Tag Archives: femdom

Saturday Spankings #10 – #SatSpanks

Saturday Spankings-467x200I’m excited to be taking part in Saturday Spankings again! This is basically a hop where authors post eight-ish sentences from a spanking book and link back to the other authors taking part. So, here goes, here’s my spanking snippet, which is from my newly released femdom erotic romance novella, Testing Tom:

Lightly, almost a tickle, a whisper. As much as she wanted to just lay into him, to stripe his arse until they were both so horny they were likely to explode, she also wanted to take her time. To reacquaint herself with his body, with his pain threshold, to see how much he could take before he cracked. She found herself remembering the time she’d beat him so hard and for so long that the sensations had overtaken him and made him come. That had aroused her beyond belief, so much so that she’d quickly stroked him back to stiffness, sat on his thick cock, then ridden him until she’d found her own release.

She couldn’t help wondering if she could do it again—make him come without touching his cock. It would be a wonderful—not to mention memorable—way to rekindle their relationship. Suddenly, she wanted more than anything to repeat that erotic experience, and set her mind to it.

I hope you enjoyed that snippet! You can grab the book here. And then see the below list to hop to the other authors taking part…

Sex Scene Championship – Need Your Votes!

Hi everyone, I really need your help. I’m taking part in the Sex Scene Championship on Scorching Book Reviews. Basically, it’s vote-based and someone gets knocked out in each round, leaving the winner to go onto the next round, etc, etc.

I entered the hottest sex scene from Testing Tom, so hopefully it’s hot enough to win!

I’m up against some seriously tough competition, and today I need your votes to get through the first round vs Joely Sue Burkhart!

Please vote for me here: http://scorchingbookreviews.blogspot.co.uk/2013/08/sex-scene-championship-round-7-lucy.html?zx=194543831ffb462a

Thanks so much!
Lucy x

Out Now, Coming Soon and Various Updates

As well as Testing Tom and A Taste of Paris, I also have another new title out. My smutty erotic story, Drawing a Crowd, was just released as part of The House of Erotica Summer Scorchers Collection:

A collection of three summer-themed erotic stories by Nicole Gestalt, Lucy Felthouse and Angela Sargenti. These fresh summer tales are sure to get you all hot and bothered.

Jungle Calls by Nicole Gestalt
On their wedding anniversary Samantha and Brian find a slightly different way to cool off.

Drawing a Crowd by Lucy Felthouse
When Samantha eats an ice cream on a tourist boat off the coast of Zante, she drives some of her fellow passengers wild. Years later, she uses her ice cream eating skills to snare herself some hot guys and tests her lips and tongue out on them, too.

Ellis in Wonderland by Angela Sargenti
Josh invites his college roommate, Ellis, down for the weekend to let him meet a young woman he knows and wants to share with Ellis.

More info, excerpt and buy links here: https://lucyfelthouse.co.uk/published-works/the-house-of-erotica-summer-scorchers-collection/


Next up is my second m/m piece (don’t worry, there’s more in the pipeline), Garden of Eden, a BDSM erotic romance. It appears in the HIS: Manlove Edition anthology from Evernight Publishing, coming 15th August:

Strength. Power. Experience. There’s nothing like a man who knows how to get what he wants, both in and out of the bedroom. And these dominant alphas want nothing more than to please and possess the men they love. No kink is too risqué as these men ensure their lovers never want to be anywhere but under their command.

Come and find out how good it feels to be HIS.

Watch this space for buy links, etc, when the book’s released.

More info and excerpt here: https://lucyfelthouse.co.uk/published-works/his-manlove-edition/


On the 23rd August comes my first novel. Sort of. I co-authored it with Lily Harlem, so it’s half mine. Grand Slam is book one in the Raw Talent series – a series of sports romance novels. This book is a BDSM erotic romance, with a hero to die for. We’ll also be doing a blog tour with this book, so keep an eye out for that:

California had seduced me with promises of a new life working at Los Carlos Tennis Academy. What I didn’t expect was the dark, brooding number one seed, Travis Connolly, resisting my help. He wasn’t interested in my psychology skills. Instead his attention was drawn to the edgy, sharper corners of my desires, proving that they existed, setting me challenges and driving me crazy to the point of combustion.

I’m the best tennis player in the world—officially—so why would I need a damn woman full of psychobabble to get me on form? Despite my irritation, however, I can’t resist pushing Marie Sherratt’s buttons even though doing that shows her the darkest shades of my lust, the parts of me I buried deep. So I set her a challenge, one she rises to, one that has me rising too, and before long my game relies on her calling the shots, hitting the target and bending to my will. One thing was certain, being not just master of the court, but also of Marie is seriously good for my soul.

More info and excerpt here: https://lucyfelthouse.co.uk/published-works/grand-slam/


On the 20th September, my Rubenesque erotic romance novella, Mean Girls, is released. I love this story – it was so much fun to write. And the hero’s a total hunk, too.

Adele Blackthorne is a big girl, a curvy chick. She knows it, and she’s been picked on all her life because of it. But she’s gotten to the stage where she doesn’t care. She may be Rubenesque, but she’s healthy, too. Much healthier than the mean girls at the leisure center that point and stare and say spiteful things about her. Adele rises above it all, and simply enjoys her secretive glances at the center’s hunky lifeguard, Oliver.

As the bullying of Adele becomes worse, Oliver finds it increasingly difficult not to intervene. He doesn’t want to get into trouble with work, but equally he can’t stand to see Adele treated in such a horrible way. Especially since he doesn’t agree that she’s fat and unattractive. He thinks she’s a seriously sexy woman, and would like to get to know her better. Much better.

You can pre-order this from Amazon already! https://lucyfelthouse.co.uk/published-works/mean-girls/


As for updates, well, I sold my first novel, Stately Pleasures to Xcite Books. I’ve signed the contract and hopefully it’ll be released towards the end of the year. I’ve also had my short story, Clipped, accepted for publication in Best Bondage Erotica 2014!

Also, Smut Alfresco had an awesome review from Erotica Revealed, where my story was chosen as the favourite. Whoop!

I’m sure there’s more, but I’ve forgotten in the excitement. Which isn’t necessarily a bad thing, because the very fact I’m excited is excellent 😀

Saturday Spankings #9 – #SatSpanks

Saturday Spankings-467x200I’m excited to be taking part in Saturday Spankings again! This is basically a hop where authors post eight-ish sentences from a spanking book and link back to the other authors taking part. So, here goes, here’s my spanking snippet, which is from my newly released femdom erotic romance novella, Testing Tom:

Lifting her arm, she trailed the end of the whip over his buttocks. Lightly, almost a tickle, a whisper. As much as she wanted to just lay into him, to stripe his arse until they were both so horny they were likely to explode, she also wanted to take her time. To reacquaint herself with his body, with his pain threshold, to see how much he could take before he cracked. She found herself remembering the time she’d beat him so hard and for so long that the sensations had overtaken him and made him come. That had aroused her beyond belief, so much so that she’d quickly stroked him back to stiffness, sat on his thick cock, then ridden him until she’d found her own release.

She couldn’t help wondering if she could do it again—make him come without touching his cock. It would be a wonderful—not to mention memorable—way to rekindle their relationship.

I hope you enjoyed that snippet! You can grab the book here. And then see the below list to hop to the other authors taking part…

New Release: A Taste of Paris

Hey everyone. I’m not actually here. I’ve gone away for the weekend for my birthday (it’s on Sunday), but of course I still had to let you know about my new release, A Taste of Paris. It came out today, and you’ll be able to buy it from the Ellora’s Cave website right away, and third party retailers within a few hours/days. Though it’s cheaper direct from Ellora’s Cave and comes in all formats for your eReader.

Here’s the skinny:

Book two of the A Taste Of… series

Ryan Stonebridge and his friend Kristian Hurst are traveling on their year off before going to University.

Unfortunately, Kristian has been called back home due to a family emergency. Ryan continues on to Paris alone, hoping his friend will join him again soon.

In the meantime, Ryan’s lucky streak with women continues, and by the time Kristian makes it to Paris, Ryan’s bumper box of condoms is depleting rapidly. However, there are more than enough women to go around, and Kristian intends to have some sexy fun of his own, and when the boys get a chance to play with two sexy ladies at once, they certainly aren’t going to turn it down.

There’s more info and an excerpt here: https://lucyfelthouse.co.uk/published-works/a-taste-of-paris/

Add it to your Goodreads shelves here: http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/17368766-a-taste-of-paris

Also, don’t forget I’m on tour at the moment, so head on over to my tour pages for Testing Tom and A Taste of Paris, check out the posts and enter the giveaway!

P.S. Grand Slam now has a release date… the 23rd August. Very excited!

Hump Day Hook No. 21 #HDH

humpdayhookHi everyone and welcome to Hump Day Hook, which is basically where authors post a paragraph from a WIP or a published work to show it off to the world. This week, I’m sharing another snippet from my femdom erotic romance novella, Testing Tomwhich is out now!

He adopted the puppy-dog look he’d long-since perfected. Katrina sighed.

“You’ve got five minutes. Sit down.”

They moved over to the sitting area, and Katrina deliberately sat in the chair, so Tom couldn’t sit next to her. Settling onto the end of the sofa nearest to her, he clasped his hands together, presumably to summon his courage, and began.

“Kat, I’m here to say I’m sorry, all right? I was wrong, so wrong, to finish with you the way I did and go off with Alicia.”

“She dumped you, has she?” Katrina clenched her teeth, and felt the rage beginning to build inside her. If Tom thought he could come running back to her because his bimbo had ditched him, then he had another think coming.

Want more? Of course you do! Here’s the page  for Testing Tom. And click here to go and visit the rest of the Hump Day Hook gang. Leave us comments about our pieces – we love it! 🙂

Happy Reading x