Tag Archives: one night in budapest

City Nights Books Now Available in Kindle Unlimited! #ku #kindleunlimited #citynights #eroticromance

Hi all,

Great news for Kindle Unlimited subscribers – two of my books have now gone into the programme! City Nights: One Night in Paris and City Nights: One Night in Budapest can now be read for free in KU. They’re part of the City Nights series from Tirgearr Publishing, which are standalone erotic romance novellas, each set over twenty-four hours in a certain city. It’s a fantastic series (even if I do say so myself, since I wrote two of them, and edited the others!).

Anyway, here’s the skinny on my two books, and you can check out the entire series here.

One Night in Paris

Jacob is nearly forty, and has recently come to the sudden realisation that he’s not doing much with his life. Sure, he’s got his own successful business, but what’s the point in earning lots of money and not doing anything or going anywhere to spend it?

He’s in serious danger of being all work and no play, so he starts to rectify this by organising a twenty four hour layover in Paris en route to a meeting in Dubai. Whilst there, he goes on a bus tour of the city, and there meets Annabelle, a fellow Brit who’s studying in Paris. There’s clearly an attraction between the two of them, so when the gorgeous Annabelle makes an indecent proposal to help Jacob fill his time in Paris, who is he to refuse?

Read it here: https://books2read.com/oniparis

One Night in Budapest

Hermione’s in Budapest on a romantic weekend break. Or at least it should have been romantic—an unexpected break-up means she’s visiting the Hungarian capital alone. Determined to make the most of it, she goes on a night-time river cruise, the perfect opportunity to see some of the city’s beautiful sights after dark.

On the boat, cute Budapest native Emil serves her cocktails. They chat a little on the journey, engage in some banter, and when Emil asks Hermione out for dinner, she’s seriously tempted. But she’s a long way from home, by herself—is dinner with a complete stranger a good idea? Hermione decides to take a chance, and what follows is an unforgettable night which will transform her life forever.

Read it here: https://books2read.com/onibudapest

Happy Reading!
Lucy x

City Nights Books Available at Only 99c/p! (@tirgearr) #tirgearr #erorom #erotica #romance #99c

Hi folks,

Excellent news for you avid readers out there… the City Nights series from Tirgearr Publishing has reduced the books currently in its catalogue to just 99c/p! These erotic romance novellas allow you to travel the world from the comfort of your favourite reading spot. They’re all standalone books, so you can either binge the whole series, or cherry pick whichever ones you’d like to read. My contributions to this series (so far…) are One Night in Paris and One Night in Budapest. There are other names in there you’ll recognise, like Lily Harlem, Victoria Blisse, Jan Graham, Charlotte Howard and Elizabeth Coldwell. So, what are you waiting for? Grab your passport to erotic romance today!

Check out the whole series here.

Happy Reading!

Lucy x

It’s Tirgearr Publishing’s Birthday! (@tirgearr) #tirgearr #sale #giveaway #99c

Hi folks,

It’s Tirgearr Publishing’s birthday, and they’re celebrating in style, with an online radio show, an amazing giveaway, and a ton of books available on Kindle for just 99c – what could be better? Visit tirgearrpublishing.com to check out all the pertinent details, and on their site the author names in the graphic above take you direct to their book that’s on sale.

My book in the sale is One Night in Budapest. Here’s a cheeky link that takes you right there: http://mybook.to/ONiBudapest

Happy Reading!

Lucy x

Blissemas Snogs in the Snow


Hi folks,

Welcome to Blissemas Snogs in the Snow! This is where a bunch of awesome writerly folks are sharing festive snogs from their stories to get you in the holiday mood (and hopefully a sexy mood, too! 😉 ) – so please check out my snog, then scroll down and enter the giveaway, then hop back on over to the main site and check out all the other snogs! Have fun!

My snog is from my M/F erotic romance novella, City Nights: One Night in Budapest. The female character, Hermione, is visiting the Hungarian capital in the winter and it’s cold and snowing. You can’t tell that from the snog, but I promise they’re technically snogging in the snow!


“I will definitely recommend Budapest to people. I must confess, I am only here because I got a good deal, but now my eyes have been well and truly opened. If people are only visiting western European cities, they are seriously missing out. Mind you, they won’t all have such a wonderful tour guide, will they?”

“No,” he replied, slowing the car and pulling over at the side of the road, “they won’t.” Engaging the handbrake and taking the car out of gear, he turned to her with a cheeky grin. “You are very lucky. I don’t take just any girls out for sightseeing trips at midnight.”

Midnight? Shit, he was right, too. A glance at the clock on the car’s dashboard showed it was 23:58. “Wow! I didn’t realise it was that late! Well, they say time flies when you’re having fun.”

Emil nodded, and edged a little closer. “Yes, I think so. And does time also fly when you have the best tour guide on the planet?”

“You’re just fishing for compliments now, Emil,” she shot back with a smile.

“Maybe. Okay, I will settle for a kiss instead, then, if you will let me.”

Let him? Bloody hell, she’d been hoping for a kiss for a good couple of hours, at least. Trying to keep her cool, she bobbed her head up and down. “Yes, Emil, I will let you. I would like it very much, in fact.”

He responded by unclipping his seatbelt, followed by hers. Then, shuffling as close as the centre console would allow, he reached out and slipped his hand gently behind her neck. They’d both removed their hats, scarves and gloves once they got in the car, but his hand was still warm on her skin, sending further heat zinging through her veins.

Slowly, Emil closed the gap between them. Hermione’s heart raced, and by the time their lips actually contacted, it threatened to burst right out of her chest. Fisting her hands briefly to try and get a grip of herself, she then wrapped her arms around Emil’s neck.

His lips were soft and warm, the kiss itself gentle, yet supremely sexy. Emil used just the right amount of tongue—nothing too forceful, or too wet, yet he explored her mouth with a skill and sensuality that made her head spin. His other hand toyed with her hair, sending delicious shivers skittering up and down her spine.

For several long moments, they were lost in each other—their tongues twisting, battling, dancing. Then, before things got too heated, Hermione gently disentangled with a whoosh of breath.

“Phew!” She giggled, and fanned herself exaggeratedly. “That was some kiss, Emil. Look!” She pointed at the windscreen. “We’ve even managed to steam up the windows.”

Even in the dim light cast from streetlamps some metres away, she could see the lust etched onto Emil’s face, and a thrill rushed through her. She felt just the same, felt as though she could clamber right into the backseat of the car and get naked, but she had no intention of doing so. Not when there was a perfectly nice hotel just a few minutes’ car ride away, and the lack of risk of getting caught.

Seeming to shake off his arousal, or at least dampen it down, Emil looked at the windscreen, and laughed. “Yes,” he switched on the ignition and then the heaters, “we have. I had better get rid of that before people think we are up to naughty things in here.”

The tone of his voice told her that he was just as eager to do those “naughty things” as she was, and she had a feeling that she wouldn’t be returning to her hotel room alone that night.


Want to read the rest of the story? Buy links are here.

And now for my giveaway:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Now, head back on over to Blissemas to continue checking out the other posts!

Happy Reading,
Lucy x

July Sale on Tirgearr Titles at Smashwords! #tirgearr #sale #smashwords

july 2016 sale2

Hi all,

For those of you that shop at Smashwords, for the entire month of July, you can get 50% off all my Tirgearr Publishing books (as well as those of most of the other Tirgearr Publishing authors!). Only books on pre-order and those priced at 99c don’t apply. All you have to do is enter the code underneath the buy button for each book to apply your discount.

So, what are you waiting for? Get these titles at half price!

City Nights: One Night in Budapest

City Nights: One Night in Paris

A Menu with a Difference

A Bit of Rough

Enjoy all those lovely bookish bargains.

Happy Reading!
Lucy x

My Sexy Saturday #116 – Travelling alone hadn’t been the original plan. #MySexySaturday

My Sexy Saturday

Welcome back to My Sexy Saturday! This is where writers post either 7 words, 7 sentences or 7 paragraphs from their published work or work in progress. I’m sharing another snippet from my recently released M/F erotic romance novella, City Nights: One Night in Budapest. Enjoy! This will probably be my last week sharing from this book, before I move onto something new.

City Nights: One Night in BudapestAnd the beautiful city had been more than enough of a distraction, in any case.

Fortunately, she spotted a table tucked away at the back, and made for it. Taking the seat beside the window, she returned her attention to the view. Peering up at Buda Castle, perched imposingly on the hill, the funicular railway carrying people up and down the steep incline, she looked forward to seeing the building when it was full dark. Not just the castle, but also the citadel atop Gellert Hill, the Gellert Spa, the Fishermen’s Bastion, and, of course, the Hungarian Parliament building.

In spite of the stunning view, she sighed. Travelling alone hadn’t been the original plan.

Buy your copy of One Night in Budapest here: https://lucyfelthouse.co.uk/published-works/city-nights-one-night-budapest/

Add to Goodreads here: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/29345184-one-night-in-budapest

Please use the list below to head on over to the other blogs participating in My Sexy Saturday, and don’t forget to leave us all comments, we love ’em!

Happy Reading,

Lucy x