Tag Archives: reindeer

Christmas Break and Various Book News #reverseharem #christmas #holiday #pnr #femdom #bdsm

Hey lovelies,

I’ve been super busy in this lead up to the Christmas break, so I’m now enjoying a well-earned rest! 🙂

But it’s been worthwhile, because it means I have a couple of pieces of bookish news for you:

  • Moonstone and Snowbound have now left Kindle Unlimited and are available at most retailers
  • I received the rights back to my older titles, Cupid and Testing Tom, and have re-edited and made them available with luscious new covers and lower prices

I hope you have a safe and restful festive period, and here’s to a better 2021 for all of us.

Happy Reading,

Lucy x

Cupid Re-Releases Today! (@evernightpub) #erotica #romance #shifter #paranormal #holiday

Hi everyone,

I’m delighted to announce that thanks to Evernight Publishing, my shifter erotic romance short story, Cupid, is back on the market, and just in time for Christmas. This holiday/Christmas story actually takes place in January, but is incredibly relevant to Christmas, as you’ll see…


As a postman by day, and one of Santa’s reindeer on a single very special night, Cassius Cupid eats, sleeps, and breathes deliveries. He doesn’t mind, but sometimes wishes that someone would send him something more exciting than bills and junk mail.

One cold January morning, Cassius gets his wish. A young woman arrives with a parcel. Turns out it’s for his housemate – but Cassius doesn’t care. All he’s interested in is Carina – the beautiful female courier.

Has Cupid finally met his match?

Grab your copy here: https://lucyfelthouse.co.uk/published-works/cupid/

Add to Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/27255784-cupid

Please note – the story is previously published, and has been re-edited for this publisher, but there are no significant changes to the story, so if you’ve already read it, no need to buy it again.

Happy Reading,

Lucy x


Cover Pretties for Upcoming Releases! #erotica #romance

Hi everyone,

I’m delighted to show off a couple of cover pretties for a couple of upcoming releases!

First of all, the Sweet Sensations boxed set, which contains contemporary romance stories from Lynn LaFleur, Ann Jacobs, Denise A. Agnew, L.M. Connolly, Ari Thatcher, yours truly, Anh Leod and Marilu Mann. Once you’re done admiring the artwork, scroll down to find out more about my story in the set.

SweetSensations_Kindle_2d (1) - Copy


Love Through a Lens by Lucy Felthouse

Celine Patterson is a recent graduate eager to begin her career as a camerawoman—with the fashion world and all its glitz and glamour calling to her. Things aren’t that simple, however, and she’s forced to take a job making a documentary in the Peak District countryside with a mid-list British actor.

In spite of her initial disappointment—not only is the job not what she wanted, the pay is appalling, too—Celine warms to the project. The actor she’s working with, Edward Robson, is kind, considerate, funny and a consummate professional. She realizes she can learn a great deal from him, and resolves to do so.

As the days of the shoot pass by, Celine grows increasingly fond of Edward, and that fondness quickly goes beyond the platonic. Convinced her crush is completely one-sided—he’s over three decades her senior, for starters—she tries hard to ignore it, hoping the feelings will go away.

But then something happens to change Celine’s opinion, and flip her world upside-down. How will she react? And can she emerge from this project with both her career and her heart intact?


This set is due for release on 24th November, and the price during the pre-order period is just 99p/99c. So if you want to bag this amazing collection at a bargain price, I recommend 1-clicking now 😉 http://getbook.at/sweetsensations

My second cover reveal is for Cupid. Some of you may think this sounds familiar… this is because it’s a re-release. Sadly, when the previous publisher closed its doors, I had to find a new home for this book. Happily, Evernight Publishing accepted this M/F paranormal erotic romance, gave it this gorgeous new cover, and have it scheduled for release in December as part of their holiday release schedule. I don’t have an exact date yet, but I’ll update the site as soon as I do.


Here’s a reminder of what the book is about, for those of you that haven’t read it:

As a postman by day, and one of Santa’s reindeer on a single very special night, Cassius Cupid eats, sleeps, and breathes deliveries. He doesn’t mind, but sometimes wishes that someone would send him something more exciting than bills and junk mail.

One cold January morning, Cassius gets his wish. A young woman arrives with a parcel. Turns out it’s for his housemate – but Cassius doesn’t care. All he’s interested in is Carina – the beautiful female courier.

Has Cupid finally met his match?


I hope you like the covers, and will check out the books! 🙂

Lucy x

It’s Blissemas Time, Mistletoe and Wine…


Hi everyone, and welcome to the fifth day of Blissemas. Actually, despite the title of my blog post, I’m really not bothered about mistletoe (don’t need it to give my OH a kiss!) and I can’t stand wine. Horrible stuff. Vodka or cider are my poisons of choice 😉

Anyway… for those of you that have taken part in previous Blissemas events, you’ll know I’m actually not the biggest fan of this time of year. Winter and cold are really not my thing, and I think retailers and advertisers are ruining Christmas by forcing it to start as soon as Halloween is over and done with. By the time I get to December I’m fed up with it, never mind the 25th! Sorry for being all bah humbug 😉

All I really want this Christmas (you know, apart from a lottery jackpot win or Jeremy Renner naked except for a bow) is some time off work and some rest and relaxation. It’s been a really tough few months for me and my family, so I’m looking forward to chilling out and eating lots of naughty food. And probably watching crap telly.

Now, just to attempt to prove I’m not a complete and utter Scrooge, here’s a super sexy excerpt from my festive erotic romance tale, Reindeer Games: Cupid. If this book doesn’t get you in the holiday spirit, I don’t know what will 😉 Don’t forget to read right to the end of the post to find out how you can win the Blissemas Grand Prize!


teaser_cupidReaching down to make sure she was ready for him, he looked up at her, startled, when she grabbed his wrist. “What?”

“Nothing. Just trust me, I’m wet enough. I want to feel your cock stretching me.”

Cassius was pretty sure he’d never heard anything so erotic in his life, long as it had been. He was also pretty sure it was the first of many incredibly sexy moments between them. Doing as she asked, he grasped his shaft and aimed it towards her entrance. Before he had a chance to do anything else, he felt Carina’s legs wrap around his back — and with surprising strength, she pulled him into her to the hilt.

“Fuuuuuuuuuuck!” he howled, his brain struggling to catch up with the sensations he was experiencing. She was wet, hot, and so fucking tight.

He looked down at Carina’s face, which held an expression of wonder. He kissed her lightly on the lips, before asking, “Are you all right?”

She nodded emphatically. “Yes, I’m just… I don’t know. I’ve never had it like this before.”

He knew what she meant. They’d only just started the main event, and already it had surpassed anything he’d ever experienced before. “Me either, and I’m not just saying that.”

“I know.” The look in her eyes was soft, adoring, and it became more so as he began to rock his hips. He grunted as she tightened her internal muscles against him.

“Hey,” he said gently, “Stop that. You’re driving me crazy enough without cheating.”

She giggled, then reached up to pull his face towards hers. Their lips met in a tender, yet bruising kiss that was laden with intent. Carina’s tongue forced its way into his mouth, and she sucked at his tongue, mimicking the actions his cock was making inside her.

A guttural moan emanated from his throat. This woman would be the death of him. Sexy. Fucking. Wench. His hips thrust in time to the words, and he picked up his pace, deliberately rolling his pubic bone across her clit with every stroke. The noises coming from the beautiful woman beneath him told him that she was enjoying herself just as much as he was, and it was just as well because he was holding back. His need for her was such that he wanted to go faster, harder, to thrust into her until she screamed so loudly the neighbours would hear.

He pulled away from their kiss, sucking in a huge breath. “Babe, you feel so good. I want to go faster, but I’m afraid I’ll come too soon.”

Carina’s eyes glinted, and she gave a wicked smile. “Give it all you’ve got, big boy. We’ve got all night.”

Laughing at her choice of words, he kissed her again—he just couldn’t get enough of those lips—then raised himself up once more and began to fuck her for all he was worth. His job—not to mention his species—meant that he was fit, and he got into an incredibly fast and furious rhythm. His gaze met hers, and they just looked into one another’s eyes in awe and wonder as they allowed their pleasure to wash over them, again and again, until it reached fever pitch.

“Oh,” he said, gritting his teeth to try and delay the inevitable, “I’m going to…”

Carina said nothing, instead bobbing her head up and down in agreement.

Taking extra care to stimulate her clit with each stroke, Cassius continued pounding into Carina’s wetness until his second orgasm hit him, with next to no warning. The shock made him lose control of his words, and as his cock twitched, spurting into the condom, he said, “Unnhh… fuck… I fucking love you. I love you.”

It wasn’t until he opened his eyes and looked into Carina’s wide, stunned ones, that he realised what he’d said — but she didn’t recoil, or laugh at him. Instead, she reached up to stroke his face, and said softly, “Do you mean that, or was it just the heat of the moment?”


Grab your copy of Reindeer Games: Cupid here: https://lucyfelthouse.co.uk/published-works/cupid/

Add it to your Goodreads shelves: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/16161416-reindeer-games


By commenting on this post you get one entry into the Blissemas grand prize for a Kindle Paperwhite stuffed with smut. For a list of rules and other Blissemas blogs please check http://blissemas.co.uk.

Happy Blissemas!
Lucy x

Winter Spanks: Cold Hands, Warm Bottoms

Brought to you by Spanking Romance Reviews & The Saturday Spankings Blog!

Thank you for joining us for Winter Spanks! Let’s warm up with some hot bottoms & cool prizes! Read on for a chance to win:

Welcome to the Winter Spanks: Cold Hands, Warm Bottoms blog hop! When I first signed up, I wasn’t quite sure what I was going to write about, because although I’ve written winter-themed stories and spanking stories, I haven’t yet combined the two. I must be honest, I’m really not a fan of the cold weather, not one little bit. I dislike being cold, dislike snow and ice, and am hoping for a lottery win so I can buy a house in Australia and live there for several months of the year! Knowing this, it’s probably no surprise to you that one of my favourite books that contains spanking is actually set in California in the summer. I’m sure you’ll forgive me for the lack of cold hands when you  meet Travis Connolly – a character in Grand Slam, a BDSM novel co-authored by myself and Lily Harlem. Here’s a spanking snippet.

I’d tip her off another time. Right now I was going to turn that beautiful arse bright red, and then who knew what would happen afterward? Something good, I hoped.

I looked around the room, giving myself a few seconds to get into the right frame of mind for what I was about do. Everyone else was immersed in their own activities, no one had even appeared to notice us enter. Perfect.

I stroked the dip of her back. This was supposed to be a punishment, but on the other hand, Marie was a total newbie and I didn’t want to scare her off to the extent that she’d pull out of our sexual arrangement.

Ooh, yum! 😀

So, now you’ve enjoyed some of Travis and Marie’s sexy adventures, onto the prizes. In keeping with the winter theme, I’m giving away a copy of my shifter story, Reindeer Games: Cupid, which is actually set at this time of year. So there’s cold and ice… but no spanking! Damn, I really need to write a winter spanking story, don’t I? 😉 *adds to list*


Follow the links to read the blogs–comment on the blog to prove you were there. At this blog, please answer the question – what’s your favourite thing about winter?

COPY AND PASTE COMMENTS WILL BE DISQUALIFIED! Each comment earns you one entry for the grand prize. You must provide your email address for your entry to count. Use the Rafflecopter for a chance to win Reindeer Games: Cupid. Enjoy all the free stories, posts, & fun!

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