Tag Archives: femdom

Hump Day Hook No. 20 #HDH

humpdayhookHi everyone and welcome to Hump Day Hook, which is basically where authors post a paragraph from a WIP or a published work to show it off to the world. This week, I’m sharing another snippet from my femdom erotic romance novella, Testing Tomwhich is released on 30th July with Secret Cravings Publishing.

As it happened, it wasn’t a salesperson. She ducked back from the window, clenched her hands into fists.

“What the fuck is he doing here?”

He was literally the last person she’d expected to see standing at her door. Prince William or George Clooney would have been less of a shock.

For there, outside her house, stood the man that had broken her heart several months ago. Thomas Black. She hadn’t seen hide nor hair of him since, and now, totally out of the blue, he’d turned up.

Katrina contemplated ignoring him, going back to her show and pretending she wasn’t in. But apparently that wasn’t an option.

“I know you’re there, Katrina,” he yelled through the letterbox, “your car is on the drive, and I can see the glow of the telly through the curtains.”

Katrina decided it was time to get thicker curtains. Not wanting to cause a scene, which her nosey neighbors would no doubt adore, she moved to the front door, unlocked it and flung it open.

“Get in,” she said, quickly closing the door behind him, then turning to face her unwanted visitor. “What the hell do you want?”

He held his hands up in supplication, then spoke. “Look, I know I’m probably the last person you expected to see—wanted to see—but I have to talk to you. Please?”

Want more? Of course you do! Here’s the page  for Testing Tom. And click here to go and visit the rest of the Hump Day Hook gang. Leave us comments about our pieces – we love it! 🙂

Happy Reading x

Hump Day Hook No. 19 #HDH

humpdayhookHi everyone and welcome to Hump Day Hook, which is basically where authors post a paragraph from a WIP or a published work to show it off to the world. This week, I’m sharing a snippet from my femdom erotic romance novella, Testing Tomwhich is released on 30th July with Secret Cravings Publishing.

Katrina was halfway through an episode of her favorite drama series when her doorbell rang. She jumped, gasping as her heart lurched painfully, then pressed ‘pause’ on the remote control. Wincing slightly as she unfolded her legs from beneath her bottom—she’d been watching the program back-to-back for a couple of hours and she was stiff—she moved to the window and peered out through a gap in the curtains, careful not to let the mystery visitor see her, should she need to ignore them. Cold callers were common in her area, and drove her crazy. If she wanted to buy something, she’d contact them, not the other way around.

Want more? Of course you do! Here’s the page  for Testing Tom. And click here to go and visit the rest of the Hump Day Hook gang. Leave us comments about our pieces – we love it! 🙂

Happy Reading x

A New Release and Two New Book Covers

Hi everyone,

Just a flying visit to let you know about a new release I have out, as well as two new book covers for future releases. So, without further ado:

Silk and Strangers is a swinging anthology, edited by Peter Birch and published by Nexus Books.

Contains my story, When Dreams Come True.

Silk & Strangers is a collection of eight short stories set in the world of adventurous, uninhibited sex. Wife-swapping, swinging, dogging, exhibitionism and voyeurism are all explored in vivid detail by some of the best erotic writers around, including Lucy Felthouse, Monica Belle and Cat Scarlett.

More info, excerpt and buy links here: https://lucyfelthouse.co.uk/published-works/silk-and-strangers/


Secondly, I had my book cover sent through for my upcoming femdom erotic romance novella, Testing Tom. It’s due to be released on the 30th July by Secret Cravings Publishing. How hot is that cover?!

Here’s the blurb:

When Katrina’s ex, Tom, turns up on her doorstep, he’s literally the last person she was expecting to see. After dumping her and running off with a vanilla chick, Tom broke the Domme’s heart and left her seriously hurting. So when he returns, begging for another chance, Katrina is understandably very confused and protective of her bruised feelings. She finds it very difficult to believe that he’s turned his back on a vanilla lifestyle for good and wants to be with her, a professional dominatrix. Rather than letting her head or her heart figure out what to do, whether to forgive him, she decides to put Tom through a series of challenges that will prove his devotion to her—or not. Testing Tom is not something she’d ever expected she’d have to do, but to her, it’s the only way she can be sure whether he’s back for good.

More info and excerpt here: https://lucyfelthouse.co.uk/published-works/testing-tom/


And last, but certainly not least, I had this cover through for Mean Girls, a M/F Rubenesque erotic romance novella, due to be released on the 20th September by Ellora’s Cave, as part of their Curve Appeal range.

Here’s the (unapproved) blurb:

Adele Blackthorne is a big girl. She knows it, and she’s been picked on all her life because of it. But she’s gotten to the stage where she doesn’t care. She may be Rubenesque, but she’s healthy, too. Much healthier than the mean girls at the leisure center that point and stare and say spiteful things about her. Adele rises above it all, and enjoys her secretive glances at the center’s hunky lifeguard, Oliver.

As the bullying of Adele becomes worse, Oliver finds it increasingly difficult not to intervene. He doesn’t want to get into trouble with work, but equally he can’t stand to see Adele treated in such a horrible way. Especially since he doesn’t agree that she’s fat and unattractive. He thinks she’s a seriously sexy woman, and would like to get to know her better.

More info and an (unedited) excerpt here: https://lucyfelthouse.co.uk/published-works/mean-girls/

What do you think? I’d love your feedback!

When Sparks Fly

I’m not from the US, but I’m more than happy to celebrate with my American buddies. Hurrah! And boy, do I have a lot to celebrate. I’ve signed several new contracts in the last few weeks, and I have new releases coming in the next few weeks. The first one comes out at the end of July, and is a femdom erotic romance, called Testing Tom. Here’s the blurb:

When Katrina’s ex, Tom, turns up on her doorstep, he’s literally the last person she was expecting to see. After dumping her and running off with a vanilla chick, Tom broke the Domme’s heart and left her seriously hurting. So when he returns, begging for another chance, Katrina is understandably very confused and protective of her bruised feelings. She finds it very difficult to believe that he’s turned his back on a vanilla lifestyle for good and wants to be with her, a professional dominatrix. Rather than letting her head or her heart figure out what to do, whether to forgive him, she decides to put Tom through a series of challenges that will prove his devotion to her—or not. Testing Tom is not something she’d ever expected she’d have to do, but to her, it’s the only way she can be sure whether he’s back for good.

You can read an excerpt here, too: https://lucyfelthouse.co.uk/published-works/testing-tom/


Now, onto the rest of the When Sparks Fly Blog Hop. Each blog is giving away a prize, and there are lots taking part, so you’re in with a chance of winning lots of great stuff. To enter my giveaway, use the Rafflecopter below, then go back to the event page to carry on hopping. Good luck, and have fun!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Saturday Spankings #2 – #SatSpanks

Saturday Spankings-467x200I’m excited to be taking part in Saturday Spankings again! This is basically a hop where authors post eight-ish sentences from a spanking book and link back to the other authors taking part. So, here goes, here’s my spanking snippet, taken from my fem-dom short story anthology, Punish Me Good:

Avery decided to go the whole nine yards on this particular occasion and she picked up the most brutal tool in her possession. Carrying the switch over to where Malachi stood prone, Avery positioned herself behind him purposely so he couldn’t see what she was holding. Then she caressed her empty hand over his soft, yet muscular cheeks. She’d soon put some colour into that pale flesh. She drew her hand back and gave his bottom a hearty slap. The sound ricocheted around the room, but as always, not even the slightest sound emanated from Malachi’s lips. Bringing her arm back, Avery slapped the other side of his rump, enjoying the heat in her hand and the angry handprint which was temporarily etched onto Malachi’s skin.

I hope you enjoyed that snippet! You can grab the book here. And then see the below list to hop to the other authors taking part…

House of Erotica House Party

House of Erotica House PartyAs part of the House of Erotica House Party, I’m going to dish the dirt on my single-author collection, We Love Lucy. Here’s the blurb:

House of Erotica brings you a thrilling collection of Lucy Felthouse’s best erotic fiction. From BDSM, M/F to F/F, this extensive range of exciting stories will leave you desperately wanting to read on…

Stories included: While The Boys Are Away, Beside The Seaside, The Inner Circle, Susie White and the Right Hand Man, Punish Me Good, Trophy Boyfriend, On the Prowl, A Stroke of Peach, Double Vision, Miri on the Wall.

There really is something in this collection for everyone. While the Boys Are Away, Beside the Seaside and The Inner Circle are all hot lesbian tales. Susie White and the Right Hand Man is a sensual fairy tale. Punish Me Good and Trophy Boyfriend are kinky fem-dom stories. On The Prowl is a saucy ménage.  Double Vision is a military erotic story. And finally, Miri on the Wall is rubenesque.

And here’s a sexy excerpt from While the Boys Are Away:

“C’mon,” said Amelia. “Let’s go get showered while the boys are doing their cavemen piece.”

Gemma giggled. Her boyfriend Rob and Amelia’s bloke Tony were hunkered over the barbeque, desperately trying to get it to light. The breeze wasn’t helping, and the boys were getting increasingly irritable. It was time to make a hasty retreat before they started beating their chests.

The girls dashed into their respective tents and grabbed their stuff. As they started walking across the campsite to the shower block, Amelia said quietly, “I don’t know why we can’t just go to the pub, like normal people.”

“Heard that!” yelled Rob, glowering at them both. The girls scurried quickly away, not wanting to incite any more of the boys’ wrath.

Pulling the door shut behind them, Amelia remarked, “Ahh, it’s lovely and warm in here. Ya can’t beat a heated toilet block.”

“Too true,” responded Gemma, moving over to the sinks to put her things down. She looked around, checking that they were alone.

“Now, let’s get you out of those wet clothes.”

“Wha—” before she could ask the question, Gemma had depressed the tap, filled her hands with water, and thrown it at Amelia.

“You bitch!” Amelia squealed, running over to Gemma. She began to tickle her, knowing the other girl would be helpless with giggles in a matter of seconds.

As she tried to block Amelia’s onslaught, Gemma sucked in a breath and gasped, “I thought we were going for a shower.”

Relenting, Amelia said, “You’re right. We were.”

Dropping a kiss on Gemma’s tousled head, she grabbed their stuff and headed for the biggest shower cubicle. Her lover followed, almost recovered from her giggling fit. Sliding the lock home, Gemma turned, only to see that Amelia was already stripping.

“Eager, aren’t we?” Gemma said, a smirk pulling at the corners of her mouth.

“Shut up and get undressed,” Amelia responded, grinning at her. “We can’t be too long, or the boys’ll send a search party. Remember last time?”

Gemma laughed as she thought about the last time they’d come camping. The girls had been making love in the shower when they heard a knock at the door and a childish voice call out their names. It turned out that Rob and Tony had sent the little girl from the pitch next door to see if they were okay. Little Amy was very confused when both girls emerged from the same cubicle, and they’d had to come up with some lame excuse about Amelia having tangled her hair in her necklace.

Luckily, Amy had been young and naive enough to swallow their excuse. The boys had never been any the wiser. Still, they didn’t want to take any chances, especially since it could be the campsite warden knocking on the door next time, and they’d have to come up with a watertight excuse to fool an adult.

Kicking off her shoes, Gemma undressed. All the while she watched Amelia, whose nipples, despite the heat in the room, were hardening. Gemma expected it was due more to arousal than the temperature.

Reaching out a hand, Amelia switched on the shower then ducked back quickly. The water pounded down into the tray, and seconds later steam started to fill the air. Amelia tested the heat and, satisfied, stepped in. Gemma quickly joined her, but not before retrieving her bottles of shampoo and shower gel from her bag.

Dropping the containers onto the shelf behind her girlfriend, Gemma happily let herself step into Amelia’s embrace. They stood there for a few seconds, not moving, letting the water pummel and heat their skin.

Check out the buy links for this collection here.

Other House of Erotica titles I have published are: On the Prowl, Punish Me Good, While the Boys Are Away, Susie White and the Right Hand Man, Smut in the City, Smut by the Sea, Uniform Behaviour, Flesh Spills and Secret Thrills and Absolute Valentines.