Tag Archives: vampire

Revisiting the Scene of the Crime – Paris

As most of you probably already know, I’ve just been to Paris on a research trip for the follow-up to my lesbian erotic romance short, Bite with Height. Naturally, as Paris is just so inspiring and beautiful, I have tons of ideas for my upcoming story, which is very likely to be novel length, eek!

Also, though, I took the opportunity to revisit the “scenes of the crime” from Bite with Height, i.e. places that appeared/were relevant in the story. So for those of you that have read it, I hope you’ll enjoy seeing some of the places that you’ve read about in the flesh. If you haven’t, then perhaps these will whet your appetite and send you scurrying to your preferred eBook retailer 😉

Me posing with a Bite with Height postcard in front of the Sacre-Coeur basilica. This is where a great deal of the action takes place, mainly up inside that dome that you see right at the top. You know, the one you have to climb 300+ steps to reach. *phew*

A closer shot – not particularly flattering as it was a bit warm! The postcard is cute though, huh?

The view as you emerge from the first lot of steps. Though as it was a spiral staircase, my view was actually spinning a little, and I was gasping and pouring with sweat. Sexy, huh? No wonder Meg grabbed Grace and got her onto the roof the ‘easy’ way!

Finally up on the roof – the hat has been removed as it was uber-windy up there. Which is the only possible explanation for my insane hairstyle. I’m sitting on one of the stone benches inside the dome of the Sacre-Coeur – could this be where Meg and Grace got it on? Who knows…?

Plenty of room for two girls to get naughty there! They’re only slight, after all 😉

A rusty and somewhat mysterious-looking door. Could this be the entrance to Meg’s lair? That’s for me to know…

Sitting outside the Starbucks opposite the Moulin Rouge with a postcard. This is where Meg and Grace first met. It’s not as busy as when they first met, mainly because it had been raining and no-one wanted to sit on the wet seats. I, however, in my infinite genius got some tissues out of my bag and wiped them down. Ta-da! Posing picture!

I’ll probably do another post later in the week with some photos relating to the research for the follow-up to Bite with Height. In the meantime, if you haven’t read it – check it out here.

Gone Fishin’

Gone Fishing
Bite with HeightOK, so I obviously haven’t gone fishing. That’s not my cup of tea. I have, however, gone on my holiday/research trip to France, where I’ll be spending three days in Paris sightseeing and also researching the sequel for my paranormal erotic romance, Bite with Height. I’ll be hanging out in graveyards, bookshops, churches, erotic museums and much more. I’ll let you decide what’s for fun, and what’s research. You may well be surprised! All being well, I’ll also be meeting the lovely Emma Hillman for lunch – erotic writers lunching in Paris, how very cosmopolitan! 😉

There will be some posts appearing on the site (scheduling technology permitting) while I’m away, and I’ll probably send the odd Tweet via text, or if I can find free WiFi (that actually works!). Otherwise, though, I’m out of contact *shock, horror* until the 10th when life returns to normal (until K D Grace and Maxim Jakubowski’s book launch at Sh! Hoxton on the 14th October, of course!) and I’ll start wading through my emails then.

In the meantime, don’t do anything I wouldn’t do! 😀