to slowly rock in and out of her.

She closed her eyes, giving way to the perfect sensations that were overtaking her. She gripped his biceps, reveling in the flexing of the hard muscles as he pumped into her, slowly at first, then faster. Even as his cock thrust into her cunt, his tongue thrust into her mouth, possessing her fully, filling her. It was true that she was the dominant, that she owned him. But he owned her, too.

Twisting her head to one side, pulling away from their kiss, she told him just that. “Tom, you own me. You know that, right? You always have. Don’t ever fucking leave me again.”

She opened her eyes and looked back to see his wide-eyed expression fill first with joy, then earnestness. “Kat,” he pressed a kiss to her nose, “I knew that once, but I thought I’d lost it, lost that right. I couldn’t be happier that we’re working things out. And I can definitely promise that I’ll never leave you again. It was temporary madness, but I’m sane again now. Well, sort of. I’m still crazy about you.”

Katrina giggled at the cheesiness of his words, then replied, “Shall we stop talking now, and fuck?”

Want more information? Head here. Add the book to Goodreads here.

Also, don’t forget to head back to Blissekiss and see what other luscious lip to lip action other authors have posted. Yum!

Hot Summer Romance

Welcome to the Hot Summer Romance Giveaway Hop!

I love me some romance. Even when it’s the untraditional kind, like in my upcoming release, femdom erotic romance, Testing Tom. Here’s the blurb:

When Katrina’s ex, Tom, turns up on her doorstep, he’s literally the last person she was expecting to see. After dumping her and running off with a vanilla chick, Tom broke the Domme’s heart and left her seriously hurting. So when he returns, begging for another chance, Katrina is understandably very confused and protective of her bruised feelings. She finds it very difficult to believe that he’s turned his back on a vanilla lifestyle for good and wants to be with her, a professional dominatrix. Rather than letting her head or her heart figure out what to do, whether to forgive him, she decides to put Tom through a series of challenges that will prove his devotion to her—or not. Testing Tom is not something she’d ever expected she’d have to do, but to her, it’s the only way she can be sure whether he’s back for good.

It’s released on the 30th July, so watch this site and my social networks for links.

There’s more info and an excerpt here: https://lucyfelthouse.co.uk/published-works/testing-tom/

Add it on Goodreads here: http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/18147133-testing-tom


There’s a prize to be won on this site, as well as the Grand Prizes for the hop. The hop prizes are a Kindle Fire and a $50 Amazon.com Gift Certificate. To enter the Grand Prize draw, leave a comment on this post, and be sure to leave your email address in the BODY of the comment, so the organizers can choose a winner and contact them.

To enter my site’s giveaway, use the Rafflecopter below, then scroll down to the bottom to keep on hopping. Have fun!

a Rafflecopter giveaway