Tag Archives: coming soon

Coming Soon – Days of Desire by Tina Donahue (@tinadonahue)


Book Two – Pirate’s Prize

Available for Preorder – Ready to Read July 4

Universal Link


In a pirate’s lair, nothing is as it seems . . .

Shipwrecked! When Royce Hastings is found washed up on the shore of a verdant tropical island, he tells the natives he is a merchant headed for Mozambique. The truth, however, is far more mercenary. Noble by birth, the once favored Royce has lost his fortune and family; now he is a hired henchman on the trail of an elusive pirate. His “shipwreck” was a fake. He’ll stop at nothing to infiltrate the island and capture his prey. His mother and sisters’ lives depend on it.

The last thing Royce expects is to be captured himself. But the lovely young woman who tends to his wounds in the tropics quickly takes hold of his heart. Simone is the island’s healer, and her skilled ministrations not only awaken his soul but disturb his conscience. His path has been predetermined; his identity must remain concealed at all costs. Yet the passion he feels in Simone’s sultry, loving arms cannot be denied. With his loyalties torn, Royce must make an agonizing, unthinkable choice. . . .

“The story is brimming with risqué retorts and searing sex scenes.”

Publishers Weekly on Passionate Pursuit


Of all the people to discover him, Royce hadn’t expected such a beautiful young woman. Simone the other native had said.

She couldn’t have been older than twenty. Her light brown skin complemented her dark hair. The ends grazed her waist. He detected a bit of European in her exotic features, and island custom in what little she wore. Simply a red silk cloth tied about her hips. Her breasts were full and lush, begging for a man’s touch.

Wary that she might scream, he’d released her quickly and had expected her to run.

She checked his arms, hands, and head. He supposed for injuries.

At last, she finished and peeked at him.

Cautiously, he pushed up, hoping she wouldn’t bolt.

She sat back on her heels.

Needing an ally here, he tried a smile.

Hers was wondrous, broad and carefree, no deception or caution in her soft brown eyes.

His arrival would eventually change that. No better way to destroy a woman’s trust and happiness than wresting her from an island Eden to imprisonment, lifelong slavery, repeated rape, and birthing children only to have them torn away.

Guilt and shame churned in his gut. Fear for his family competed with the other emotions. “Are you the only one here?” Besides, Tristan, his crew, and the other island woman. Their conversation had mentioned Tristan, but not Diana or Peter.

Simone tilted her head. A tress fell across her breast. Confusion swept her lovely face.

Royce had deliberately spoken English so she wouldn’t know he’d heard her speak French earlier when he’d feigned unconsciousness. He next tried Portuguese and received her same bewildered reaction. At last, he used her language.

Her eyes lit up. “My people live here. Once we have you in the stone house, I can see to your injury.” She touched his thigh. “Does it hurt?”

Not as much as when he’d arrived on this shore. “My head is worse.”

She brushed back his hair, her touch as light as an angel’s.

Despite his callous intent here, and what prudence demanded, his lids slid down, his heart pounding as hard as it had when she’d stroked his ribs.

She explored his wound carefully. “I can make a potion to take your pain away. As soon as the men arrive I—”

Voices and footfalls interrupted.

Tristan led the way, his manner and appearance precisely as rumor had described: tall, golden skin, blond hair, and light eyes that offered naught except challenge and possibly death if anyone dared threatened him or those he loved. Following him was an equally tall man with long red hair, his face and chest freckled. Had to be James Sullivan, Tristan’s friend and former quartermaster during their piracy.

An adolescent boy, fifteen or so, brought up the rear. Gangly, as youth were prone to be, he had long dark hair streaked with blond, his skin brown from days outdoors. Diana’s brother, Peter. His features matched Bishop’s depiction.

Tristan, James, Peter, and island men trained their pistols on Royce.

The land to their side jutted out, rocky and reddish as those found in Madagascar. A white woman stood there, wind whipping her dark hair and simple sheath-like gown in violet silk. Her slightly rounded belly didn’t prove pregnancy, though Royce would have staked his life on it. She wore a choker about her throat, the diamonds glittering in the light.

Royce’s pulse pounded. Diana was here, as Bishop had predicted. Along with too many armed men, as Royce had feared, though all islanders, not pirates.

Tina is an Amazon and international bestselling novelist in erotic, paranormal, contemporary and historical romance for traditional publishers and indie. Booklist, Publisher’s Weekly, Romantic Times and numerous online sites have praised her work. Three of her erotic novels were Readers’ Choice Award winners. Another three were named finalists in the EPIC competition. One of her erotic contemporary romances was chosen Book of the Year at the French review site Blue Moon reviews. The Golden Nib Award at Miz Love Loves Books was created specifically for one of her erotic romances. Two of her titles received an Award of Merit in the RWA Holt Medallion competition. Another two won second place in the NEC RWA contest (different years). Tina is featured in the Novel & Short Story Writer’s Market. Before penning romances, she worked at a major Hollywood production company in Story Direction.

FB Fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/DonahueTina1/

Email: tinadonahuebooks@gmail.com

Website/Blog: http://tinadonahuebooks.blogspot.com/

Goodreads: http://bit.ly/1wFmIu6

Twitter: http://bit.ly/1ziy4IU

Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1Dl8DHy

Triberr: http://bit.ly/1CE2ec7

Pinterest: http://bit.ly/1yFLeMx

Amazon author page: http://amzn.to/1ChWFkO

My page at TRR: http://bit.ly/1vb7eEc

Kensington Author Page: http://www.kensingtonbooks.com/author.aspx/24772

Sweet ‘n Sexy Divas: http://bit.ly/1ChWN3K

Romance Books 4 US: http://bit.ly/1JPtfeS

Naughty Literati: http://naughtyliterati.com/naughtyauthors/tina-donahue/

Dirty Birdies: http://dirtybirdiesauthors.com/about/

Win a Kindle Fire or $100 Amazon Gift Card! #giveaway


Hi everyone,

Bit of a double announcement here…

If you follow me on social media, you’ll probably already have picked up bits and pieces about this upcoming boxed set. Coming In Hot will be released on the 19th September, and contains my M/F novella, On Her High Horse. I’m really excited to be part of this project with some utterly amazing authors. I’m pleased to announce the collection is now available for pre-order (and just check out that delicious cover!) for just 99c/99p. So if you want to bag yourself a whopping twenty-two medical romance stories (mine’s about a sexy vet that bears more than a passing resemblance to Chris Hemsworth), then this is the collection for you!

The second, and very much related announcement, is that we’re running a HUGE Rafflecopter giveaway to celebrate the set being on pre-order! You could win a Kindle Fire or a $100 Amazon Gift Card… how awesome is that? Jealous I can’t enter it myself! 🙁 So… if you want to be in with a chance, just scroll down and place your entries via the Rafflecopter.

Happy Reading!

Lucy x

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Cover Reveal for Brit Boys: With Toys #gay #mm #erotica #romance

cover reveal

Due for release on 22nd December, Brit Boys: With Toys, a collection of 8 M/M novellas written by 8 top British M/M authors. This smokin’ hot box set is initially available at the bargain price of 99c/99p, that’s a steal for 422 pages of unforgettable M/M erotic romance that will leave your eReader, and you, burning up.

With stories by

  • Ashe Barker
  • M K Elliott
  • Lucy Felthouse
  • K D Grace
  • Lily Harlem
  • Ashley Lister
  • Sarah Masters
  • Tabitha Rayne


Back Cover Information

From coast to coast and city to country Brit boys enjoy playing with each other and their toys. Not any old toys, though; guitars, rope, plugs and Moleskine journals all prove to be enormous fun. Throw in a shop that’s wall to wall with kinky ideas, a journalist on the lookout for the next big thing, and Dominants who insist on obedience and there’s sure to be something to cater for everyone’s taste.

Whether it’s a quickie or a slow indulgence, Brit boys know how to hit the spot and they aim to please every time. So take a ride, fly high, come enjoy these sexy boys and their toys.

Brit Boys: With Toys is an anthology of M/M stories written by British authors, featuring British characters in British locations.

Available for pre-order now on Amazon – just 99c/99p!

britboysonboys200If you missed the first anthology, Brit Boys: On Boys, then make sure you check it out as you wait! Available from Amazon and all other good ebook retailers.

Brit Boys: With Toys

Hard Riders By Ashe Barker

If there’s one thing Liam loves more than a scorching hot lust-on-wheels superbike, it’s the gorgeous sexy guy who owns such a dream machine. When Jackson finds him all but drooling over his tyres and offers him a ride Liam takes no persuading at all. Soon they discover that their mutual fascination with boys’ toys is not limited to the two-wheeled variety, so it’s just as well that Jackson owns his own sex shop and Liam’s job leaves plenty of scope for dressing up.

But real life is much more than just a few kinky games, and has an unfortunate habit of getting in the way.

All Roped Up By M K Elliott

When Alex Fraser interviews Conner ‘Big-Mac’ McCaughey, the champion of London’s bare-knuckle boxing scene, he has more than just the fighter in his sights. Hoping to expose the fight club’s illegal dealings, Alex will stop at nothing to get the story, including doing whatever Conner asks.

The moment Conner sees Alex Fraser, all he can think about is what the young reporter will look like bound. Shibari—the ancient art of rope bondage—is the fighter’s passion, and he can’t think of anyone else he’d like to practise on more.

But Alex’s quest to expose the truth could land them both in serious danger…

Doctor’s Orders By Lucy Felthouse

Hospital porter Aaron Miller isn’t expecting a very exciting birthday. He and his doctor boyfriend, Blake Colville, are working opposite shifts, leaving Aaron to go home to an empty house and the prospect of another shift the following day. Just as he’s leaving work, however, an unexpected sexy encounter in a supply cupboard leaves him feeling in a much more celebratory mood. And an impending dirty weekend away with Blake just puts the icing on the non-existent cake. But who needs cake when you’re dating a dominant doctor?

Toys for Boys By K D Grace

Alpha Nerd, Will Charles teams up with Caridoc ‘Doc’ Jones in a coast to coast walk across England reviewing outdoor gift suggestions for the Christmas edition of Toys for Boys—an online magazine dedicated to the latest gadgets to tickle a man’s fancy. Will is recording their adventures with the latest smart phone technology. Doc is reviewing the latest outdoor gear. The two quickly discover the great outdoors provides even better toys for boys, toys best shared al fresco, toys that, in spite of Will’s great camera work, will never be reviewed in Toys for Boys.

Mile High Kink Club By Lily Harlem

Rhodri’s looking for love, but not ordinary love. He needs a man who’ll bend to his will, submit to his desires and obey his every command–including chastity.

So when Gay Hook Ups finds his perfect partner it’s well worth a trip to London. What he doesn’t bet on is his fragile-looking match being a sharp and successful entrepreneur. So when things between them soar, will he unlock the passion, free his desire and will they reach the dizzying heights of ecstasy together? It all depends on whether Darius is prepared to be caged in order to be set free.

Open Mike By Ashley Lister

Ken finds Mike reading poetry in a bar. Mike is confident and clever and seems capable of teaching Ken everything he needs to know about poetry. And, when Ken asks for his guidance, Mike gladly offers to share his expertise. Consequently, when Mike offers to share more than his expertise in poetry, Ken discovers there are a lot more things he wants to learn from him.

I Get You By Sarah Masters

Morton is Warren’s boss, and they fancy each other like crazy. Except neither of them has the courage to say so, until Warren blurts out an inkling of his feelings. Morton is stunned by Warren’s offer for them to go away together, but not half as stunned as Warren when Morton accepts. Both of them are pretending to be someone they’re not. And both of them soon realise that being yourself is the best bet.

The Guitar By Tabitha Rayne

When shy, awkward Kel plays guitar, it’s the only time he feels at home in his own skin. On stage he can hide in plain sight behind his band and the music. It turns him on to play and he can’t help rubbing up against his guitar. Kel is enraptured by a guy he sees every night in the audience and is shocked when this gorgeous guy seems to notice him. So full of his own self-loathing, Kel just can’t accept that someone as perfect as Damien wants to be with him. Will his insecurities put their happiness in jeopardy?

Available for pre-order now on Amazon – just 99c/99p!

DOMME (Domination #1) by Leigh Stone is Coming! #HotReads #Erotica


DOMME (Domination #1) is coming!

Nov 2 your Kindle, Kobo, Nook, or iDevice will be burning hot with the sexy sinful tales contained in DOMME.

**EXCERPT** DOMME © 2015 Leigh Stone. All rights reserved.

I don’t wait, I don’t make any announcement of what I’m about to do, and I quickly get up on the bed, straddle him, and sink him into my wet pussy to the hilt. I grind against him as he completely fills me. The look on his face is agony mixed with ecstasy; he looks at me with hunger. He pulls at his wrist restraints, wanting to hold on to me, wanting to take control. He bucks his hips up in an attempt to get me thrusting; I push down on his chest, and grind against his lap. “Stay still pet. This is my pleasure, not yours.”

Preorder it now!

Amazon US: http://tinyurl.com/o3s2k6m

Amazon UK: http://tinyurl.com/pg642lv

B&N: http://tinyurl.com/nf3zhaj

Kobo: http://tinyurl.com/p7bpsqf

iBooks: http://tinyurl.com/o843hhx


Surrendering to the Beast (Book Two – Taming the Beast series) by Tina Donahue

Surrendering to the BeastAvailable for pre-order September 13

Ready to read October 13


When she’s good, she’s very good. But when he’s bad, she’s better.

Taming the Beast, Book 2

As a good fairy, Heather is empathetic and chaste to a fault. No bad language, no dirty thoughts, flirting and no sex. But when a satyr named Daemon steps up to her reception desk at From Crud to Stud, she finds herself on the fast track to exquisite corruption.

Daemon is the total bad-boy package with a kiss straight from the dark side. Though he’s here for a supernatural makeover, Heather can’t imagine why any red-blooded woman would want him to change.

A disciple of the god of wine, Daemon has had his share of good times. But sex has never been this good. Heather brings out a new side of him, a side that makes him want to protect as well as pillage.

But Daemon needs a little creative backup to help set his fairy’s naughtiness free. And that means bringing in Mistress Jin. Under the genie’s tutelage and Daemon’s shameless lust, Heather is about to learn what it means to let loose.

Warning: Not your typical bedtime story. May lead to indecent behavior, a taste for voyeurism, discipline, bondage, m/f, m/f/f and f/f action, which will result in screaming orgasms. Proceed with caution.

Surrendering to the Beast - Teaser 1


Her mouth was wonderfully loose beneath his, her kiss not as tentative or virginal as Daemon had expected. Not that he’d had a lot of experience with untried maidens. When he was young and clueless, the older nymphs had set him on a path of carnal pleasure, running him down, crawling all over him until he submitted.

He hadn’t fought hard. Before any of those babes could blink, he’d plunged his rigid rod into them. The younger nymphs had watched, and when it was his turn to test and tame their innocent flesh, they’d been as skilled as he was. A real bummer for a guy who needed the thrill of the chase and a conquest.

Slanting his mouth for greater penetration, Daemon deepened the kiss. Heather wreathed her arms around his neck and suckled his tongue as if she’d been born for the task. Hot damn. She was the first fairy he’d tasted, and was she ever luscious, a combination of something minty, possibly toothpaste or candy, and something far better…ethereal, if you will. Like the faint scent of a flower carried on a breeze, the taste of a raindrop, the heated caress of a sunrise.

Best of all, she smelled of something powdery, pure and sweet.

Growling with intolerable need, he filled her mouth even more with his tongue, wanting to rip off her dainty clothes, get down to business, forget the foreplay or the thought of being a nice guy. In Couturie, all it took was one look from him and a nymph would assume the position, so to speak. Or she’d blindside him while they were rolling across the forest floor and take whatever she wanted, with that having nothing to do with sweetness and charm.

Heather was so gentle and soft, his body throbbed with need. He pulled her closer. She stiffened, made a sound like a wounded animal and pushed the heels of her hands against his shoulders. His lust punched up several more notches. Cupping her small breast, he thumbed her nipple.

Heather tore her mouth from his and gasped, “Stop.”

Daemon didn’t want to but dropped his hand, thinking the challenge would make this even hotter. He waited a few moments. Nope. Now, he was frustrated. “Why?”

“We’re strangers.” Her breath skipped across his chest, making his skin tingle. “We don’t even know each other’s last names.”

“I don’t have one.” He lifted his hand, his fingers itching to squeeze her breast again. “Do you?”

“Well, no, but—stop.”

Daemon huffed out a sigh and settled his hand on her ass rather than her boob.

She sighed lustily and trembled. “That’s not much better.”

Maybe not for her, but gripping her nicely rounded ass was doing wicked things to his shaft. The damn thing was so hard his skin was about to split.

“Please,” Heather said.

Crap. Like a good boy, Daemon did as she wanted, running his knuckles down her velvety cheek instead.

Heather lifted her face to his. Her eyes were a fragile green softened even more with gray, her waist-length hair the color of moonlight, silky and thick, her expression filled with too much honesty and trust.

“Better?” he murmured

“Well, no. I liked what you were doing, but it’s wrong. So thanks for stopping.” She pecked his mouth and paused before brushing her lips over his.

Both of them stopped breathing at the same time. Before he could close his eyes, Heather clearly surrendered to base desire and pushed her tongue into his mouth.

Daemon groaned and growled, unable to make enough noise to convey the heat burning within him, his hunger for her. They turned in slow circles, each of them trying to get closer, his hooves clomping on the tile, her slippers slapping delicately.

Outside, thunder boomed, rattling the window. Across the hall, something let out a blood-curdling shriek. The door flew open.

“Oh, hell, no,” a female barked, her voice so guttural Daemon felt the vibrations in his belly. “Get your hands off her.”

Surrendering to the Beast - Teaser 2

About Me (You know you want to know!):

I’m an award-winning, bestselling novelist in erotic, paranormal, contemporary and historical romance for Kensington, Samhain Publishing, Ellora’s Cave, Siren Publishing, Booktrope, Luminosity, Decadent, and indie. Yay! Booklist, Publisher’s Weekly, Romantic Times and numerous online sites have praised my work, and trust me, I’m forever grateful for that. I’ve had my books reach finals in the EPIC competition, one title was named Book of the Year at a review site, and others have won awards in RWA-sponsored contests. I’m actually featured in the 2012 Novel & Short Story Writer’s Market. Talk about feeling like a freaking star. Before my writing career, I was the editor of an award–winning Midwestern newspaper and worked in Story Direction for a Hollywood production company. Outside of being an admitted and unrepentant chocoholic, I’ve flown a single-engine plane (scary stuff), rewired an old house using an electricity for dummies book, and have been known to moan like Meg Ryan in When Harry Met Sally whenever I’m eating anything Mexican or Italian. Yeah, I like to eat (burp).

You can check me out here – yes, I am everywhere!  🙂

FB Fanpage: http://on.fb.me/1ChWdD7
Email: tina@tinadonahue.com
Website: http://bit.ly/15Xy6LI
Blog: http://bit.ly/1yRB9k9
Goodreads: http://bit.ly/1wFmIu6
Twitter: http://bit.ly/1ziy4IU
Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1Dl8DHy
Triberr: http://bit.ly/1CE2ec7
Pinterest: http://bit.ly/1yFLeMx
Amazon author page: http://amzn.to/1ChWFkO
My page at TRR: http://bit.ly/1vb7eEc
EC Author Page: http://bit.ly/1Dh9wor
Samhain Author Page: http://bit.ly/1Bvw6mL
Sweet ‘n Sexy Divas: http://bit.ly/1ChWN3K
Romance Books 4 US: http://bit.ly/1JPtfeS

Surrendering to the Beast - Teaser 3


I’m offering one winner her (or his) choice of FIVE of my backlist ebooks – full-length, bestselling, award-winning, from this list (25 choices):

  1. Adored – RWA award-winning; EPIC 2011 Finalist; 4 Stars RT
  2. Deep, Dark, Delicious – EPIC 2011 Finalist; Holt Medallion Award of Merit
  3. Lush Velvet Nights – EPIC 2011 Finalist; Golden Nib Award
  4. In His Arms – SIX 5 Star Reviews; 4 Stars RT
  5. Sensual Stranger – 2010 Book of the Year (erotic); 4 Stars RT
  6. The Yearning – Top Ten Bestseller
  7. Take Me Away – #1 Pick, Miz Love Loves Books
  8. Unending Desire – Best Book Rating LASR
  9. SiNN – Nominated for Book of the Week LASR
  10. Sinfully Wicked – Magnificent – Romancing the Book
  11. Claiming Magique – Top Pick – NOR
  12. Illicit Desire – Four Stars Romantic Times
  13. Come Fill Me – Five Stars – Guilty Pleasures
  14. Losing Control – Four and a Half Stars – Sensual Reads
  15. Shameless Desire – Four and a Half Stars – The Jeep Diva
  16. Illicit Intent – Four and a Half Stars – Sensual Reads
  17. Deep Within Me – Four Stars – Romantic Times
  18. Seven Sensuous Days – 4 Stars – Long & Short Reviews
  19. Stolen Desire – 4 Stars – Romantic Times
  20. Taking Eve – What to read after FSOG and Story of O
  21. This Time When We Touch – Erotic Paranormal
  22. Carnal Takeover – BDSM
  23. Wicked Takeover – Erotic Contemporary
  24. Intimate Details – Menage
  25. Freeing the Beast – 5 Stars – LASR – Nominated for Book of the Month


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