Tag Archives: femdom

New Release: Multi-Orgasmic – A Collection of Erotic Short Stories #ku #kindleunlimited

Hi everyone,

I’m delighted to announce my next release! Multi-Orgasmic is a solo anthology, containing twenty one erotic short stories for your enjoyment. Here’s the skinny:

Multi-OrgasmicFrom the pen of award-winning erotica author Lucy Felthouse comes a collection of short stories and flash fiction sure to hit the spot.

There’s something for everyone nestling between the pages of this sexy anthology. From spanking to voyeurism, bondage to pegging, solo loving to ménage, with a sprinkling of femdom, maledom and magic, fans of M/F erotic stories will soon discover why this book is described as multi-orgasmic.

Enjoy twenty one titillating tales, over 52,000 words of naughtiness packed into one steamy read.

Please note: Many of the stories in this book have been previously published in anthologies and online, but three of the tales are brand new and never-seen-before!

It’s only available on Amazon currently, which means that it is FREE for Kindle Unlimited members, or you can own it forever for a bargain price.

Buy links here: https://lucyfelthouse.co.uk/published-works/multi-orgasmic/

Add to your Goodreads shelves: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/23457636-multi-orgasmic

Happy Reading!

Lucy x

Why I Write BDSM – BDSM Blog Hop! #BDSMhop

bdsmbloghopbadgeWelcome to the BDSM Blog Hop, which is all about raising awareness of various practises, and educating those that want to learn more about BDSM and the lifestyle.

I thought a good way for me to do this would be to put up a post on why I write BDSM. I never used to, you see. When I first started writing erotica and erotic romance, I kept it pretty vanilla – usually between a man and a woman, though not necessarily in a bed. Thinking about it, the first story I had published took place in an army truck!

I didn’t understand BDSM, and I didn’t really like reading books that featured BDSM. But now, several years on, my mind has been well and truly opened. I’ve read lots of books about it, researched it – albeit from the comfort of my computer chair – and have now penned several books containing it, including two full-length novels. If you’d told me that five or six years ago, I’d have laughed at you.

Basically, the longer I’ve been in the industry, the more I’ve learned about all kinds of things to do with sex and alternative lifestyles. I’ve always been open-minded, luckily, and I’ve always enjoyed learning new things. So, for me, adding lots of new pairings and genres to my writing CV was a natural progression. Now, I thoroughly enjoy it. I love having different characters with different kinks – or not – to play with, to tease, to taunt, to give them happy endings. Or not. BDSM just opened up a whole new world for me to write in, and now I’m very glad that I did. I think some of my best books and stories are the kinky ones, and my first novel, Stately Pleasures, which is a BDSM ménage erotic romance, is still in the Amazon UK charts over six months after its release.

So yeah, it’s been a learning curve. But wow, what a fun curve it’s been! Carry on hopping to find out more about BDSM in all its guises, find great books about it, and so on. By the time this hop is over, I’ve no doubt you’ll be enlightened – and I’m sure I will have learned more, too, having visited all the other blogs taking part. What a fantastic idea!


Here’s some more information about Stately Pleasures:

Alice Brown has just landed her dream job. Property manager at Davenport Manor, a British stately home. It’s only a nine-month contract to cover maternity leave, but it’s the boost up the career ladder she so desperately needs.

Unfortunately, things don’t get off to the best start, when Alice finds her boss, Jeremy Davenport, in a compromising position. Far from being embarrassed by what’s happened, Jeremy turns things around on Alice and makes her out to be the one in the wrong. So when he and his best friend and head of security, Ethan Hayes, then throw an ultimatum at her, she’s so stunned and confused that she goes along with their indecent proposal.

When the dust settles and Alice has time to think about things, though, she realises that perhaps it isn’t such a bad thing. There are worse things she could be doing to advance her career, after all.

Read an excerpt and grab your copy here: https://lucyfelthouse.co.uk/published-works/stately-pleasures/


My other BDSM books and stories: Testing Tom, The Perfect Dom, The Sweetest Revenge, Punish Me Good, Naughty Delivery and Grand Slam. These are a variety of lengths, kinks and heat levels – check out the individual pages for more information.

My BDSM stories have also been featured in the following anthologies: The Big Book of Submission, Sexy Just Walked Into Town, His: Manlove Edition, Best Bondage Erotica 2014, Coming Together: In The Trenches, The Big Book of Bondage… and many more!


Before you go, make sure to enter my giveaway using the Rafflecopter below. Then scroll down to check out the rest of the blogs on the hop. Have a great hopping time! (P.S. Over on the sidebar – there’s a Goodreads giveaway for a copy of Stately Pleasures, too!).

Happy Reading,

Lucy x


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Thankfully Naughty

Welcome to the Thankfully Naughty Giveaway Hop, and thanks for stopping by! This post, as I’m sure you’ve already guessed, is all about wickedness. As an erotica and erotic romance writer, I can supply wickedness with no trouble at all… but definitely the good kind 😉 So here’s a little snippet from one my wickedest (did I just make up a word there?) recent releases, Testing Tom, a femdom erotic romance:

Sitting in the middle of the sofa, her usual television-watching spot, she crossed her long legs and picked up the remote that was resting on the arm. Just before pressing the button to switch the set on, she spoke. “Turn around, Thomas. Face the corner next to the front door, sit down, be silent and don’t move until I tell you.”

“Y—yes Mistress.” He said nothing else, but she heard the rustle of clothing and muffled thumps as he shifted into the position she’d ordered. After giving him long enough to get himself sorted, only then did she turn her head and look at him.

“Very good,” she said, with a nod. “Now I’m going to watch some TV.”

He remained still and silent, so she twisted back around and did as she’d said. Pushed the red button and waited for the screen to flicker into life, before using the remote to find a channel she wanted to watch and selecting it.
For the entire hour of the first program she watched, the only sound came from the television. Had she muted it, she would probably have heard only two lots of breathing. Tom was doing as he was told, and doing it well.

I hope you enjoyed that. I know Tom did 😉 You can grab the eBook here.

So, now for my prize. I’m giving away a $5 Amazon Gift Card. Just use the Rafflecopter below to enter, then scroll down and check out the rest of the blogs on the hop.

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My Sexy Saturday #3 – #MySexySaturday

My Sexy Saturday

Welcome back to My Sexy Saturday. This is where writers post either 7 words, 7 sentences or 7 paragraphs from their published work or work in progress, sticking to the week’s theme. The theme is pushing the boundaries. So here’s a snippet from Testing Tommy femdom erotic romance novella. Enjoy!

Unclipping the chain connected to his collar, she stuffed it into her handbag. “Sit down over there.” She pointed to a chair next to a dressing table. The table was covered in all kinds of paraphernalia that was associated with stage performers, and a few things that were specific to adult stage performers. Biting back a smirk as Tom’s gaze lit on a huge black strap-on dildo, she followed him over to the chair. When he sat down, she grabbed a red silk blindfold from the dresser.

“This is absolutely your last chance to safeword. Once this blindfold is on, we’re going to go on the most exhilarating journey of our lives. You in?”

He nodded. Leaning down to press a kiss to his lips, she then straightened up and walked behind him. Slipping the silk down across his eyes, she checked to see if it was in the right position before pulling the ends together and tying them up firmly, but not so tight it would hurt. Shifting back in front of him, she bent down to see if there were gaps beneath the material. Sticking her tongue out and waving her hands about, she figured he wouldn’t have been able to resist smirking if he could see her now.

So, her silliness out of her system, she switched into professional Dominatrix mode. Squeezing her breasts together, she made sure they were sitting correctly in her tight leather dress, thrust up and out for maximum effect. She tugged at the dress’ hem to make sure it was straight. Then, grabbing the mask that was hanging from the corner of the mirror, she pulled it on and looked at her reflection to make sure her hair and makeup were still perfect. They were, and she grinned wickedly before snagging a few more items from the display in front of her and popping them into her bag.

“Tom?” she said, reaching for his hand. “We’re going to go onto the stage now, all right? You’re wearing a blindfold and I’m wearing a mask, so no one will be able to recognize us, and they certainly couldn’t identify us in the street. I’m going to turn around. Put your hands on my hips and follow me—you don’t have to keep two paces between us. Then we’re going to have some kinky fun. Understood?”

“Yes, Mistress.”

“Good.” She turned around. “Hands on my hips, Thomas.” She felt him groping around a little before finding her and putting his hands where he had been told. He was gripping a little harder than was necessary. She didn’t know if it was because he was nervous or because he wanted to make sure he wasn’t going to fall over, but either way she thought it was sweet. “Okay, let’s go.”

You can buy Testing Tom here.

Please use the list below to head on over to the other blogs participating in My Sexy Saturday, and don’t forget to leave us all comments, we love ’em!

Happy Reading,

Lucy x

Reviews Galore and Sharing a First Chapter!

As I’m sure you lovely folk already know, I’ve had a few new releases just lately, which has had me dancing around excitedly rather a lot. Well,  just to add to my awesome exercise programme, all three of my new releases have had fantastic reviews. Here goes…

Grand Slam was reviewed by Michelle Graham:

“…a hot, torrid affair that will leave the reader tingly and warm. I have to say, I love both Lily Harlem and Lucy Felthouse on their own, but when they team up, man can they write a damn fine book! …this book will leave readers…satisfied. I highly recommend it!” Michelle Graham

Testing Tom was reviewed by Long and Short Reviews:

“I really enjoyed this story, it’s realistic and I could follow the thought processes of both characters with ease. It had the potential to be a bit nasty, but it isn’t; its sexy and sensitive, a good look into the lifestyle and a wander into the heads of the two main characters. Ms Felthouse certainly cranks up the sexy in this book, she also manages a good sprinkle of romance and love, not easy with the themes she’s dealing with.” 4 out of 5, Long and Short Reviews

And A Taste of Paris was reviewed by The Jeep Diva:

“Felthouse writes with an ear for reproducing conversations to sound natural, and background of the cities to give a sense of place. Fun and cleverly written these erotic shorts are a trail of conquest and satisfaction through major European cities, and are sure to please many.” 4 out of 5, The Jeep Diva

Also, D. Renee Bagby has featured the entire first chapter of Grand Slam, which gives you a mighty fine view of the lead male, Travis Connolly… literally: http://drb1stchp.com/2013/08/grand-slam-by-lily-harlem-and-lucy-felthouse/

Saturday Spankings #11 – #SatSpanks

Saturday Spankings-467x200I’m excited to be taking part in Saturday Spankings again! This is basically a hop where authors post eight-ish sentences from a spanking book and link back to the other authors taking part. So, here goes, here’s my spanking snippet, which is from my newly released femdom erotic romance novella, Testing Tom:

Continuing to sweep the end of the whip over Tom’s bum cheeks, Katrina made sure she’d touched every inch of skin, tantalizing it with the maddeningly soft touch. Then, with no warning whatsoever, she jerked her arm back, then shot it forward again to land a stinging blow. The only sound was that of the impact—not a single decibel came from Tom’s lips, and Katrina raised her eyebrows, surprised. He was obedient—always had been—but she’d deliberately tried to lull him into a false sense of security before giving him the first stripe, wondering if the shock would make him gasp, screech, or yell. Apparently not.

Katrina nodded. He hadn’t forgotten, then. She’d tried the same tactic with him, a very long time ago, and it had worked that time.

I hope you enjoyed that snippet! You can grab the book here. And then see the below list to hop to the other authors taking part…