Tag Archives: mia’s men

Stuff Your eReader #stuffyourereader #stuffyourkindle #romancebookworms

Hi lovelies,

I’m delighted to say I’m taking part in the latest Stuff Your eReader event, which is on today only. Mia’s Men, plus over 1,000 other books are available absolutely FREE. There are books for Kindle, Kobo, Nook, Apple & Google. Stuff your eReader now – and be sure to tell all your friends. Click the link to be taken to the page, where you’ll be able to drill down depending on your preferred eReader: https://romancebookworms.com

Happy Reading!
Lucy x

Mia’s Men is Now Available in Italian! #italian #italiano #translation #reverseharem #rh #rhromance #whychoose

Hi folks,

Yes, it’s another one of those slightly mad posts where the news likely isn’t relevant to you, but I’m hoping you’ll pass it on to anyone you think might be interested 🙂 So… if you know anyone who enjoys contemporary reverse harem romance and prefers to read in Italian, please point them in the direction of this book. Mia’s Men, book one of The Heiress’s Harem, is now available in Italian. The other three, Mia’s Wedding, Mia’s Choice and Mia’s Surprise, are due to follow, with the next likely being early 2024.

Here’s the blurb:

Il mondo di Mia è andato in pezzi. Poi, proprio quando pensa che non possa andare peggio di così, succede.

Il padre di Mia Harrington ha appena perso la sua coraggiosa battaglia contro il cancro. Naturalmente, la ragazza è devastata. Con la madre morta da tempo e senza fratelli e sorelle, Mia deve assumersi molte responsabilità. È anche l’unica beneficiaria del patrimonio del padre. O almeno così pensa.

All’insaputa di Mia, suo padre ha modificato il testamento. Lei può ancora ereditare, ma solo se sposa un uomo “adatto” entro dodici mesi. Se non lo farà, il suo vile cugino si prenderà tutto. Determinata a non perdere la sua amata casa d’infanzia, decide di trovare qualcuno che faccia al caso suo. Quello che non si aspetta, però, è che quel qualcuno si diverta a condividere le donne con il suo migliore amico. Nel frattempo, l’amicizia di Mia con il giardiniere della tenuta si trasforma in molto di più.

Non può pensare di sposare un uomo e allo stesso tempo avere una relazione con altri due… o forse sì?

Gli Uomini di Mia è il primo libro della serie di romanzi contemporary reverse harem dell’Harem dell’Ereditiera.

It’s eBook only, and can be purchased from Amazon, or read in Kindle Unlimited: https://books2read.com/gliuominidimia

Any help you can give getting the word out there is much appreciated 🙂

Happy Reading!
Lucy x

Mia’s Men eBook is Just $1.99 on Barnes & Noble #reverseharem #rh #rhromance #whychoose

Hi folks,

I’m just dropping by really quickly to let you know that until the 28th of this month, the Mia’s Men eBook is just $1.99 on Barnes & Noble. So if you prefer to shop there and want to bag a bargain, now’s your chance!

Mia’s Men at Barnes & Noble: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/mias-men-lucy-felthouse/1127582098?ean=2940161104750

Happy Reading!
Lucy x

Mia’s Men is Just 99c/p for a Limited Time! #reverseharem #rh #rhromance #whychoose #romancenovel #booktwitter

Hi lovelies,

I’m swinging by with the excellent news that Mia’s Men – book one in The Heiress’s Harem completed contemporary series – is just 99c/p in eBook at most (not all, check the links) retailers for a limited time.

So if you haven’t yet checked this book and series out, now’s the perfect time!

Grab yours here.

Happy Reading,
Lucy x

It’s Contemporary Romance Week at The TBR Pile – Win Amazing Prizes! (@The_TBR_Pile) #contemporaryromance #win #giveaway

Hi everyone,

Just a quick note to let you know it’s contemporary romance week at the fabulous The TBR Pile website, and there are some amazing prizes to be won throughout the whole week, but today you can win a copy of my book, Mia’s Men, in eBook format.

**Enter Here**

Good luck!
Lucy x

Mia’s Men is Just 99c/p for a Limited Time! #reverseharem #rh #rhromance #whychoose #romance

Hi lovelies,

I’m delighted to announce that my contemporary reverse harem romance, Mia’s Men, is just 99c/p for a limited time. It’s the first book in The Heiress’s Harem series, which contains two other novel-length books and a bonus short story.

Here’s what it’s all about:

Mia’s world has fallen apart. Then, just when she thinks it can’t possibly get any worse, it does.

Mia Harrington’s father just lost his brave battle with cancer. Naturally, she’s devastated. With her mother long-since dead, and no siblings, Mia has a great deal of responsibility to shoulder. She’s also the sole beneficiary of her father’s estate. Or so she thinks.

Unbeknownst to Mia, her father made a change to his will. She can still inherit, but only if she marries a suitable man within twelve months. If she doesn’t, her vile cousin will get everything. Determined not to lose her beloved childhood home, she resolves to find someone that fits the bill. What she isn’t expecting, however, is for that someone to be into sharing women with his best friend. In the meantime, Mia’s friendship with the estate gardener has blossomed into so much more.

She can’t possibly plan to marry one man, while also being involved with two others …or can she?

Sound like your kind of thing? Grab your copy here – and be sure to tell all your friends about this amazing deal!
Amazon UK
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Amazon AU
Amazon CA
Amazon DE
Barnes & Noble
Eden Books
Google Books
Apple Books UK
Apple Books US

Happy Reading!

Lucy x